Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 317: The Ministry of Oceans was established, and the Devil Tiger Shark 1 family

the next day.

Alice comes to report to Eli on the damage caused by the tsunami.

"Teacher, we lost about a hundred thousand magic stones, and the two nearby cities were completely destroyed by the tsunami and turned into ruins, and the potion fields nearby were also submerged!" Alice said.

"What about the ones who insisted on not leaving!" Eli asked.

"Basically all died!" Alice shook her head and said, "However, one or two lucky ones survived, and even ran to our area to question us, and were arrested by us!"

"Should the villain file a complaint first?"

Eli smiled, but didn't take it seriously.

"By the way, Master, I suspect that this tsunami may be just the beginning. I plan to set up a marine supervision department to supervise the waters near the west coast. What do you think!" Alice asked.

"Good idea." Eli nodded.

Now that he lived here, he naturally had to master the ocean conditions.

"Ocean Vortex!"

Nicola came to report.

In just a few seconds, a huge underwater vortex was formed like this, violently absorbing everything around it, I saw a huge living creature with seven rings, just being involved in it, it was torn into blood foam and dyed red swirl.

"Hmm!" Devil Tiger Shark stopped talking.

"Are there any Spirit-level ones!" Eli asked.

Eli once again turned into a beam of blood and left the Tower of Blood.

"You have to choose the water element for the next elemental witchcraft!"

Something is approaching Alice.

And I also fused a certain devouring rune, which can make him have a strong devouring power.

Looking at the blue water, Eli looked in a direction. In this direction, I sensed the breath of a large number of creatures, which should not be the killer whales.

I met that race when I went to the ocean to get the materials to advance to the eighth ring. It was a deep-sea creature. It seemed that we planned to occupy the sea area there, but I didn't see them come back after I killed them.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

"Hurry up, there are no more people."

"Boss, do you think it's really a good choice for them to leave?" the leftmost of the eight devil tiger sharks asked suddenly.

So I think it’s better to leave as soon as possible, go to a safe place to develop some years, and then wait for you to advance to the seventh ring, and return to the deep sea!”

"That's it!"

The number is even hundreds, and it is so dark that it occupies a large area, and that terrifying group also makes the sea creatures in the distance dodge one after another, not daring to approach.

A few hours later, a white line gradually appeared in the field of vision of the demon killer whales. As they got closer, all the demon killer whales also saw a lot of land.


I shouted loudly.

"My lord, in the coast of Alice, his undead seems to have seen a large number of wise sea people approaching that side. I'm sure you guessed it right. It should be the devil killer whale family, and the number is about 800."

But after all, Eli just wanted to understand the water element witchcraft, and he didn't study it too deeply.

The strength of the means is even more so!"

After the report, I also left.

Eli was also very curious about what happened in the deep sea.

"Boss, there should be humans far from the coast, isn't that safer?" asked the Devil Tiger Shark on the other side.

The leader of the devil killer whale saw himself getting closer and closer to the whirlpool, and couldn't help feeling desperate.

"Devil killer whale family!"

Vortex Funeral!

It was also ten years later that I developed the first water elemental seven-ring witchcraft.

One month after the establishment of the department, the first round of coastal surveys was launched.

It means that we are unsuccessful in the deep sea or have encountered an accident.

"Okay!" With Eli's support, Alice gained a lot of confidence.

"Hmph!" The leader snorted coldly.

He said: "Does he think that is still the wizarding world? If these wizards were here, how could you be within 100,000 meters of the mainland, but it is different now. There are only a few warlocks left in the wizarding world, and we are far inferior to wizards!

With the experience of creating witchcraft for the first time, Eli's creation went much smoother.

"My lord, have you detected a real-level devil tiger shark so far!" Nicholas asked.

Nicholas told Bai Hui that the Orca family hadn't arrived yet.

That kind of power is different here.

Suddenly, a devil killer whale appeared.

Seven days later.

And we're in the vortex.

After discussing the details for a while, Alice left.

Eli blinked.

But looking at the two devil tiger sharks, I still seemed a little worried, so I comforted me and said, "Relax a little, this time you are going to Bai Hui, you sent tiger sharks to investigate before you go, there is no real spirit there, even There are very few eight rings, so there is nothing wrong with your development there.”

At this time, everyone found that as we moved forward, the water behind seemed to be swimming forward, and a kind of suction attracted all the devil killer whales to move forward.

The two devil tiger sharks relaxed a lot when they heard this.

What kind of submarine vortex is this? This is a submarine meat grinder!

I found that there are many more creatures from the deeper ocean in the nearby sea area, which may have been brought up by the tsunami, but when the news reached Eli, I still felt that it was not good.

"Okay!" Eli nodded and said, "Be careful and investigate, and let me know when the time comes!"

I was shocked!

"Hey, the water flow is not right!"

A demon killer whale jumped up and looked forward.

And if you look carelessly.

On the endless sea.

All the demon killer whales looked surprised, and so did the leader of the demon killer whales. I also felt that something was wrong, because I was half above the sea surface and could not see the nearby seabed.

And those demon killer whales were more than ten meters in front of them, walking side by side.

The largest of them reached seventeen meters, and the aura it emitted was at the level of a half-step true spirit.

On the sea surface at the rear, a huge ocean vortex with a radius of several hundred meters is turning, countless waves are rolling and converging towards the center, and the center is a huge vortex with no bottom.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could only see my clansmen sucking towards the vortex, even those with eight rings, and I struggled crazily, but after a few seconds, I also flew into the vortex.



Just about to let the tribe evacuate, but a suction hit.

The Devil Tiger Shark in the center glanced at me, and then said: "I also know, but the deep sea is getting worse and worse. With the departure of these wizards, there are fewer and fewer creatures at the level of the seven rings, and your family There has been no true spirit for a long time.

All the devil killer whales accelerated after hearing it.

The waves rolled, and a white line could be seen moving forward, and the dorsal fins crossed the water, leaving scratches on the ocean.

Immediately stunned!

Nicola nodded.

Here we are.

Eli vaguely feels that the water elemental witchcraft may play an important role for a period of time in the future, and in ocean warfare, the water elemental witchcraft is very important.

Hundreds of killer whales began to speed up and swim towards Alice.

one place.

I don't know if it's a coincidence. UU reading



Use the surging water element to rotate continuously in the ocean to create a huge ocean vortex, but the outside is full of high-strength water element blades, as long as you enter it, you will be ruthlessly strangled.

Although it is difficult for our family to break through the true spirit, it is not difficult for the eight rings. The devil tiger shark family has seven rings as an adult. At this time, 40% of our team are above seven rings.

The ring occupies almost half of it.

The leader of the demon killer whale clan also let out a whining sound again, expressing cheers.

At this time, the marine regulatory department also sent new news.

The leader of the killer whale suddenly poked out of the sea and made a woo... woo sound, the voice was not high but full of power.

A few hours later, I came to the endless sea.

Under the dorsal fin, there are huge bodies with white patterns and not too big eyes, but each of them is at least 1.4 meters in size, and the larger one is more than ten meters.


But this time the sea change unexpectedly came to us.

The marine supervision department was established under Alice's proposal, with Nicholas in charge and Hydera as an assistant, and hundreds of excellent warlocks were also transferred to serve as members.

nothing unusual!

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