Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 306: The curse to be lifted, this is not a warlock!

In front of the villa, as the real spirit walked out, other people leaned over one after another.

And the true spirit just glanced at everyone, and said calmly: "The curse has penetrated into the blood, I tried to use the power of the blood to get rid of it, but the effect is very little, it's useless!


After hearing this, everyone sighed.

One of the men, who was dressed extremely gorgeously, came out and said, "My lord, now that this is the case, I have decided to give up Jinji."

His face is long and narrow, and his eyes are shrewd like a businessman: "We have already found out that the person who cursed Jin Ji was from a hostile force, and we have retaliated. Now we have exhausted all means, and The adults are also here. Based on the consideration of interests, I think we should give up Jin Ji.

In fact, in the past ten years, we have done our best!"


The Necromancer closed his eyes, and nodded after a few seconds.

It's a pity, such a good seedling.

At this time, the true spirit has not yet fallen into a coma, but its body is showing a weak rosy color, as if it has not fully recovered. At this time, a little shadow drilled out from the skin and gathered together. Even if everyone just observes, they can't feel that. There are good things in the shadows!

"Isn't this Corina? Jinji's confidant, I haven't seen him for a long time." A warlock said to him.

Others noticed the man too.

That shadow is swallowing my curse.

I immediately opened the door, and suddenly a stench filled with blood came out.

At this time, the skin of the real spirit is gradually covered by a layer of white shadow, and within it, the slightest bit of curse cannot be faintly seen, which is very terrifying.

Guan An howled happily, but was extremely shocked inside.

A group of people stared at the howling true spirit and looked at me.

"Korina, don't bother, Warlock Herman has tried it just now!" Feeling the icy hot touch, Zhen Ling reluctantly smiled, and immediately spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

There are not many golden toads, but at that moment, we all put the true spirit in a more important position.

But according to others, he has disappeared for more than ten years.

At this time, the eyes of other high-level officials in the Western Regions also had an inexplicable light.

Suddenly, I heard trampling from the side.

"Master Guan An gave it to you, saying that it can help you." Collina said.

But the others were more concerned about Guan An. A warlock immediately came to the bedside and checked Guan An who was still unconscious. Everyone looked at him.

Corina looked back, only to find that the Heman I saw earlier, and other high-level executives of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce had come to the room, especially this Heman, who was staring at the true spirit. Obviously, they heard The sound came in.

I silently placed the crystal on Guan An's skin.

I was stunned.

In the corner of his eyes as he shook his head, a man swayed his body, walked tremblingly through the crowd, and walked in towards the open gate of the villa.

The villa has a large area and is divided into two floors with gorgeous decoration. There is nothing on the first floor and nothing on the second floor. It is very empty and beautiful.

The bad thing is that after hearing the voice, Zhenling opened his eyes.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Zhenling let out an exclamation.

The others were also shocked when they heard my words.

Isn't that what a warlock should be able to do?

The gorgeously dressed warlock also glanced at me.

As time passed, the voice of the real spirit became louder and louder, but no one could perceive that the damaged body of the real spirit was gradually recovering, and the curse really disappeared.

But others saw that my eyes were dim and powerless, like an old man in his twilight.

"My lord, you are going to die!"

The next second, I let out a howl.

Hearing this sentence, everyone gasped.

"This little guy, I'm afraid there are other Heman-level figures standing behind him!" Guan An said after thinking for a while.

"I don't know, but I feel that the curse in the true spirit's body is disappearing rapidly!" Herman was also a little shocked.

Collina's throat moved slightly, his body was almost stiff and he walked in, walked up the stairs, and came to the bedroom with the closed door on the second floor, which was Guan An's bedroom.

"My lord, what is it?" the gorgeously dressed warlock asked Herman.

A few minutes later, the warlock raised his head and said to the crowd: "Master Guan An has not fully recovered, but his blood is a little unhealthy and needs to be made up for!"

"Master True Spirit!" Collina couldn't imagine what it must have been like to be tortured by the curse in those years, so that he could become like this.

