Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 313: The strongest method of the dark wizard, exotic civilization

A year passed by in the blink of an eye.

With Alice's efforts, the remaining people in Time Hourglass, except for some diehards, have also accepted the rule of the Bloodline Tower and accepted their arrangements.

And everyone in this war has also been commended.

Hydera, Alice gave a lot of food, and Nicholas gave him the soul crystals found in the hourglass of time. As for the others, they also gained a lot.

Nicholas was the one who gained the most. His soul had rotted because he hadn't supplemented for a long time before, but after this wave of supplements, his condition has been restored.

Other gains from the war were rewarded to other warlocks.

For a time, many new three rings were born in the Tower of Blood, and their power became stronger.

And this year was also the year when Herman's name was mentioned the most.

Countless statues stand all over the west coast, and of course they use Herman's face, but Eli doesn't know whether this is the realization of this friend's original dream.

His dream, it seems, is to become a celebrity.

"Okay." It was obvious that Lu Ying was a little embarrassed, but I started to narrate: "My lord, you told me before that this disaster is related to a certain civilization, right?"

Don't underestimate some rules engraved in the spirit.

The most important of these is naturally the most important function of the wizard's staff, which increases the speed of your magic power and the speed of witchcraft release. In this regard, with the blessing of the time hourglass, the speed of witchcraft release can be accelerated by half.

serious eyes.

A huge witch formation was imprinted on the ground, shining with light. In the center of the witch formation, there was a beautiful staff floating, and beside it was a magical hourglass of time.

After a few seconds, Eli's light gradually went out

In the blink of an eye, you have already completed most of that step.

The body of the floating wizard's staff is exposed, and the hourglass of time flows in the amethyst on the head of the staff, like a dream, and the translucent hourglass of time exudes dreamy colors in the amethyst.

The true spirit has read all the books, but I am still a little disappointed. Among those materials, there is very little information about witchcraft, and I just learned that the time hourglass itself is not a warlock force, and in fact there is no need for the true spirit at all.

So ruining is the best option.

A secret place, a room.

"All, all the information he knows." Zhen Ling said.

In the past, the world of wizards was absolutely suppressed by force, but today's world of warlocks can't do it.

As for the effect, as long as the curse is successful, as the wizard kills that creature, you get an elemental bonus. In short, witchcraft and means are more powerful against those creatures.

The replacement was successful!

Talk is better than nothing!

He also started to sort out all the books of Time Hourglass.

It's the equivalent of a snail meeting salt.

This disappointed Zhenling greatly.

"What's wrong with this little catastrophe!" Zhen Ling also sat up straight at this time and asked.


"My lord, what do you want to know about that question?" I looked at Zhenling and asked tentatively.

It is said that a long time ago, Alice told me that it is best to know these things after the witch formation. Now that the witch formation is established, I should be able to know it. After all, it is still a very important thing.

Blood Curse!

The second is the perception of elements, and those have also been improved to a certain extent.

Really happy, the next step is to assemble.

In that pile of materials, I found one of the most core and most vicious knowledge that the white wizard used to traverse the endless world, the knowledge of blood curse!

"Too vague!" Alice shook her head: "I only know that this is a very weird world. It is said that this world is full of weirdness and curses.

All the power of a wizard is above the spiritual power. You are not a race that is good at spiritual pollution, so the threat to the wizarding world is self-evident.

I haven't forgotten that I'm still a wizard, if it works

Well, I really don't need to mess around in the wizarding world. If the wizards in the wizarding world come back, then seeing me for the first time will definitely kill me.

"Actually, you don't know much. After all, you are only the eighth ring at this time, but your teacher is a witch formation, so you know a little bit.

a month later.

It is said that this is a dead and silent area, and the positive civilized area is full of disturbing feelings, and the entire civilized area is extremely quiet.

As far as I can tell, what happened at the time was also very strange, not that the wizarding world engaged in unusual world raids and wars, but entered a familiar territory.

Nicholas sent all the books to the real spirit's room. There were as many as ten boxes, occupying one room of the real spirit.

Lu Ying was slightly surprised, I seemed to understand something!

A week ago, you confirmed that you had branded that knowledge into your brain, and the true spirit burned all that part of the data. After all, I have that consciousness, but these warlocks may not have it.

one day later.

Of course, these are nothing. The most terrifying thing is that the creatures in this world have some spiritual pollution, which is enough to pollute the curse of the wizard's spiritual power. "


Using the bloodline curse on humans has always been a taboo in the wizarding world, and it is absolutely not allowed to happen. As long as it is discovered, it will be executed, regardless of rank or status.

True Spirit looked at the True Spirit Scepter in his hand and smiled. At this time, the witch's staff has reached the level of the Seven Rings, which is a huge improvement compared to before.

"What civilization?"

"Well, there is indeed something about the catastrophe." Zhenling nodded, and said: "You remember that you came to chat with him once before, but at this time he said that it is best not to understand the witch formation, now you The witch formation is gone, it should be fine."

Among the secrets.

in the lab.

Of course, this metaphor is exaggerated, but it should be very appropriate.

I didn't expect that adults came to me to discuss that matter.

It's not about the apocalypse.

But it's not without gains.

Thinking of this, True Spirit also had other thoughts, and immediately called Alice.

"My lord, what do you need from me?" Alice looked at Zhenling and asked.

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing!"


Eli said suddenly in the quiet laboratory.

Even wizards have to obey the rules.

That naturally aroused the desire of the wizards to explore, to explore the interior of the civilized area, and finally a terrifying civilization occurred here, and then led to the previous series of events. said Alice.

Alice raised her head, took a deep breath, and her face became serious.

This thing is like the Sunflower Book that spreads out. If a warlock really learns it, ask other people if he has learned it. If he doesn’t learn it, he can’t beat others. It's a mess.

In the next second, the witch formation bloomed in darkness, the amethyst on the original staff fell off and then melted, and the liquid flowing outside also slowly disappeared, while the hourglass of time slowly floated over to replace the liquid in it.

True Spirit shook his head.

"But you can't use it now, UU Kanshu can always be used on humans."

The titles of civilization destroyer, world slave owner, fear spreader, etc. are all related to this knowledge.

Don't underestimate those.

"Psychic Pollution!"

It once originated from the initial stage of the wizard era, and was researched and explored by the first White Witch King. It needs to be cast on specific creatures and races, used on itself, and then cursed on specific creatures.

Another two months passed.

"Yes!" True Spirit nodded.

Eli is conducting a nerve-wracking experiment.

After dealing with these things, the true spirit realized that it forgot a very important thing before it advanced.

Alice arrives.

All told, rounded up, I've saved a wizarding world!

This is also one of the important means for the wizarding world to conquer foreign lands, and it is also an important reason for the wizard's reputation.

But don't underestimate this speed. For the Wuzhen stage, even a little improvement is a huge improvement, let alone half of it, which can only be achieved by precious items of the time system.

This is also what I care most about. It took Eli another month for the rune branding.

"But I still need to learn how to speak." Zhen Ling smiled and began to check silently.

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