Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 297: The poignant and beautiful scenery, the half-step true spirit of the Wandering Alliance

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Ten years passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Eli's spiritual power has reached 468 points, a little more than expected. This is related to Eli's improved talent. Even at this time, he can improve his mental power faster than before.

He was no longer that talented and garbage wizard, relying on his own efforts, even if he was placed in the wizarding world, he could still be regarded as a little genius.

Of course, apart from mental strength, Eli's preparations are almost done at this time.

Comoros fruit was made into a potion by him, and other auxiliary potions were also prepared, the only thing missing was the crystallization of spiritual power and spiritual power.

The latter waited for time, while the former, apart from collecting the Bloodline Tower, he also started to act.


west coast.

Sawyer Mountains.

Eli floated above the sky with calm eyes, looking at the stretching mountains below.

"Almost all soul slaves are gathered here at this time!"

Since ten years ago, Eli has ordered the spirit monsters that have already been scattered all over the west coast to gather here. Now ten years have passed, and tens of thousands of monsters have gathered here.

There is only one purpose for him to come here today, and that is to crystallize his soul.

Stretching his body, a wave of soul wave began to center on him and spread in all directions, summoning the monsters in the Sawya Mountains.

Follow his call.

The entire mountain range gradually began to have some small echoes, followed by the roars of countless monsters. They gathered together, like a war of monsters, rising and falling among the mountains.

This is just the beginning. After shouting, in Eli's eyes, an unknown number of monsters began to gather here. Between the mountains stretching on the ground, torrents rushed here. They were countless soul slaves. It's almost the same in the middle, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

There were 40,000 to 50,000 hundreds of years ago, and the number at this time is even higher than before.

Even Eli could not help but feel shocked watching this scene.

The riot lasted for half an hour.

Half an hour later, Eli looked at the mountains, where there were dozens of miles of magical beasts, densely packed, scattered on the ground like sesame seeds.

Not sure if these are enough!

At this moment, the monsters raised their heads, waiting for Eli's order.

They are also very curious about what Eli is going to summon them for!

In fact, Eli hadn't cared about them for a hundred years, but only restrained them from entering the Warlock's territory at will, so even some monsters almost forgot that they had soul imprints.

Tens of thousands of eyes stared at Eli, who smiled slightly and stretched out his hand.

Close slowly.

At this moment, all the monsters felt a throbbing in their hearts.

Eli wants them dead!

Do not!

Countless resistance turned into a torrent, and the monsters on the edge looked crazy, and ran towards the distance. Fear made them lose their will, and they didn't understand why Eli would do this.

And those monsters that are closer are basically three rings.

All of them showed hideous faces and roared.

The brand of slavery stemming from the spirit told them that Eli really wanted their lives, and bringing them together was nothing more than a convenient way to kill them.

The power of the three rings gave them initial wisdom, and they understood that they had to kill Eli to have a glimmer of hope. In an instant, nearly a hundred three rings rushed towards Eli.

Heaven and earth, in all directions.

They stretched out their claws and fangs, approached Eli, and surrounded him.

"The brand imprinted on the soul is an insurmountable shackle. It's a pity, a group of creatures that can't even control themselves." Eli just looked at them and said with pity.

The next second, the outstretched hand closed.

At the same time, the bloodlines and even the imprints of countless monsters were instantly activated.


Like the ripples that let go, the spirits of monsters

The soul was instantly shattered, and there was no chance to resist. The demons in the sky fell together, and the monsters running on the ground drew a path on the ground.

And the monsters rushing towards Eli fell like rain.

This is the dominance of the soul slave, the life and death that is completely controlled.

Watching tens of thousands of lives passing by in front of Eli, Eli's eyes remained calm, but he had a little more understanding of life and fate.

If you can't control your own life, just like these monsters are controlled by others, how sad it is.

And that's what keeps Eli going.

He controls his own destiny, so he always chooses to be more cautious, after all, he only lives once.

"What are you thinking, let's condense the soul crystallization." Eli shook his head, and let's stand in the moment.

He stretched out the space ring, took out a few crystals, and threw them around, accurately hitting the boundary of the death of the monster, and then beams of light lit up.

- A large-scale witch array.

Seeing the magic formation light up, Eli's eyes gradually turned silvery white.

In the sky, a dark vortex slowly appeared, and on the ground, the soul fragments in the body of the monster appeared and began to gather towards the sky.

The soul fragments are a little faintly light blue, so at this time, it is like a orchid rain rising from the ground for tens of miles, and the vortex in the sky is black, making the picture extremely dreamy.

"Beautiful scene!" Eli exclaimed.

Although the scenery is beautiful, he has not forgotten what kind of premise it was built on. It was created by the broken souls and lives of tens of thousands of dead monsters.

And as the soul crystals gathered, one soul crystal began to condense in the sky. Although there was only one soul crystal, it exuded a large wave of soul breath, which was much more than ordinary three-ring crystals.

This is what Eli did on purpose.

What he needs is a high-level one, and he needs as many low-level ones as he wants!

There are hundreds of third rings, and several second rings and first rings. Eli is bleeding heavily, so how can there be no harvest!

Soon, an hour passed.

The condensation of the crystals in the sky has reached the last moment, the breath has reached the peak of the third ring, but it has been slow to condense, almost.

"Lack of a half-step true spirit level soul!" Eli quickly judged that a core was missing, but this made him worry, where to find a half-step true spirit!

But at this moment, he seemed to sense something.

He looked towards one side.

In the distant sky, a figure flew towards this side quickly.

Exuding a powerful aura of a half-step true spirit, terrifying and terrifying.

It was a middle-aged looked a little old, his skin stuck to his bones, skinny, and he was wearing a gray-black wizard robe with a bloodstain on it.

And this wizard robe, if Eli remembers correctly, it should be the recently rising Wandering Alliance.

But why is he here?

The Wandering Alliance shouldn't be near here.

Does it matter though? It doesn't matter.

Isn't this delivered to your door?

Eli had a smile on his face.

The sorcerer in the distance had a ferocious smile on his face and shouted loudly:

"Hand over that soul crystal!"

Was it a robbery?

Eli suddenly realized, then he would have no psychological burden!

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