Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 304: Harvest, new changes

The valley is the main territory of the Wandering Alliance, but not all warlocks live here, and there are quite a few people around, but they are basically a few kilometers away.

Therefore, wait for that horrible explosion to come out.

I don't know how many warlocks only felt the house tremble, followed by ringing ears.

They ran out of the house one after another, and then saw the 100-meter-high mushroom cloud in the valley in the distance.

The warlocks' eyes widened, filled with that brilliance.

"what happened?"

A three-ring warlock trembled, his face trembling.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something glaring, the blood pulsed, and the blood pulsed instantly, and scales appeared on his skin instantly.

At the same time, he only felt a huge shock wave passing by, which was the aftermath of the explosion.

Fortunately, this didn't affect him too much. A few seconds later, he withdrew his blood and could clearly feel that the air here seemed to be much hotter, full of fire elements.

With the death of the top management of the Wandering Home, the Bloodline Tower quickly regained most of the area occupied by the Wandering Home, and the territory of the Wandering Home shrank rapidly.

Su Maid became interested and gently opened the box.

Although I am not yet a master, the wand can still give me a lot of assistance, and it can increase the strength by about one-seventieth. You must know that this is an eight-ringed wand, which is still very good.

The accessories are all inexplicably like this, isn't it so grown-up...

Come quickly, so Su Yuan walked into the laboratory again.

The news of the high-level annihilation of the Wandering Alliance completely detonated the entire west coast.

all dead!


I haven't used a wizard's staff for a long time, mainly because I don't have a suitable one, but I hate this one.

True Spirit took out the wizard's cane and held it in his hand. The spiritual power quickly engraved a brand on the wizard's staff, and the information about the wizard's staff was quickly known to me.

Of course it's not right now.

After all, the West Coast can threaten me now.

That force completely disappeared in the west coast.

The body of the wizard's staff is about 1.7 meters, and the body of the mithril staff is thread-shaped, while the head of the staff is an amethyst, and there seems to be a special liquid flowing outside.

Eight months passed in the blink of an eye.

When the adults die, the wandering alliance will disband.

"What the **** happened!" I hugged my hair and let out a happy voice.

the seventh day.

"What?" True Spirit asked curiously.


Zhenling's eyes narrowed slightly. Although the wizard's staff has eight rings, it is the top among the eight rings. Even I have never seen a better one than that.

My eyes widened. If I remember correctly, it should be Mr. Guyi's accessories. I've seen it before.

There is only the Master Warlock of Time Hourglass.

What kind of valley is there? The original valley has been razed to the ground, the surrounding rocks have been blasted into several parts, and the buildings outside have long since disappeared, and even the ground has turned red.

Finally, with the recapture of the last resource point, the Bloodline Tower finally regained its former territory. As for the members of the Wandering Home, some were planning to return to the Central Continent, and some sneaked away.

That's supposed to be a Wizarding Age box.

Once contacted, everyone knew that a warlock named Eli did it.

Soon, he came to the valley.

I also understand that the gap between the master and the eight rings is really completely two dimensions, and there is no comparison at all. At that level, even in today's wizarding world, they are definitely not considered strong.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Although there will still be warlocks from the Central Continent, most of us have chosen to join the Bloodline House. Of course, we are selectively allowed to join, but it also increases the power of the Bloodline Tower a little bit.

The Spirit raised his wand above his head, feeling miserable.

"Okay." True Spirit smiled.

The only pity is that I didn't test the blood avatar that time, so I have to do it next time.


Whether it is knowledge or otherwise, it is far from enough.

And with so many high-level officials, why are they all dead?

"Let's call it Su Yu's Scepter." Zhenling naturally changed the name of the staff.

Alice came to visit the real spirit.

It is a cuboid white box, slender and wide, with simple patterns and textures engraved on the surface. I am sure that the real spirit is right, it should be a witch formation.

Whether it was from the Bloodline House, the subordinate forces of the Bloodline House, or other gray forces, they were all confused by the sudden situation.

"Oh, by the way, Herman, you guys seem to have found something in a collection of the Wandering Alliance, maybe you'd be interested in it!" Alice said.

As for the true spirit, he returned to the Tower of Bloodline inexplicably and silently.

Still the same sentence, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

Even though they were still fighting the day before, they all died on the seventh day.

Of course, Su Chan feels that I still lack too many things.

Where should we go from here.

Amethyst is certainly ugly, but it is a pity that the level of the item is famous, which has raised its level. If there is a chance to change to a better wand head and remelt it, it may really become a seven-ring.

I resolutely continued to walk in.


I saw a wizard staff fixed in the box!

Warlock looked at the scene in front of him, completely stunned.

"Yeah!" Zhenling understood.

Another interesting thing is that Alice ordered many statues of true spirits to be placed in the area of ​​the Tower of Lesser Bloodlines, which spread the reputation of true spirits a lot.

After Zhenling heard about it, he wanted to stop it, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was nothing wrong, so he ignored it.

In this regard, Zhenling also understands that it will not be resolved for a while, and can only wait for the future. Anyway, I will not go to the Central Continent for the time being, and I will talk about it later.

"Hey, Herman will know when the time comes, it's still in transit." Alice replied with a smile.

Warlock's body trembled, knowing that something serious must have happened.

Only the new generation of warlocks know that there are still such powerful people in the Bloodline Family.

"Ah this!"

At this time, almost the ground in the central area has not yet turned translucent crimson, and this flame directly crystallized the ground and sandstone there.

A wizard's staff!

"It's not that the crystal on the head of the wand is a little bit worse, otherwise maybe there is no chance to become a wand with seven rings!"

eight days later.

"I have to check it out!"

I just feel a little pain in the head.

Eight days passed in the blink of an eye.

Then inexplicable information about Su Yuan was found out.

Many unintentional people also lurked up, a little scared.

That is a force!

"Because of Heman's meddling, the Wandering Alliance is still no match for you. After a while, you probably won't be able to completely regain the previous territory." Alice Hui reported.

Spirits are disgusted. UU reading

And in it, I saw a white bracelet, but it wasn't almost half melted and damaged.


Except for that time, I have a good understanding of the master.

At this time, many people came in from a distance, and they were all shocked when they saw that scene.

Along the way, the closer to the center of the explosion, the more fire elements remained, and he even activated his bloodline to avoid this kind of damage, and he was not the only one, whether in the sky or on the ground, he saw many people heading towards Gathering in the valley.

Research and study inexplicably.

"Morrow Staff!"

A box was delivered to my wizard tower.

I immediately flew towards the valley.

Soon, wait for me to reach the central area.

My throat moved, and I continued to look around, and found a lot of remnants, I guessed a few of them, it should be the adults of the half-step master, and these few warlocks who just arrived .

That time, Eli's voice was spread again, and it was also spread by those who were on the front line of the battle that day. We took Eli's killing thousands of warlocks and eight and a half step Su Chan on the battlefield that day. The news spread, and then someone reported seeing a red shooting star flashing in the sky on the way to the wandering home!

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