I walked forward quickly, and my boots made a slight sound on the ground.

The two were silent.


"How to deal with it, I am Jin Chan of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, and I have a chance to become the president, does he understand?" Herman just glanced at me, then turned and left the house, leaving everyone looking at each other in dismay.

So what happened, how did the curse start to disappear.

how can that be!

What the **** happened?

In the future, I have a chance to win the position of president!

A few seconds later, I stretched out my hand, my clothes were not completely stained red by blood, and in my hand, there was an extra crystal, a white crystal.

"Korina!" Seeing that it was Corina, Zhenling's eyes were still filled with sadness and joy, as if he didn't care why Corina didn't come back until ten years later!

Soon, ten minutes passed.

Seeing the true spirit, Corina did not speak.

Too late.

On the big bed outside, Zhenling was lying on it, with his eyes closed, rubbing his skin, his whole body seemed to be sucked dry, the skin was almost attached to the bones, and there were white marks all over the place. Wriggling all the time.

What the **** happened?

"My lord, is this?" the gorgeous warlock asked Hermann.

Corina tremblingly walked into the villa.

This is a warlock!

As soon as the shadow entered the body, I felt the shadow was like a wild beast, and then began to surge in the body, and a strong sense of devouring emerged from it.

"Looks like I'll take better care of her in the future, Herman is behind me!"

As one of the core futures of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, there is Herman behind me. I don't know if that is a good thing.

The shadow absorbed the curse.

But other people are more curious than this, what kind of bloodline can lift the curse.

"That's it?" Herman seemed to want to touch it, but only saw the air fluctuate slightly, a crack appeared, and then the shadow directly drilled into it, and disappeared from my sight!

"Lord Guan An?" Zhen Ling was a little surprised.

Eli not only saved True Spirit, but also changed True Spirit's status and situation in the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce inadvertently, and Eli even knew about all this.

We still don't understand what happened!

I have to take care of.

Collina sniffled and looked outside.


Guan An was sent out, but it was useless, and now he is healed.

Corina didn't speak, but just looked at the crystal. The crystal seemed to have not changed at all, but my expression gradually became stiff, and I was a little disappointed.


The warlock's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect it to be like that. After a few seconds, he tentatively asked: "Then, my lord, how should you deal with me?"


"You are alone, it's a pity that they have only been with you for a short time!"


"That's fine." Hearing the answer, Zhenling seemed to be a little nervous, and then continued: "You, it's almost time to die, the curse is very deep."

Collina also noticed the change, his eyes widened.

"My lord!" Collina came to the bed.

no matter when

What to do when you come back, it doesn't make sense.

The left hand stretched out, the fingertips slowly stretched, and then stretched towards the stomach, the skin was directly torn, and it was stretched into a few centimeters, and then began to search.

Zhenling didn't say anything. I have tried many times in the past ten years. If I can do it once, I won't become like that.

I looked up, UU Reading At this moment, the crystal actually started to melt slowly, and the white shadow inside gradually poured out, and then drilled towards my skin, directly entering my body.


The sorcerer in gorgeous robes is the person in charge of the Western Regions. At this time, he silently said in his heart, without Guan An's support, this is not a bargaining chip to save people!

"Does it really work?" I sighed.

But I still shook my head, that time was a curse, even Master Jinji couldn't help me.

Corina didn't expect that it was that time, and Master Zhenling was concerned about whether the things had been delivered.

"Did the things be delivered to Mr. Jinji?" Zhenling asked.

I didn't even have the courage to open the door, but suddenly, there was a coughing sound from outside. The sound had no strength, but my eyes lit up.

But that wasn't a Hermann deterrent.

"It's delivered, but my lord...

The adults are still alive.

"Okay!" Colina on the side directly slumped on the ground, relaxed a lot, and admired Eli very much in his heart, and it was really useful.

"The limit of the three rings!" Zhenling also glanced at the strong blood, although he is not young, but there is still a chance to break through Zhenling, this Jin Ji actually has such a subordinate.

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