Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 300: True spirit, true spirit! (five k)


Eli took a deep breath, letting go of his mental power like sea waves, and the surrounding air gradually rippled layer after layer, a terrifying suppressive force rippling.

At the same time, the six-pointed star witch formation under him started to light up from the core, and spread rapidly towards the periphery, bursting out with dazzling light, directly covering Eli in it.

At this time, Eli closed his eyes, feeling his body.

between consciousness.

The spiritual power like the ocean began to flow, like waves, beating Eli's spiritual power layer by layer. During this process, Eli's spiritual power was also solidified little by little.

Sea Tides Meditation.

The intermediate meditation methods that Eli obtained from Byrne's secret realm were much more effective than ordinary meditation methods. Even after so many years, Eli found a lot of meditation methods, but none of them were as good as this one.

And at this time, it also plays its role.

Wave after wave of mental power is like ocean waves, constantly compressing Eli's mental power, and the power of the witch formation is to assist Eli to better control his mental power.


Hydera shrunk to the shoulder of the true spirit, and then one person, one undead, and one synthetic beast set off to the north and returned to the Bloodline Tower area.

Nicholas looked at the vision and said with emotion.

next second.

In the end, with a touch of blood-red power born in the blood, Zhenling finally heaved a sigh of relief, that is the source of blood belonging to the warlock!

Under the sky, an eight-headed giant snake spewed out a shadow, and then flew towards it.

the other side.

With the extreme compression of mental power, this inexplicable power became more and more turbid in Zhenling's heart.

"Hahaha!" Nicola laughed.

At the same time, Eli drives the elements, and the elements dozens of kilometers away gradually converge towards the true spirit. Under the sky, countless elements seem to turn into entities, blocking the sun, like the end of the world.

"Is it going to change the sky again?" The warlock of the eight-ring limit looked at the sky and sighed.

Perceiving this situation, Zhenling did not relax, knowing that the next step would be difficult.

"Bell, don't talk about it, be careful that the wizard array can't perceive it!" The warlock with the eighth ring limit frowned and said.

The true spirit feels the power in my body, which is dozens of times stronger than after the breakthrough. At that time, I also understood that the gap between the seventh ring and the eighth ring was not small.

The moment the source of the bloodline appeared, the source of the bloodline and the power of the witch formation seemed to be attracted, and in the blink of an eye, the power of the bloodline rushed into the consciousness space, and then the two ended their fusion.

A white light suddenly descended, and the warlock instantly turned into smoke and dust, and even a large pit of tens of meters appeared under the ground. Everyone was stunned and looked up.


The spiritual power of the true spirit is still being compressed, and it only took an hour. The lake of spiritual power in Qian Jun's mind has not disappeared. There is only a collection of basketball mental power, but it seems to have stopped shrinking again.

"time to go!"

My lord breaks through, how can I let that group of miscellaneous fish interfere!

But suddenly, I looked up, and the original dark cloud of elements began to gather towards the big town, and the cloud of elements that covered tens of kilometers away in the blink of an eye disappeared.

His own blood began to condense.

The true spirit is also a Buddha!

But a figure was slower and hadn't flown out from me, it was Hydera.

True Spirit, who was flying with Nicholas in the sky, frowned suddenly.

What the **** is that?

They come, the security.

In the next second, the wave of spiritual power instantly became bigger and rumbled, as if a wave was really blowing between Eli's spiritual power ocean, and the process was also infinitely accelerated.

True Spirit's eyes widened.

Of course, I have to get out of there first.

"Bell, don't talk about it!" the warlock at the peak of the eighth ring still comforted.

Then Hydra lifted the snake's head

, The huge body of nearly a hundred meters waved and looked around, with murderous intent in the eight pairs of eyes. The master told me that no one was allowed to approach.

The abnormality there is that it has been maintained for more than a day. We originally planned to come there to pick up leaks, but we were stopped by an undead and a group of skeletons. Even everyone was very afraid, after all, we were in the same group.

And the body of the real spirit is like a white hole, absorbing it without any restraint, and the blood, including the mental power, is recovering at an astonishing speed.

At this time, the cloud of elements in the sky has not reached tens of kilometers, but on the ground, it is the crystallization of its soul, like the crystals in the same place, sparkling!

Witch array! Witch array!

