Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 299: Break through, break through!

【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

the other side.

After returning to the Bloodline Tower, Eli explained to Alice again, and then started a new round of retreat.

After that, the changes in the Sawyer Mountains were also noticed by many people.

Everyone was shocked, but no one knew why so many monsters died here collectively. At first, many people wanted to investigate, but in the end there was no conclusion, and it was classified as a mystery!


Seven years later.

With the sound of a door opening, a wizard tower that hadn't been opened for several years opened.

Eli came out.

"Seven years!"

The sun was shining on Eli's face, and Eli felt very comfortable.

Originally, he estimated that he should be able to reach 470 points of spiritual power in five years, but when he arrived, 470 points, he found that this did not seem to be his limit, so he continued to meditate, and finally reached 472 points of spiritual power. Since then, he His mental power has been completely perfected, and he can no longer improve it a little.

The next step is to break through the true spirit!

In fact, Eli has really done a lot of preparations.

Mental power is just the last gate, and now this gate has been opened, and there is only one way to break through, and there is no other choice.

And the changes in his wizard tower were naturally noticed.

After a while, Alice came over with someone.

"Master!" Alice said respectfully, and the people behind her also bowed their heads respectfully.

However, quite a few of them didn't know Heman, only some of them knew about Eli, and they were a little shocked, because except for some of them, some of them hadn't seen Eli for nearly two hundred years, and even thought that he might be dead.

"Master, why did you come out this time?" Alice asked curiously.

Eli glanced at the crowd, but didn't answer, but instead asked, "Have you prepared all the things I've asked you to collect over the years?"

"Master, get ready!" Alice said.

These years, soul crystals, and other things they have been collecting.

"Okay, then leave it all to me." Eli nodded. It is very convenient to have a power.

"Okay, Master, are you leaving?" Alice asked.

"Yes, leave for a while." Eli nodded, and said again: "By the way, you asked Nicholas to come over, this time he also went out with me."

"Yes!" Alice nodded.

Unlike Vivica, who can easily ask some intimate questions, she is more like Eli's subordinate.

Soon, dozens of space rings were sent over, and Nicholas also arrived late.

"My lord!" Nicholas came to Eli and said respectfully.

At this time, Nicholas's strength has not declined compared to before, and he is even stronger than before. But when Eli's eyes flashed with silver light, he could only see black spots appearing in Nicholas' soul body, like Generally rotten.

Eli was taken aback.

The undead naturally have a lifespan, but their lifespan is different from that of ordinary people. As long as they continue to absorb spiritual power, their strength will continue to rise, but this process cannot be stopped. Once it stops, then The soul body will start to corrupt.

Nicholas, who is now at the limit of the third ring, naturally has no shortage of ordinary souls, but it is hard to find ones of the same level, so Nicholas's state has not been very good these years.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

"You don't look well!" Eli said, looking at Nikolai.

"Your Excellency can see it too, but it should last for decades!" Nicholas sighed. As the level increased, it was indeed getting harder and harder for him.

"I don't know what my lord needs me to do?" He changed the subject and asked.

"Breakthrough!" At this time, Alice and the others had already left, and Eli didn't hide anything, and told him directly.

"What?" Nicholas raised his voice suddenly, looking at Eli in surprise.

Is it finally here?


I need you to guard with Hydera!" Eli said again.

"Yes!" Nicholas immediately said, if the lord is strong, then maybe he can change his situation.

"Then let's go, this time, I chose the south as the location of the breakthrough!"


After all, the two understood the Tower of Blood, and then set off all the way south.


after one day.

The two came to the White Tower area, but they still didn't stay.

Continue to go south until you reach the territory of the former shadow monitor lizard warlock academy.

That's right, this time Eli placed the place of promotion at the outermost edge of the west coast, where external interference can be minimized.

It's not that he doesn't want to go further south, even Byrne, but the concentration of elements there is too low for a breakthrough.

"My lord, where is the place you chose?"

Above the sky, Nicholas followed Eli and asked curiously.

"It's here!"

Suddenly, Eli, who was always in front, suddenly said, the speed began to slow down slowly, and flew towards the ground, Nicholas followed silently, and saw exactly where it was.

"Isn't this the shadow monitor lizard warlock camp? But it has been abandoned for a long time." Nicholas looked at the ground, and this is actually the place where Eli first came into contact with warlocks.

"That's right!"

At this time, Eli has landed on the ground, and the former camp is in front of him.

However, with the northward relocation of the White Tower, it has been completely abandoned at this time, with only dilapidated houses and a dirty and messy environment. Eli chose to use this place as a breakthrough location.

"Nicolas, go here and clean up." Eli ordered.


Thousands of undead emerged from Nicholas's soul, flew forward, and began to clean up the place for Eli.

During this process, Eli wandered here for a while.


Soon, this place was tidied up, and Eli began to imprint the witch formation in the most central square, layer by layer, extremely complicated.

This process lasted for half a month before Eli finally stopped.

At this time, in the center of the entire town, there was a huge hexagram engraved on it, and a complex wizard formation was engraved in it. If an apprentice or even a ring of wizards took a look at it, they would feel dizzy.

Except for this, within a kilometer of the surrounding area, there are all witch formations. To be honest, the materials consumed in this step are not weaker than the value of soul crystals, because all the materials he uses are the that , that is, hundreds of thousands of soul crystals are piled up on the ground, spreading around the hexagram like several hills, exuding waves of fluctuations.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

"There are also fourth-order and potions!"

Eli then took out the four-ringed soul crystal and put it on his chest, and then took out a bottle of orange potion, which was formulated with the Comoros fruit that Jin Ji sent, and the effect was even better.

After these preparations were over, Eli called for Nicholas.

"Nicholas, it's a few kilometers nearby, if anyone wants to come in, kill them!" This time, Eli ordered directly.

"Yes!" Nicholas nodded, he understood that this time it was really a make-or-break situation, but with the talent of an adult, there is absolutely no problem.

Watching Nicholas leave, Eli summoned tens of thousands of undead skeletons and ran towards the surroundings. The undead were in charge of the sky, and the skeletons were in charge of the ground and underground.

Then Hydera, who had not been summoned for a long time, was also summoned.

"Go, guard around here!" Eli patted Hydera's head.

Hydera rubbed, and then left. Today, he is enough to rival several half-step true spirits.

Seeing that everything that should be done was done, Eli glanced at the sky, then sat in the center of the hexagram, closed his eyes, and meditated over and over again.

He needs to let his spirit and soul, and even his blood reach the peak state.

Half a month later.

Eli closed his eyes with a deep breath.

In the eyes, there is only firmness.

Time to break through.

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