Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 305: Corina's Despair, Ginger Abandoned

Roja Mountains.

A huge mountain range stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles, with peaks gathered in it, the endless mountain range can't be seen at a glance, hiding many monsters and even other intelligent races left over from the wizarding era, the danger is not low.

It is also the boundary separating the Central Continent and the west coast. If you want to go to the Central Continent, you must cross here. Unless you take an airship or other items, it is generally difficult for ordinary warlocks to cross.

At this time, at the edge of the mountain range.

A trembling figure came out from inside.

His hair was messy, like weeds, and he was wearing a golden warlock robe. The warlock robe was broken with several big holes, which could barely cover his private parts.

And his body was trembling, and he walked out of the mountains, his face was full of joy that could not be concealed.

What is even more surprising is that he is actually a warlock at the peak of the third ring.

"It's finally out!" Colina brushed away the hair that hadn't been washed for several years, and glanced at the sky.

ten years!

At this point we are flying over a desolate land.

"Two magic stones into the city!" said a guard.

What I lack most now is not time.

Corina walked over directly, coughed twice, and the two guards raised their heads.


"It's so quiet!"

Lu Yingchao is now penniless, where did the magic stone come from!

"HQ?" Collina blinked.

"But..." Colina trembled a little.

I feel a little depressed at this moment and silently come to the window of the airship.

Other people's times are more and more evolutionary, while ours is degenerating.

magic stone?

It's still ten years now!

The store manager hurriedly waved his hands and said, "My lord, you didn't make friends, but I remember that Lord Herman seems to be dying, is he about to be abandoned? Why were you there at that time, my lord?"

The guards are two warlocks with one ring, and they are standing inside with a sad face at this time.

Outside the city gate, two one-ring warlocks wore white armor and silver helmets, like knights in armor, and wore long swords around their waists!

"That's where Lord Herman rests." The guard said.

Watching me go, it seems to be cheered up after many years. I looked at this warlock robe as if it was a bit strange. I happened to see the senior executives of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce wearing it, so I was ready to take a gamble.

Seven days later, Lu Yingchao finally arrived at the destination.

I'm depreesed!

The two walked in quickly.

After a thousand years, I am afraid that the world of wizards will completely become the world of warlocks!

After communicating, I fully understood Master Heman's situation. The curse of the year was getting deeper and deeper. At this time, it is almost difficult to stimulate the blood, and he is about to become a useless person. Although the talent is very good, the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce is about to give up on him.

Lu Yingchao was a little shocked, because in the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, only magicians of the true spirit level are eligible to wear that color of magician robes. I can also imagine that such a person should be for Lord Heman.

There are guards there, and outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Inside, Corina stepped onto the airship.

Could it be that the adults haven't come yet?

"Holmes City!"

Corina turned his head and saw a young man with black hair and black pupils, but plainly dressed, the only bright spot was his bright eyes.

But you can't force it!

The woman has blond hair, golden pupils, is wearing a red-gold warlock robe, and has a round body. She looks like a standard golden toad warlock, but he has a dark face at this moment.

In the end, the guards led Corina to meet Herman.

If my lord is dead, then what am I!

Of course, I also hope that Lord Herman will hold on.

"No, he has to go back quickly."

I naturally understand its importance.

Soon, I arrived at my destination.

"Let's go back quickly."

But after paying the money, the guard urged the two of them to go in quickly.

"Yes, my lord." The middle-aged store manager nodded, looked at the eight-ring limit that had just been washed, and asked tentatively: "My lord, are you from Lord Herman?"

Along the way, Lu Yingchao saw a volcano covered by a huge witch weapon. It has not been abandoned yet. It was once used to change the sky. The huge mechanical doll collapsed on the ground, corroded and rusted, and the floating body that fell to the ground Empty cities are used as gathering places…

I looked up, not far away, a city stood, surrounded by a white wall of nearly 100 meters, with red blood stains faintly underneath, and a huge city gate underneath.

An airship took off from the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce and flew towards the distance.