At this point, although I don't see any changes, the essence is that it has changed.

I'm getting promoted again!

We can only wait until after the promotion!

It seems that the commotion I caused was really big!

Relying solely on the suppression of biological instincts makes us almost immobile.

At this time, I also felt that warlocks in the distance were gathering towards that side, and there was even a warlock who was only a few kilometers away, looking towards this side.

Finally made it through.

"Who is he?" the leading warlock looked at the true spirit and asked cautiously.

I understand that this is not the power of Qian Jun.


Looking closely at the scene that obscured the sky and the sun, everyone was horrified!

"Boss, or else you should force yourself in."

The ocean of spiritual power gradually turns into a small river, and then from the small river into a lake!

But even if it was millions of soul crystals, it was only reduced to the size of a football. At this time, the soul crystals at the seven-ring level behind Qian Jun also exploded instantly, and a flame even more of it poured into it.


Someone thought that in the southern part of the West Coast, the most resource-poor area, we could meet such a character, it's outrageous to open the door to the outrageous, outrageous home.

Hold on.

Just now I hit my head on the ground, and I was extremely embarrassed.

"Did he retreat outside? What's outside?"

"Hmph, you're going to scold me, fuck..."

At that moment, the spiritual power of the true spirit burned rapidly again.

Then the change just now is probably not a treasure, but a Qian Jun who is advancing.

Nicholas looked fiercely at the dozens of eight rings and thousands of witchcraft in front of him.



"Damn it, it's done!" The lead warlock gritted his teeth, realizing that something might have changed outside.

Although the accumulation of true spirit warlocks is stronger, it is not known how much weaker than warlocks of the same level, so that step is still much smoother.

A witch formation is enough to completely change this land.

At this point in the abandoned warlock camp.

In the consciousness, the spiritual power is rapidly shrinking, getting smaller and smaller, and an inexplicable power is gradually brewing, which is a power lower than the spiritual power.

After a while, Hydera came to the side of the real spirit, his big eyes seemed to be particularly wronged.

"It's it!"

But because of the lack of many benefits in that step, it took a lot of time for the true spirit.

Fortunately, we did not scold.

It was the other people who saw that scene, some immediately knelt on the ground, and some ran home and hid outside. That horrifying scene really scared many people, but there were also some warlocks who gathered outside, and we thought it was nothing precious things.

That aura was as special as a mountain, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. The terrifying aura made everyone's eyes widen, and everyone felt that they were facing something particularly terrifying.

one day ago.

From the outside, it looks like the water in the ocean is poured into a bottle, but at this time the water is the soul flame, and the true spirit is the bottle.

At that moment, an unknown number of people saw that scene.

that's totally

It's heaven and earth.

Even the true spirit felt extremely excited at this moment.

This is not available to every wizard who advances.

A big brother came to the peak warlock of the eight rings and asked.

Next to the warlock, a few bad warlocks said to me.

"Did they put you in their eyes, just leave!"

After the true spirit flew away, the eight rings stood up. We were able to stand up just now, but we still lay on the ground without any sense of danger.

But fortunately, this person didn't intend to continue to kill us, he just turned his head and flew towards the distance with this Qian Jun.

Zhenling was stunned for a moment, and looked back consciously.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that everyone got up.

The corner of Qian Jun's mouth twitched. In his heart, do you hate killing so much?

come again!

I always feel like I'm forgetting something.

After a while, Zhenling became calm again.

That scene was very similar to the process of a wizard's promotion.

Although the other warlocks still had some guesses, they were still shocked.

The apprentice and the first ring fell into a coma. The seventh ring barely held it, but it was difficult to lift a finger. The eight rings fell from the sky towards the ground and fell straight down. They looked at each other with horrified faces. true spirit.

In the blink of an eye, the blood in the blood vessels began to jump like a gentle elf, and the power of the blood in it jumped up and down even more, and then it condensed.

It is a wonderful process to advance to the Wuzhen. The breakthrough in the second half can only be said to be time-consuming, and the changes in the first half are the real essence. In Qian Jun's mind, he felt that he was missing something.

What the **** is that?

I can't say, as long as the follow-up changes are completed, I will be a wizard in it.

It can only be said that it was an unexpected accident.

Time passed little by little, and the illusory mental power gradually changed.

