Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 301: Inventory situation, phishing law enforcement

Soon, Eli quietly returned to the Tower of Blood.

And his return was not even noticed.

It wasn't until Alice knew what happened in the south of the West Coast, as well as the undead and the huge three-headed snake described by those people, that Alice came to look for him.

"Master, is that person you?" Alice asked a little confused.

"Yes!" Eli nodded.

Based on the figures of Nicholas and Hydera, it should not be particularly difficult to know Eli, but Eli still hopes to hide it as much as possible. After all, no one knows, and a real spirit may pop up somewhere. Woolen cloth!

He has to be careful!

"Okay, master!" Alice nodded respectfully, but her mouth squirmed, as if she wanted to ask something!!

"I've broken through that level, keep it secret!" Eli naturally understood what Alice wanted to ask, and didn't hide it.

Hearing Eli's reply, Alice's eyes widened.

Seeing Zhenling's huge reaction, Alice was stunned.

This month, Eli has finally done some thinking about himself in every aspect!

Then there is only one wandering league left.

Master really broke through the true spirit!

As long as there is a 1 in 100 chance of defeating the opponent, then the consequences are likely to be minor.

Xi Aiping was dumbfounded.

First of all, in terms of combat effectiveness, I am now very active in the face of hundreds of eight rings, but I must use the body of the ancestors or the body of the blood, which is even more nervous.

But it doesn't matter anymore, I just want to know.

But that's all, the Bloodline Tower lost several resource points in just one week, and several eight-ring warlocks died, which caused some trouble for you. "

My misstep may take millions of years, and it is not worth it.

This live study goes to the Central Continent, if there are more resources here.

Even until Alice left, her head felt dizzy.

In the end, this is not what I discovered. With the change of the mysterious beam of light on this day, I seemed to be faintly aware that there seemed to be nothing special brewing in the beam of light, as if it was some kind of power.

Xi Ai was not like this before.

But actually I still have a lot of questions.

For a moment, Alice wondered if our Bloodline Tower had reached the end of its rope and was beaten to the final stage of the core area by the Wandering Alliance.

The most important thing is that the influence is also very strong, there are many half-step masters, as a touchstone, it is suitable, the only thing is good learning, we have been quite honest recently.

Don't know how we messed with Eli!

Speaking of which, it was only discovered by the true spirit this month.

"A small wandering force, dare to be so bold, give them face, I must teach them a lesson!"

one year later.

It's still the same sentence.

Of course, the principle must be adhered to, not to fight at the same level easily!


As a master, if Eli can destroy the wandering family with at least eight half-step masters, he will definitely be able to, so how much time will it take.

I'm currently only a star wizard, and I'm still too weak!

You also understand that Xi Ai probably wanted to make a move that time.

That may have to fight to have a chance to test it.

This force is an invading force from outside. Not only did it not damage the development and maintenance of the Bloodline Tower, but it was basically all evil people and not many good people.

After the report, Xi Aiping was also preparing to leave.

Stars, moons and suns.

That's terrible, and the real spirit is not willing to use less.

And you are also very curious about how weak the master is.

In the room, Zhenling sat at the table, while Alice stood and reported:

"You're still too vicious." The true spirit sighed.

But how could it be possible for Zhenling to leave?

It will be a long, long time before you can leave there until you are unable to ascend.

However, according to our development model, sooner or later we will invade the Tower of Bloodline, and it is not too late to do so at this time, and I just happen to be learning my methods.

Alice was still a little dazed at first, but when she heard that Xi Ai was going to do it herself, she felt a surge of joy in her heart. Others don't know, but you know that Eli has learned to advance to the master. It shouldn't be a big problem to destroy the homeless family !

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

But this time.

The standard of that stage is that the power of the ancestors is like a micro-star, and when it can spread to dozens of units, it will be the next stage.

But I don't care, let's go through it quickly, anyway, it's not going to last forever, and I don't panic at all, as long as no one comes to **** me, safety first.

But that really can't be helped.

Alice came to report the latest situation to Zhenling.

Time is on my side.

I seem to have the abilities of both a warlock and a wizard. The body of the master and the ability to transform into a shadow dragon are of course no different from the form of living learning.

The hourglass of time counts as one, we have master-level figures, this true spirit has known for a long time, but how could I rush into a master's territory, even if I haven't fallen asleep, even if I haven't been injured.

True Spirit is also a little embarrassed to go directly to destroy us, a little too reasonable!

We are going to attack you. Ten days ago, we sent several teams to invade the Bloodline Tower from multiple angles. It seems to be a test, led by eight half-step masters!

In fact, it doesn't matter to me. The promotion to Xi Ai is more of an essential change, and it doesn't matter to other aspects of Xi Ai. After all, how can the level of knowledge be reduced with the promotion? These are my own efforts.

One misstep becomes eternal hatred.

Eli shook his head. For him, realizing and mastering his own changes is the most important thing right now.


Although I got the promotion method from Jin Ji, but there is no information about me. At this time, I lack the wizardry and methods of the ancestor level, especially the wizardry level of the ancestor level!

Because you used to come back to report to the true spirit every other year or when no major incident happened, but Xi Ai didn't respond at all, and just let you arrange it yourself, and there shouldn't be any changes that time.

This news is too shocking!

Xi Ai didn't quite understand, but I think that should be a good thing.

"However, an actual battle is still needed, otherwise it will be difficult for you to estimate your own strength." Zhen Ling frowned.

It seems that this time I learned and felt it!

Before Shizu, it wasn't seven rings, but actually divided into eight stages.

The witchcraft at the master level is incomparable with those after the eighth ring, and the number may increase hundreds of times or thousands of times, but each witchcraft is not complicated, and some masters may even only have a few, relying more on Xi Mi's body Fight with your own means!

Note that it is not the seven rings and eight rings, but the division of the seven rings, and each stage is divided into eight large sections. The first stage is divided into micro-stars, stars, and nebulae. At present, I am in the stage of micro-stars .


"My lord, can't you?" Alice asked.

That wave is called fishing law enforcement.

I even used dice during that time. Although I didn't have a winning rate of seventeen or eight, I still felt that it was too simple to learn, and it was only necessary for testing.

"It's still too strong, UU Reading should develop in Xi'aolu."

It's not impossible.

"Eli, half a month ago, some suspicious warlocks appeared outside the range of the Bloodline Tower. You believed that they were homeless people. In the end, you arrested several spies. We really belong to the Homeless Alliance.

Zhenling thinks that if there are many weak people in the Central Continent, then what did I do in the past, should I rise again, or should I grow up to the same level there.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he said in a panic, "Okay, Master, I won't let it out.

of. "

After all, relying solely on the strength of perception is not so reliable. There must be a standard object, which should be much better, but there are not many things that I can detect on the west coast.

I also know how long it takes.

"As for, it must be as for, we are too arrogant, you have to do it yourself this time!" Zhen Ling shook his head, as if he was really angry.

But True Spirit estimates that this time may take a long time.

And I if the fish will take the bait.

Secondly, my silver eyes have also advanced to the level of the seven rings. Now I have better control over illusion and mental power, and can even permanently change the memory of some people, and even implant memory.

After he finished his report, I only saw a gloomy light in Eli's eyes, and he slapped his hands on the table heavily, and with a bang, he said with joy:

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