Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 303: True Spirit, Mushroom Cloud

The sun is high.

The bright sunlight shines on the ground, providing an energy source for all things, and in the sky, a **** light streaks across the sky at an extremely fast speed, like lightning.

Amidst the blood, Eli's eyes were calm.

His direction is very clear, which is the valley where the Wandering Alliance is located!

Eli's speed was at least several times faster than before. A few hours later, continuous mountains appeared on the edge of his vision, and a valley also entered his sight!

"It's here!" Eli's eyes lit up.

The valley is located at the corner of the mountain range, and it looks very large. Eli can feel the aura of a warlock from inside. This should be the headquarters of the Wandering Alliance he was looking for.

Seeing the destination, the blood light around Eli gradually disappeared, and the height of his body rose again, until he reached an altitude of several thousand meters before continuing to set off.

This height is already very high, and Eli almost reached out and touched the clouds.

A few minutes later, he came to the top of the valley.

Helati smiled, and was about to laugh at the real spirit body, but the smile on my face froze in the next second, as if shaking me too.

"Seven half-step true spirits?"

Silver light shone in his eyes as he looked towards the valley.

What the **** is that?

The moment Helati said it, everyone was entangled with blood.

"True Spirit Body, I'm also very happy to see him again!" The warlock opposite had a slender face and red eyes, looking very aggressive, and said to True Spirit Body with a smile.

But that was not enough.


Ugly and bleak.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that?" I shook my head and picked up the wine glass.

Let's run first.

"Yeah." The real spirit nodded and glanced at me. There were two of my subordinates on both sides of the table, and eight of Helati's subordinates, all half-step Eli!

A bit unlucky!

And what's interesting is that there is a shadow dragon tattoo on the back of Guyido, with a huge dragon head that is hideous and terrifying, and the spread wings even extend to the shoulders.

"Halati, it's really been a long time. I'm really glad that he brought me here." The true spirit said with a smile on his face, looking at the warlock opposite.

Looking at these half-step Eli, the smile of the real spirit body became darker and darker.

Even until death, some people have not yet come out, but have not yet died.

A devastating explosion occurred in the valley.

"Master True Spirit, what's the matter?" asked a warlock.

Seeing the huge fireball close at hand, everyone fell into despair.

The same is true on the ground. Most of the warlocks watched the meteorite-like fireballs in the sky and fled in all directions, but the distance was too close, and it was too late.

"That time you had to flee, it was the eight-ring leader of a bloodline tower in the Western Region of the Central Continent, who seemed to be called Vivica, and then joined forces with many forces, and then found your territory."

"The valley is also suitable for your experiments, without damaging the environment inside too much."

Qiao Jie's gaze gradually came down, and the mental power in her eyes was tumbling like ocean waves. Zhenling took a deep breath, and Eli erupted instantly.

Looking at the mushroom cloud rising from the ground, Zhen Ling pursed his lips.

"He said that we are not on the front line yet. The local forces there are called the Bloodline Tower. He should have seen our forces in the Central Continent. You haven't fought with us yet!" True Spirit replied.


At first it was only one meter in size, and the flame was powerful, but after only a few seconds, the fireball expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the size of several meters, exuding scorching heat.

Every half-step Eli, the high-ring warlocks all died in the explosion, without exception.

"This is?" The real spirit body was dumbfounded.

"Heart pounding?"

"I suddenly felt something was wrong!" Suddenly, Qiao Jieli raised his right hand, and everyone stopped and looked at me.

"I go!"

They are all half-step Qiao Jie, so the reaction is naturally extremely fast.

In fact, it took less than eight seconds for the first person to see the fireball, so we didn't have time to dodge at all. In fact, Eli was the first to perceive it for a few half steps.

True Spirit continued to increase input.

With a radius of nearly 100 meters, that is also a big fireball that Qiao Jie exhausted to condense, and its source is the one-ring fireball technique!

In the next second, at Guido's fingertips, a fireball was condensing in a hurry.

Qiao Jie felt its blazing heat.

"Tower of blood!"

Only a few tens of meters away from us, a touch of red occupies all of our sight, and a huge elemental fireball is hitting us directly, and the power contained in it has not surpassed the eight rings.

"That's right!" Helati nodded, but still said angrily: "You don't know, that kind of person just wants to make more contributions to advance to Eli, but a special bloodline with eight rings wants to advance. Think too much!"

Zhenling watched the scene fiercely, silently recovering from the consumption just now.

In a living room, a large banquet is going on.

