Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 295: Ginger's gift, shocking Corina

【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

In the main tower of the Bloodline Tower.

living room.

The two sat opposite each other in front of the sofa, while the guards poured tea for them respectfully.

"Mr. Collina, this is the blue sound unique to our west coast. It tastes very sweet. You should try it. I have already notified Mr. Herman. He is probably coming soon!" Alice sat on the sofa, looking on the opposite side.

Opposite her was a middle-aged warlock with a mustache, wearing a golden warlock robe, with rings on both hands, and a short staff in his right hand!

"It's okay, I have a lot of time!" Corina picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"I don't know what Mr. Herman is looking for. Is there anything I can do to help!" Alice asked curiously.

She never expected the visit from the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce.

Because the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce also gave up here decades ago, everything about them has disappeared, but this time, they have worked so hard to come here, it is hard not to make her think too much.

"I want to send something to Lord Herman." Collina smiled, but didn't continue talking.

Seeing that Collina stopped talking, Alice didn't ask any more questions.

The two fell into silence for a while.

Time passed little by little, and suddenly, footsteps were heard in the distance, and a man pushed open the door and walked in.


Seeing someone coming, Alice stood up immediately.

"Yeah!" Eli nodded to Alice, and then looked at the man opposite her.

Just yesterday, as soon as he heard that the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce was coming, he hurried towards the Tower of Blood. There was only one reason, and that was that at the same time, Eli received a message from Jin Ji who hadn't contacted him for hundreds of years.

The message is simple, just tell Eli, something has arrived!

At that time, Eli's heart was pounding, because he only asked Jin Ji for one thing, and that was to help him find enough information to advance to the true spirit.

Eli looked at the man who was dressed in the style of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce. Before he could speak, Collina stood up and quickly reached out to Eli, saying respectfully, "You are Lord Herman, right?"

"Well, you are?" Eli nodded.

"My name is Corina, you can call me Corey!" Collina smiled.

Looking at his appearance, the corners of Alice's mouth twitched.

You didn't look like this when you saw me just now, just look at the dishes!

"Then what is your purpose?

"Master Jinji must have told you that I am here to deliver something to you this time." After confirming his identity, Corina took out a space ring and handed it to Eli without any nonsense.

"My lord, this is what my lord asked me to give you!"

Eli took the ring and immediately turned his consciousness back.

During this process, the two quietly waited aside.

Alice watched as a smile gradually appeared on Eli's face, as if she was very satisfied with the things, which made her very curious, what exactly could make Master so happy.

A few seconds later, Eli recovered and said to Corina, "Thank you very much!"

"It is my honor to serve you and King Jinji!" Collina said humbly with his right hand on his chest.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

"It seems that Jin Ji is doing well in the Central Continent. I'm curious about his situation. Can you tell me about it?" Eli asked, looking at him.

The moment he came in, he had already observed Corina all over.

This is a warlock at the peak of the third ring.

To make a warlock at the peak of the third ring come here to deliver things, it is obviously impossible for Jinji to rely on strength, so it is power!

"Of course!" Corina nodded and smiled.

When Eli watched him, he watched Eli.

He was also very curious about who is the person who can make Lord Jinji so respectful. Before he came, he was

I have told you many times, at least he has never seen an adult like that.

In his impression, Lord Jinji is always a genius with high fighting spirit and will never give in to anyone. Even in the face of the true spirit, he has never been so revered as he was that day.

But when he actually stood in front of Eli, he realized that something was wrong.

Although this person has the third ring, his aura made him feel as if he was facing a real spirit.

Does that make doesn't make sense!

Although he hadn't fought before, he felt that even ten of them might not be able to beat Eli.

He knew it was silly, but it really came from his gut.

Soon, several people sat on the sofa, and Collina began to tell about Jinji's situation.

"Lord Jinji, he just advanced to the third ring some time ago, and at the same time, he became the Golden Toad of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce. You must know that he is only two hundred years old, and he is really a top genius.

Besides these, Lord Jin Ji is the most suitable Warlock of Golden Toad's bloodline I have ever seen. With his talent, as long as there are no accidents, his promotion to the fourth ring is a certainty in the future.

Since Mr. Jinji came to the Central Continent, he also took over part of the business of the Chamber of Commerce. At first, everyone thought that Mr. Jinji was just a mud leg from the west coast, so how could he have such strong business skills.

But my lord really slapped everyone in the face. In just a few decades, the performance of his branch has risen directly from the middle to the first. I was also the Jinji who defected at that time!',

Corina tells Ginger's story.

Eli didn't expect that so many things would happen after these little guys went to the Tower of Bloodline, and he is worthy of the title of the man favored by fate, he is indeed fierce.

Alice's eyes are also bright.

She also has some expectations for the Central Continent.

"But adults are having a hard time recently!" Then Collina shook his head and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Eli asked.

"It's like this. Although my lord can always make very accurate decisions, due to the previous incident in the holy tower and the struggle between various forces, we made a lot of money in the process, but we were also envied by others. Someone cast a curse on the adults through the excavation from the ruins, causing the blood of the adults to be continuously eroded!" Corina said angrily.


Eli looked surprised.

Is it so ruthless? And it was because of that war, isn’t it also related to him? Then because of the problem with the previous true spirit information, he knew it again.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

What a wonderful fate!

But if it wasn't for Collina, Jin Ji probably wouldn't have planned to tell him. It seemed that he really didn't want to bother him at all, or that he probably had nothing to do.

But since he knew it, he couldn't ignore it, after all, Jin Ji brought him a big gift this time.

"Wait a minute!" Eli stood up and left the room abruptly.

Corina and Alice were also puzzled for a while, but they still waited.

Three minutes later, Eli returned.

But this time when he returned, he already had an extra crystal in his hand, but it was a pitch-black crystal with a transparent shell, but there was indeed a cloud of visible shadows inside.

He tossed this to Collina.

Corina hastily caught it.

"My lord, what is this?" Collina looked at the crystal, not quite understanding.

"This will help Ginger!" Eli said as he sat back down and looked at him.

"What?" Collina's eyes widened, as if he didn't quite believe We'll know when we go back, drink tea first! "Eli understood his thoughts and waved his hand to signal him to calm down.

But how can Corina calm down at this time, you must know that Jin Ji has been cursed for several years, and even now his blood has begun to decline, which is a very terrible thing.

It would be great if it could be fixed.

Could this be the reason why Master Jinji asked him to come here?

Corina seems to be

Suddenly figured something out, revealing a sudden look.

So this is ah.

"Thank you sir!" Collina settled down and thanked Eli.

"Drink tea!" Eli just smiled and didn't speak.

It was an investment before, but this time it is the first round of financing!

Time passed by little by little, and half a day had passed in the blink of an eye.

"Master Corina, how many days are you planning to stay here?" Alice asked.

"I'm going to leave now!"

Originally, Collina still had the idea of ​​staying for a few days, but at the moment he had no idea at all. He just wanted to fly back to the Central Continent as soon as possible. Lord Jinji needed Lord Herman's things.

"Okay then." Alice nodded.

That afternoon.

Alice and Eli send an anxious Corina away.

Watching the airship slowly fly into the sky, Alice and Eli return.

On the way, Alice couldn't bear his curiosity anymore, and asked Eli, "Master, what exactly did the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce give you?"


Eli replied calmly.

The information to be promoted to the true spirit is hope for him.


Alice was completely dumbfounded!

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