Qian Jun hadn't realized it yet, there were thousands of warlocks gathered in a radius of hundreds of miles at this time, and it was too late in the middle of the time, but most of the people in the south probably came, after all, there were not many in the south.

Everyone looked at the warlock, and suddenly they felt the energy change.

"Come on." Zhenling took a deep breath and silver light bloomed in his eyes.

When adults break through, maybe a little leftovers will be enough to keep me going.

And as the fusion of the two began, the white beam of light that had been blooming also stopped. After recovering again, it seemed that it hadn't moved a bit. Qian Jun was also curious about what it was and what its purpose was!

At the same time, Qian Jun found out.

I just didn’t do it right in front of you, or I’d have to let you know how awesome I am!”

"Hmph, how far have you flown?" The warlock was an old man, and said disdainfully, and the voice was even louder!

The small day is above, and the end is below!

The limit has been reached again.

I know that Wuzhen has no ability, but if it is really heard, maybe we are finished.

If it weren't for my fear of disturbing the adults, I would have done it long ago.

And watching the elements in the sky disappear, Nicholas was relieved.

With just one glance, everyone felt cold hands and feet, and at the same time, an aura erupted from Zhenling.

"I've tried my mental strength and it's a bit weak now!"

Although it is very remote there, the movement and scope are still too large.

Qian Jun stood up, stretched his body, and looked at the elements in the sky. In the next second, the elements all over the sky seemed to be particularly attracted, rushing towards the true spirit, quickly replenishing the power of the true spirit.

"He let you pass!" The leader was a warlock with a long face and a low nose. At this time, he looked at Nicholas with a gloomy face, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The warlocks stared, but in the next second, they saw Zhenling turn his head and look at everyone.

The leading warlock is very firm, because the group of undead and skeletons in front of him is really not easy to mess with.

Beside the real spirit, it burned when millions of souls crystallized, pale flames flew towards the real spirit, poured into the real spirit's body, burning the spiritual power.

"Witch formation? Can't tm witch formation be so arrogant?

There is no medicine for regret in breaking through the true spirit, there is only progress.

"It's it!"

With the administration of the medicine, the swelling of the blood was obviously reduced a lot, and the blood vessels ended and coagulated.

Everyone stay away from that warlock, that warlock has no brains.

"Yes." Nicholas nodded, looked at those people behind his eyes again, and asked, "What about this villain and those people? How to solve it? Do you need to kill them?"

I know from Hydera that it killed a person who insulted me just now.

"Yeah!" Zhenling nodded.

And with the birth of that touch of spiritual power, I understand.

In the blink of an eye, his mental strength is only the size of a ping pong ball.

But suddenly, out of the corner of the eye of the true spirit, a dazzling light suddenly burst out.

So is it another witch formation?

But some people who joined the silence were kind, and they didn't do anything.

- Time, the eyes of both parties have changed.

Outside, Zhenling opened his eyes, immediately took out the unused Comoros potion, opened it, took it directly, and let the orange-red potion enter Qian Jun's body.

"No need!"

"Qian Jun!" I took a deep breath before uttering those words.

And with the fusion of the power of the Bloodline Tower and the Wuzhen, a power between the two was born again, but Qian Jun could feel that that power was still dominated by Qian Jun's power, and the main force of the bloodline was the main body. Replenish.

"Don't go!"

That's a process that only a warlock will go through when he advances to the next level.

It took another full day for Zhenling to realize this change, and at the same time, an inexplicable aura gradually emanated from Zhenling's body, which was the essential aura belonging to the witch formation.

the other side.

But this needs a place to check it out.

It's unimaginable that even in the Wuzhen, the adults are probably weak.

Let it be free, anyway, my road to promotion has not yet started, and the next step is just a follow-up.

The undead erupted, and the coming warlock looked at that scene with a frightened face, and was about to turn around and run, but how could I run, a snake head swallowed me before it arrived.

There's nowhere for me to fix it.

"What is this, a doomsday natural disaster?" "Maybe it will kill you in the next second!"

Without the assistance of the soul flame, Zhenling suddenly felt that his spiritual power began to compress, and the spiritual power began to gather, and the impurities in the spiritual power were also burning rapidly, which made the spiritual power more pure.

The promotion that time has not been successful, and the next step is not to wait for it to take shape.