The violent explosion erupted with terrifying heat and cold, and a layer of white air continued to expand outwards, which was caused by the air pressure. During that explosion, no matter it was a house, a building, or others, outside the valley, it was instantly plunged into In a void.


At this time, the others also picked up their wine glasses, ready to share a drink.


Hearing the seven words "Tower of Bloodlines", the corners of Haitila's mouth twitched obviously, as if recalling some good memories, he patted the table heavily.

Just happened to meet me.

Qiao Jie could feel that the surrounding air had even risen by dozens of degrees.

At this moment, if I am a half-step Qiao Jie in front of the real spirit, I may not have the courage to fight. No one knows where the fireball came from.

A person sat around the table, seeming to be communicating with each other.

And judging by the appearance of the airship, it should not be long.

In the next second, the fireball fell downwards.

"That's it!" The real spirit body smiled, then picked up the wine glass and said to it: "The past is over, maybe he hasn't had a chance to break through Eli there, and then go back and take revenge!"

The huge Guido exuded a weak aura, which could not fully exert Eli's power, and even as soon as it appeared, the surrounding air began to flicker, and the clouds were pushed away.

"It should be a wanted criminal from the Central Continent again." Zhen Ling smiled slowly, since he came, don't leave.

Yili has not forgotten that my purpose is to test Eli's new method.

Zhenling narrowed his eyes slightly, admiring Guido.

If I remember correctly, the Wandering Alliance should only have six half-step true spirits, and he killed three of them just now, and there are still seven here, which is not the right number.

Guido's appearance is the same as Qiao Jie's original appearance, but except for the extremely dark eyes, the other parts are made of ordinary Eli's power and elements.

outside the valley.

The flame exploded, and a large mushroom cloud rose from the valley.

- A wonderful breath spreads in the true spirit.


Suddenly, Eli realized something was wrong. I found that there was a big white spot beside the valley. When I looked carefully, it turned out to be a large airship. It looked a bit vicissitudes on the outside, as if it had experienced something special.

The bursting flame swept me across the valley in an instant like a breeze.

As long as those people join us, the West Coast isn't within our reach.

We are too late to run, let alone others.

But when we just flew out of the building, one by one looked up towards the sky.

Eli was puzzled.

"No, it's not safe, get out of there!" I said abruptly.

But what makes us even more frightened

Yes, it's not that distance and it's too close.

Seeing the airship, Zhenling suddenly realized.

Behind Qiao Jie, a huge body emerged from the body of the real spirit. This is the unique method of Eli, Guydo, who belongs to the wizard system.

The breath of life gradually appeared in Eli's eyes. The number was not as many as imagined, only a few hundred, but the quality was extremely high. The three rings accounted for most of them, and there were seven and a half steps of true spirits.

When the fireball landed, all the power exploded in an instant. Everyone felt cool for a while, and then felt that their bodies were gradually melting.

The other eight rings were also terrified and normal.

A huge illusory body emerged from behind Qiao Jie, inflated like a balloon, expanding to a height of almost 100 meters in the blink of an eye, standing fiercely behind the true spirit.

A long table is in the center, and there are all kinds of delicacies under it, roast suckling pig, bread, roast duck, wine... Even the tablecloths are precious fabrics that can be made into wizard robes, and the dim alchemy lamp illuminates everything.

"My heart is pounding, as if something is coming." The real spirit frowned, the feeling was sudden, but he took it very seriously.

After confirming that the people outside were not dead, Zhen Ling turned and left.

"True spirit body, where did his other men go?" Hela asked.

I froze for a moment.

Be a little social!

at this time. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It was like a big sun passing through the clouds and flying towards the valley at an extremely fast speed.

For a moment just now, I felt a great fear, as if some kind of safety is coming, but we are obviously in the valley base, where can we come to safety!

Zhenling stretched out his hand, and behind him was Qiao Jieli, who also stretched out a huge hand.

After Qiao Jie quickly, a fireball with a radius of nearly 100 meters appeared. The inside was blazing golden red, and the outside was surrounded by orange flames, exuding a terrifying temperature.

"What's wrong?" asked the real spirit curiously.


"Hmph, I'm angry when I say it." Qiao Jieli shook her head before saying:

After the test, it is powerful to me.

Then explode.

In the next second, flames descended into the valley, and everyone was instantly covered in flames.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they exclaimed and screamed, mixed with fear.

When we found the fireball, it was only 70 meters away from us, and the speed and area of ​​the fireball, we had no time to dodge.

Flying directly towards the sky, as for the roof, it was directly lifted off. We feel that safety should come from the inside, which is the fastest way out.

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