Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 312: Changing Times, Unifying 1 West Coast

After more than ten minutes, the three-ring warlock adjusted his mentality.

Reluctantly got up, headed in the direction of the Bloodline Tower in a daze.

And when he pushed open the door of the conference room, what kind of scene did he see.

In the conference room with dozens of people, there was no sound at all.

Many people were lying on the table with tears streaming from the corners of their eyes. Some were leaning on high-backed chairs and staring blankly at the ceiling, while some were trembling and sweating coldly.

And at the front, their most trusted Lord Anderson was leaning on a chair with chapped lips and muttering, as if he was out of his mind.

The death of Master Gaido was a devastating blow to everyone.

How high-spirited they were when they came, how desperate they are now.

They understand that the hourglass of time has run out.

"it is true!"

The Bloodline Tower has entered the core area of ​​the hourglass of time.

A large number of undead finally greatly increased my strength, and my joining also added new power to the Bloodline Tower, which made the time hourglass more troublesome. After all, undead have too much demand on the environment.

"Didn't you go, you are more used to quietness."

The hourglass of time resists tenaciously, but it is only a matter of time before we can foresee our victory.

one year later.

This is go see for yourself.

Still, I'm very happy.

There are huge crowds of people on the ground, and there are flying monsters in the sky that drop special items similar to ribbons.

I should be able to meditate with peace of mind.

I just hope that this time the stability will last longer.

But the real war is over.

"Oh, by the way, you will hold a grand event in the Tower of Full Blood in a month. Is Eli going to participate?" Anderson asked, looking forward to it.


I have rarely seen such stillness, but so what, it is just one day in my long life, a little different, but that's all.

The warlock who caused a lot of trouble to the Bloodline Tower died in prison in the end.

The war between the hourglass of time and the tower of blood is different from the imaginary.

But anyway, it's over.

I'm especially surprised when it comes to being in the limelight.

When I first came, the Bloodline Tower was still a special force on the west coast.

The repulsed Bloodline Tower has established a new front in the north, led by Nicholas, who is happy to take on the task.

"Eli, we are still sorting out the information of the time hourglass. It may take a while, because their library seems to be very crowded, and it will take time to find it!"

As for the loss of money, it's not a problem. After all, this is our territory. If we do this, it's just putting money from the right hand to the left.

It's not that his body can't stand up, but that his will has been completely disintegrated.



Even if it is prophecy witchcraft, what you see is only a corner.

On the same day, Anderson ordered a retreat, and the hourglass men desperately retreated back.

Now nearly a thousand years have passed, and it has unexpectedly grown to where it is today.

But that is also unpredictable, because the future will change unexpectedly.

In addition, Nie Dan was also greedy for the information in it, so he sent Hydera.

Alliance of Ten Thousand Bloods, Shadow Monitor Warlock Academy, Unicorn Warlock Academy, Holy Tower, Heart of Night, Harpy, Heart of Thorns...

The Hydera at this time is not the Hydera two hundred years ago.

He fell limply to the ground again.

Since then, the Bloodline Tower is not the only juggernaut on the West Coast.

The grand event belonging to the Tower of Bloodlines has begun.

With my help, the Bloodline Tower broke through the defense line of the hourglass of time that day, and entered the hourglass of time.


The flames of war in the hourglass of time have not yet reached the core area of ​​the Bloodline Tower.

And it is said that an interesting thing was found in it.

Master shook his head and waved his hand.

On the same day, the Legion of the Bloodline Tower had already begun to assemble, and tens of thousands of warlock legions headed north. Their purpose was only one, to take down the hourglass of time and unify the west coast.

Since then, the hourglass of time has been destroyed.

The West Coast is unified.

But it was worth it.

The half-step true spirit with its special power is not an opponent at all.

At least the environment is stable again, and I can devote myself to my work.

The master just stared fiercely.

For the Tower of Blood at this time, Eli is not a special existence of gods. If I participate by accident, I will definitely be able to push the feast to its peak.

I'm not used to being alone.

As for what the real future is, there is only one way to know.

Unexpectedly, when the feast begins, the centripetal force of the Bloodline Tower will be greatly strengthened, and everyone's originally suppressed mentality will be released, which will bring more benefits than losses.

The holy city of the time hourglass was breached, Nie Dan was swallowed by Hydera on the spot, other high-level officials were killed, and hundreds of thousands of warlocks and ordinary people were captured.

After thinking for a while, Nie Dan looked at Anderson and said, "The war has begun, and there are still not many things to deal with, so please trouble him!"

Looking at this scene, the three-ring warlock no longer had any doubts, two strings of tears slipped from the corners of his eyes, go **** back to the west coast, **** the true spirit!

But being unable to attack for a long time did not make many people feel anxious.

The entire area of ​​the Tower of Blood became silent, and countless warlocks walked out of the house, as if mortals were celebrating this day, and the streets were empty.

I just glanced at the silent scene through the window, the lights were bright, then I turned and retreated towards the laboratory, and began to try to integrate the hourglass of time with the scepter of the master.

a month later.

On this day, there is free-flowing wine and water in the Tower of Bloodline area, and all stores are discounted by 10%. The remaining damage will be paid by the Tower of Bloodlines. For this feast, Bloodlines has paid a lot.

It is said that after the Bloodline Tower took control of the city that day, it came to the prison and found Dus in the prison. When he was found, his whole body had been decomposed for a long time, but his hands were still holding on to the window railing. It's like looking into the distance!

Wizard Tower, Anderson reported to Shizuhui.

"Okay!" Nie Dan felt a little regretful, but still got up, bowed to Nie Dan, then turned and left.


I am looking forward to this day.

"Well, Eli, that's what you should do." Anderson nodded.

I really rely on time to grind to the present step by step.

For Nicholas, the new war can be described as a timely help.

When the flag of the Bloodline Tower floats on this plateau, it means that the power that existed for thousands of years in the era after the catastrophe has also been crushed by the wheel of time.

It's really touching.

"En!" Shi Zu nodded, feeling filled with emotion.

As for Master he didn't go out that day.


The war is over!

Because the master did not do anything, coupled with the unique environment of the plateau, the warlocks of the Bloodline Tower first encountered environmental problems. The plateau environment prevented us from exerting our full strength, so the first wave of attacks came, and the Bloodline Tower was repelled up!

At the beginning, these famous forces were at least on the west coast or in some areas, but with the passage of time, they all disappeared by accident, and the acquaintances of the master also left many batches.



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