Nicholas is in charge of Gengliwei, and Hydera is in charge of the big town outside.

That's also a good time, the accumulation of True Spirit is very weak, and the preparation is sufficient, there is no silver eye, if it can't reach that level, it will be ridiculous.

"Not enough, not enough!"

And at this moment Hydera and Nicholas are confronting a group of people outside the perception.

Although I don't quite understand how such a thing happened, but after the promotion of Zhenling, I felt that some accidents might happen, so the accidents now are considered ordinary accidents.

I have seen the scene where the witch formation breaks through, but it is not as scary as it is now, but it seems reasonable to think that the eight rings of the adult are so scary.

The advanced silver eye is weaker than the eight rings, it only takes a blink of an eye, and the mental power can almost only see a big spot, and the silver eye has accelerated the process.

"As expected of an adult, the movement of every breakthrough is big!"

Qian Jun smiled and patted Hydera's head.

But the real spirit didn't seem to pay attention to my plan, and said to Nicholas beside him: "The breakthrough has begun, put away the undead, it's time to go!"

After a while, I understood, that

Is tm something that happened when I advanced to the Eighth Ring, the fusion of blood and spiritual power, and the same thing happened in the process of advancing to the Wuzhen.

But when Nicholas was about to start, he suddenly felt something on my shoulder.

The people on the other side were also stunned, we didn't even perceive anything, and that person suddenly appeared, which made us feel uneasy.

Zhenling opened his eyes again and let out a long breath.

Qian Junshao's gaze became ice-cold, and the undead roared before rushing over.

At this time, the outside world, the little Yi Lai who spread over one kilometer around the true spirit instantly activated, and the activated light even illuminated a radius of several tens of miles, as if a small sun had fallen on the ground.

Looking back, Hydera was flying towards that direction nearby, and Qian Jun remembered that I forgot to call Hydera.

The true spirit perceives this power, which is only a trace, but it is probably weaker than the spiritual power of dozens of units, and its essence is lower than the spiritual power.

Zhenling stretched his body and made a clicking sound.

And it wasn't until a ray of sunlight hit my face that I realized that the elements hadn't been swallowed by me, so I stopped. At this time, my strength has not yet reached its peak!

I turned my head to look, and my eyes were immediately pleasantly surprised: "My lord!",

Zhenling laughed.

A warlock in the early stage of the eighth ring cursed.

"Boss, what is this?

But whether Zhenling was calm or not, that was completely within my expectation.

"here we go!"

Qian Jun let out a loud roar. The silvery eyes once again burst into dazzling light. Outside the eighth silver ring, the seventh silvery ring gradually appeared. At that time, the silvery eyes had advanced to the seventh ring.

"No, no one can retreat there today!" Qian Junshao shook his head.

Qian Jun felt strange about that feeling.

In the illusory spiritual world, this white beam of light that pierces through time is blooming with dazzling light, emitting a grand and distant breath of time.

"Hey, what, he also killed someone."

"Qian Jun?"

"Yes!" Nicholas understood. Immediately, the undead in front of him flew towards me. As for the skeletons on the ground, they were hidden in the shadows and gradually disappeared.

Tried it, that kind of pressure doesn't seem to be enough!

A trace of translucent power gradually appeared in the spiritual warlocks looked at this small pit, and they felt only fortunate.

"Then what!" A group of people immediately fell up.

So it's definitely a witch formation? It must be a half-step witch formation. It is definitely possible to suppress us into that. It is not a two-dimensional creature.

"Oh my God!

But when it reaches a certain limit, it can't shrink anymore.

The leading warlock is actually a wandering eight-ring limit. At this moment, I only have one thought in my mind.

With the activation of that Eli, Qian Jun's mental power continued to compress.

The mental power in the body was compressed slowly, and the pressure was not enough, so Eli immediately made a decision.

I know that kind of element was not used to make up for the advanced witch formation. It seems that the adults have not advanced to the witch formation, so these people don't care.

Eli is determined.

At this time, it is extremely compressed, and in the spiritual power, a witch formation is born!

The body of the witch formation or the body of the witch formation.

Seeing that the two were about to leave, many warlocks also slowed down.

Many warlocks trembled, realizing that we have offended someone who shouldn't be offended.

come again!

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