Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 294: Seek, Wandering Warlock League

Thirty years later!

"No again!"

Eli pushed open the door of a Wizard Tower and walked outside.

The place where he was at this time was a ruin of a wizard.

Walking out of the door, there are a large number of warlocks. They are all surrounding the entire ruins at this time, exploring carefully, not missing any small places.

Seeing this scene, Eli shook his head.

A map of the age of wizards was opened out of the box earlier, which recorded the location of the once powerful wizarding forces on the west coast. Therefore, Eli followed this map and began to search for the ruins of wizards one by one, with the purpose of breaking through the information of the true spirit.

But after thirty years of searching, there was still nothing to gain.

This high-end knowledge is more difficult to obtain than he thought.

"My lord, these are all the gains in this ruin!"

At this time, a warlock came over, handed Eli a list, and reported.

In recent years, the Tower of Bloodline has established a new department, the Ruins Exploration Department, which has great power, and the purpose is to excavate things that used to be in the wizarding era, and he is one of them.

"I see!" Eli nodded and took the list.

Soon, he was a little disappointed.

Still nothing.

"Does it really have to go to the Central Continent?" Eli frowned.

There is no doubt that the West Coast should belong to a remote corner in the wizarding world. Not only is the location not good, but the overall strength in the past is far from being comparable to that of the Central Continent.

Compared with here, the Central Continent undoubtedly has more resources and opportunities. If there must be such materials somewhere, then it must be the Central Continent.

"Forget it, wait a little longer!"

Eli really has no idea of ​​going to the Central Continent at the moment, that would be too dangerous.

"Moss, I'll leave it to you afterwards, I'll leave first!" Eli said to the warlock.

In fact, he would only come when he found some huge ruins, but undoubtedly this time it was another failed exploration, and he should go back.


Soon, Eli returned to the Black Tower Prison again.

I was in a bad mood today and tortured my inmates.

With the wailing of the prisoners, Eli also returned to his normal life.

Although he hadn't reached the limit yet, his spiritual power was already at 450 points, and Eli could feel that he was about to reach his limit!

Time blinks and five years pass again.

The relic exploration department found three relics at the same time this time.

But there seems to be a little surprise.

"Master, among the three ruins this time, only two of them are located within the range of the Bloodline Tower, and the other is in the Wandering Alliance.

In the Wizard Tower, Vivica's student, and now the Tower Master of the Bloodline Tower, Alice respectfully said to Eli.

"Okay, I see!" Eli nodded.

Over the years, there have been more and more wanted criminals or fugitives in the Central Continent. On the east coast of the West Coast, they even formed a new force, the Wandering Alliance!

Although this force has an ordinary name, its strength cannot be underestimated.

Even on the bright side, there are dozens of third rings, but it seems that they are afraid of the background of the central continent of the Tower of Blood, so they have been huddled in a corner, but due to their strong strength, they inevitably occupy a large area.

In this regard, the Bloodline Tower is also very helpless. Although the Wandering Alliance has a small number of people, their individual strength is very strong. Even the Bloodline Tower is not an opponent.

Eli, the only one who can deal with these people, is not too interested.

"Master, do you need to take action against the homeless family?" Alice had Xi Yi in her eyes, and he hoped that Eli could take action to solve this force.

"No need, aren't there many other ruins? Let's talk after the exploration is over?" Eli understood Alice's thoughts, but he didn't plan to cause trouble until he made a breakthrough!

Unless there is really evidence that that force has what it needs


"Okay!" Alice nodded, a little disappointed. Over the years, the strength of the Wandering Alliance has become stronger and stronger. She is worried that some unknowable changes will really happen.

Soon, the exploration of the ruins began.

With the efforts of the department, the two ruins were explored in just ten days.

Unfortunately, there is still no gain.

This year, Eli's mental strength was 454 points.


ten years later.

Eli's spiritual power reached 460 points.

At this time, the external environment has undergone tremendous changes again.

Most of the vagrants who came to the west coast chose to join the homeless home. Gradually, the power of the homeless home began to expand rapidly. In just a few years, they already had a complete organizational structure.

But here comes the problem. With the expansion of their personnel, the resources they need also increase geometrically, and the existing resources can't meet them at all. At the beginning, they can still collect them in the ocean or in some places, but gradually, the resources in these places Resources are no longer enough.

What they need is resources that can be collected on a large scale and that are sustainable.

But this part is monopolized by the Bloodline Tower.

So, the trial began.

Over the years, the Wandering Alliance began to send warlocks to harass the Bloodline Tower one after another, and gradually discovered that the people in the Bloodline Tower were not as powerful as they thought.

And with the arrival of the Central Continent personnel, some news also came.

The Tower of Bloodlines almost doesn't care about this place anymore!

Therefore, the wanderers made a bold move, and within a few days, they captured several resource points.

The strength of the Wandering Alliance makes the Bloodline Tower feel terrified!

But fortunately, after obtaining these resource points, the homeless home did not make a new round of actions, which made Alice a lot easier.

Eli still didn't make a move. At this time, his spiritual power was 458 points.

In ten years, it has only increased by 4 points, and it is getting more and more difficult!


Another ten years.

Eli's spiritual power reached 462 points.

The Homeless Home did not move, but the time hourglass moved.

In the northern area, traces of the time-hourglass person were found. This force that has not shown up for more than a hundred years has finally begun to show its fangs.

You know, more than a thousand years ago, the time hourglass was the uncrowned king here.

As soon as the Time Hourglass people, they occupied a large area in the north near the middle, and then stopped, as if their purpose was just for this.

But no one dared to ignore them because of this. Everyone knew that when they moved next time, the situation on the west coast would change drastically.


Eli wasn't interested in that.

With one heart and one soul!

At this time, his mental strength has almost reached its peak, but the relevant information has not been found for a long time. Eli is also very helpless about this, but there is nothing he can do.

But what Eli didn't expect was that five years later, the arrival of a spaceship changed everything.

In the area of ​​the Bloodline Tower, an airship from the Central Continent arrived here.

And this airship is a major force belonging to the Central Continent.

Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce!

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