Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 298: 4-ring soul crystal, the bewilderment of the Wandering Alliance

【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

Masood is a half-step real magician who had to escape because he offended a big force in the central continent, and then came to the relatively remote west coast.

In order to obtain resources, he joined the homeless force here, the Homeless Alliance, which has been decades since today.

But in recent years, the contradictions within the alliance have become more and more serious, the reason is very simple, it is because of insufficient resources and uneven distribution!

Compared to the Bloodline Tower, which occupies most of the resources, their Wandering Alliance only occupies dozens of resource points, which is far from meeting their needs, and more and more people come to the west coast every year to join them.

So, just last year, their leader decided to attack the Bloodline Tower.

In fact, their power is long enough, but the number is not large enough, but with the increase in the number of these years, it is barely enough, so he was sent out to investigate today to prepare for future attacks!

After preparing, he sneaked into the Sawya Mountains all the way, preparing to go to the core area of ​​the Bloodline Tower to investigate, but on the way, he encountered a special situation.

He only saw countless monsters gathering in one place in the Sawya Mountains, and it was only at this time that he was surprised to find out how there were so many monsters in this mountain range.

So he followed immediately, and before reaching the center, he saw all the monsters die suddenly, and then the soul fragments gathered towards the sky, like a dream.

And looking at the soul crystallization made him feel dumbfounded.

The quality is already infinitely close to that of the Fourth Ring, and it is definitely an extremely precious item.

But when he got closer, he realized that an ordinary-looking man was approaching, so he became ruthless, ready to kill and steal.

"Hand over the soul crystal!" Masood flew not far from Eli, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and at the same time, the aura that belonged to the half-step true spirit was fully exuded.

"Are you going to grab it?" Eli asked knowingly.

"Nonsense, boy, this is not something you can have!" Ma Su's skin gradually appeared a trace of scales, his right hand turned into a sharp claw, and his eyes turned into vertical pupils, looking at him coldly.

"Then come and get it!" Eli looked at him with a smile on his face.


Masood looked at Eli's smile, his eyes became colder.

Being wanted in the Central Continent received all kinds of cold looks, but no one dared to underestimate him when he came here.

The blood flow in the body accelerated, and Masood's blood suddenly surged up from the outside of his body, and it came out from the skin, and turned into a huge lizard behind him, wrapped him up, and then stared at Eli!

In the next second, Masood flew across the sky like a bomb.

His strong physical fitness made his speed almost invisible to the naked eye, only a terrifying red shadow rushed towards Eli, and the coercion of his blood drove the sound of hunting.

"Go to hell." Masood had a grin on his face, making no effort to hide his malice!

Eli smiled and raised his hand.

A shadow gradually gathered.

Shadow Dragon Breath!

On the other side, at first he didn't take it seriously when he watched the shadow condense, but as the shadow condensed, Eli's power gradually became apparent, and a feeling of fear that made him gradually linger in his heart, like a shadow.

to die!

Wrapped in blood, Masood's eyes gradually widened.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

What the **** is this!

Is this three rings?

What did he do? This is the true spirit.

Messed up with the wrong person.

"My lord, spare your life!" Masood has never been so frightened as today, shouting loudly, turning around and running, as for the soul crystallization, he didn't even dare to think about it.

This person in front of him is not the person he thought was the one who picked up the leak, this frankly is the maker of this tragedy.

What the **** did he do!

Immediately, the blood outside his body began to burn, and he was burning his own vitality so that he could run faster, but when he turned around, he saw only a shadow coming before his eyes.

"It's over!"

Masood scolded

sentence, and then covered by black light!

As a beam of light with a diameter of several meters swept across the space, he could only see the blood around him like bubbles, and his body, before he even reacted, had disappeared into the shadows.

This is absolutely true!

Before his death, Masood had the last word in his mind, it is impossible to have such a strong third ring.

Seeing the death of this half-step true spirit, Eli just waved his hand lightly. At the place where Masood died, a gray shadow gradually appeared, and then flew towards the sky, flying all the way into the soul crystal.

Following this step, the soul crystallization also instantly became complete, bursting out with dazzling white light.

After a few seconds, the white light also disappeared, and the shadows in the sky disappeared without a trace.

But a translucent crystal is floating in the sky, exuding a soft light, and the breath is even more terrifying, reaching the level of the fourth ring.

"The penultimate step of promotion is completed!"

Eli flew over to grab the crystal, and couldn't hide the joy on his face.

Soul crystals at the fourth ring level are almost ready now.

So, after transforming the soul slaves on the ground into undead and putting them away, Eli left here and returned to the Bloodline Tower.

It's almost mentally weak now.


— a valley!

It used to be an abandoned wizard ruin, but since the arrival of the Wandering Alliance, it has become the core area of ​​​​the power.

And in this center, in a wizard tower, there was a sudden exclamation.

"What? Masood is dead!"

Gu Yido looked at the warlock who sent him a letter in front of him with a confused expression.

"Yes, my lord, we have confirmed that the breath of Masood in the alliance has disappeared!" A woman said to Guido in front of his eyes.

"How did you die?"

Guido frowned. He was a half-step true spirit-level warlock and the current head of the Wandering Alliance. He was the one who sent Guido to investigate, but he died unexpectedly.

Can anyone in the bloodline family kill him?

He doesn't quite understand.

"Call the others!" He thought for a moment, then said to the woman.

"Yes!" The woman walked away arm in arm.

Half a day later, dozens of people gathered in a conference room, among them were the three-ring limit, and there were six people who were half-step true spirits, including Guido.

At this time, everyone else looked at Guido.

Guido looked calm and said, "Masood is dead!"

"What? Masood is dead? Didn't he go to investigate?"

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

"How is it possible? Was it discovered by the Bloodline Tower, but how could they keep Masood!"

"In the end what happened?"

Guido's words awakened everyone like a bomb, and they were a little surprised.

"I don't know what happened? But Masood seems to have disappeared near the Yasuo Mountains." Guido tapped the table lightly to signal silence.

But everyone didn't listen to him at all, and they continued to argue.

Looking at this scene, Guido frowned.

There is no way, they are all wanted criminals, it is not easy to unite these people, but if they want them to be completely obedient, it is a dream, and this is also an important reason for their development!

No just wait.

After a while, the discussion ended, but there was still no answer.

They really couldn't think of any powerful figures in the Tower of Bloodlines, after all, they had only come here not long ago.

As for Herman, almost never heard of it.

This is normal, even in the extraordinary world, if you haven't shown up for more than a hundred years, how many people will remember you, let alone these outsiders.

Seeing the quiet scene, Gu Yido said again: "This time, Masood's death should be counted as the worst case. This shows that there may be stronger characters in the Bloodline Tower than we expected!"

"So our plan was temporarily suspended for a few years, and I happened to have a friend who belonged to an evil organization in the Central Continent and had four half-step true spirits who were going to join us.

At that time, when they come, we will have ten and a half steps of true spirits. No matter how many cards the Bloodline Tower has, it will be useless. blood bag!"

"What, four half-step true spirits!"

"That would be great!"

"Really, I think we have enough people now, maybe Masood's death was just an accident!"

Some are happy and some are not!

But this time, Guido did not intend to spoil them.

A huge aura swept across the audience, and his eyes were cold.

"That's the way it is, who wants to object?"

What he can master here is not relying on lip service, but real strength.

Seeing Guido like this, the others said nothing and agreed.

Then wait for the arrival of the four half-step true spirits.

They are not short of these years.

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