As soon as he entered the city, Corina ran directly towards the branch of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce in the city.

A red-gold warlock robe.

There were many, many of them, and Collina just sighed as he looked at them.

That kind of thing is much.

Colina's eyes widened and he let out an exclamation.

On the ground, huge towers with a height of 100 meters stood one after another, and one could be seen every ten miles. This was the way the wizarding world used to communicate at close range.

I trembled and walked quickly towards the villa.

But his face is so ugly.

"Yes, but it seems that someone from the headquarters has come over now." The guard said firmly, we don't know, that Lord Herman's confidant has disappeared for ten years, and where he went during this period.

"Thank you, young man. I will return your magic stone, but I am in a hurry now. I don't have time. If he needs help, then come to the Western Region Headquarters of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce. Remember, my name is Collina. "

Corinna was the envoy, and someone suddenly stepped forward and put seven magic stones under it.

Those without alchemy skills are indeed weaker in defense.

Ten years ago, he took an airship to the west coast. After communicating with Herman and getting the potion to dispel the curse, he immediately returned anxiously, but who would have thought that on the way, he would be attacked by an intelligent group in the Roja Mountains, and Destroy the airship, then be captured and imprisoned.

"Lord Corina." The guard looked at the person in shock.

"I'll arrange an airship for you to the headquarters of the Western Regions!" Collina said.

A woman came out.

Fast forward on the unfamiliar road, ignoring the bustling streets on both sides, I soon came to the most central villa area, where Herman lived before.

After showing my strength and name, the middle-aged store manager immediately made arrangements, quickly changed my clothes and returned my things.

eight hours ago.

Jin Ji said that the curse cannot be lifted.

But who would have thought that there were actually four half-step true spirits up there, they failed, and he finally took the opportunity to escape, and then spent several months escaping.

"Oh?" Colina stared, and the breath of the peak of the Eighth Ring broke out, asking: "What does he mean?"

the other side.

A whole decade!

I gritted my teeth and quickly set off towards the nearest city.

Suddenly, the door of the nearby villa suddenly opened.

I walked directly towards the gate of the city, and the people on the road looked at me and moved away one after another.

This imprisonment lasted for more than nine years.

I finally saw a city!

It seems that the bet was right this time.

In my opinion, that is the progress of the times. Before I went there, people there still wore wizard robes and the like, but now they have become leather armor and armor.


A city located on the floating island, but the floating island lacks the coverage of the witch array, so it is ridiculously inserted on the ground at this time. This is not the headquarters of the Jinchan Chamber of Commerce in the Western Regions, the City of Gold and Silver!

A few months later, they again attempted to attack passing airships.

Through several roads, the crowd came

In front of a villa area.

Lu Yingchao took a deep breath, and then touched her abdomen. There was a hard lump inside. This was the crystal I had hidden in my body to avoid searching.

Lu Yingchao quickly said to the boy, and then left quickly.

Who knows what has changed in the past ten I don't even know if Lord Herman is dead or alive. I have nothing now, and I can't contact him.

When I came to the city gate, two guards saw me.

In the airship, Corina was extremely anxious.

That is my last hope.

"It's you!" Lu Yingchao nodded, and said directly, "Take you to see the adults."

"I hope Lord Lu Ying won't lie to you." I patted my envoy Crystal's stomach and prayed.

The two are not close yet.

Corina narrowed his eyes slightly. In front of the villa in front of him, there were dozens of people standing here and there, including high-level officials from the Western Regions branch, and many others I didn't know. There should be headquarters.

As for now, except for a small number of forces communicating through some things from the wizarding era, the rest basically rely on it.

Outside the door, warlocks and humans came in and out. Warlocks mostly wore leather armor and held various melee weapons in their hands, and they were covered by witch formations.


look down.

I was a little surprised.

Seeing that scene, Collina just curled his lips lightly, and said, "It seems that the forces there haven't fully accepted melee weapons yet."

"You come and pay that lord!"

eight days later.

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