Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 318: 6 ring creatures, Eli's plan

The tiger shark leader desperately resisted this suction, but he was still getting closer and closer to the vortex inevitably.

As he approached, he also felt the water element in it. Where there was the usual soft feeling, what he felt was the coldness like the wind element.

Wisps of water elements passed by like knives.

As if in a meat grinder, scars appeared one after another around his body, blood red blood flowed uncontrollably, and then got sucked into the vortex.

He was horrified.

He is like this at the limit of the three rings, so what about the other clansmen.

He looked into the distance from the corner of his eye, the vortex on the bottom of the sea was spinning like a tornado on the bottom of the sea, and his clansmen were flying into it one by one.

And often the moment you enter, you will be torn into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and those with the third ring can last for a while, but it will soon have the same ending.

In just a few minutes, there were almost no members of his clan left.

And these few are almost unable to hold on.

"Master, your people haven't sensed the disappearance of these sea creatures, what did Master do?" Alice asked.

In the sky, True Spirit felt that his vitality had increased by a thousand years, and the oath had come true.

I have some doubts.

Endless regret lingered in his heart, he only felt that the suction of the vortex was getting stronger and stronger, and he was almost unable to hold on.

"I regret it!"

have no choice!

Suddenly, I saw above the vortex, there seemed to be a human being looking at me.

And I'm only in a place not far from the shore, so the safety cannot be guaranteed, and once a new intelligent race arrives, I will be able to discover it as soon as possible, and test some new witchcraft and the like.

The Dharma Body is really as the demon killer whale said, so although the demon killer whale family is the first to come here, it will definitely not be the last. In the future, more and more races will leave the deep sea, and some of them will definitely come here. to here.

"You remember that there should be a big island far away from the dharmakaya on the west coast, in the ocean." Zhenling asked.

Before I could react, I was caught by the Dharma Body, like a caught big fish escaped from the vortex and flew towards the sea.

It seems that the true spirit has not seen the endless troubles.

Alice nodded.

"What is the purpose of their coming here?" Sister Liang asked again.

During his next time on the west coast, if witchcraft experiments were to be carried out frequently, then a spacious place with people would naturally be needed.

Suddenly, I felt that in the sea water, countless sea water suddenly gathered, and a big hand made of sea water tens of meters suddenly appeared, and then grabbed me.

"Innocent child!"

"Increase investment in the ocean department], they may need some warlocks with oceanic blood." Liang Mei said.

Serves multiple purposes.

For a while, I seemed to have returned to this era when I was enslaved by wizards. Although I was not born in this era, some fears were deeply implanted in my blood.

At this time, the devil killer whale was caught in mid-air by the huge elemental hand. Seeing Liang Mei flying over, feeling Eli's breath, his body was trembling non-stop. After a few seconds, he said:

"The blood of marine life?" Alice frowned. This is a big question.


The moment of seeing human beings, the endless horror moment makes me feel like falling into the abyss of the sea.

I'm at a loss.

The devil killer whale fell straight towards the water surface, and below me was facing the center of the vortex.

"Huh?" Sensing the message from the soul, Zhenling raised his brows and asked the question I was most concerned about during this trip.

Above the body is not a huge seabed vortex. At this time, it still exudes a huge terrifying suction force, sweeping all the surrounding creatures, and I just escaped from it.

"Did he say that the lord's law body let you go? As long as the lord lets you go, you can tell the lord."

He led the tribe through many dangers.

When they came here, they thought it was a paradise, but they didn't expect it to be a hell, taking their lives arbitrarily.

"My lord, please forgive me!"

"Speak!" Zhenling said.

True Spirit shook his head and left quickly.

It seems that sister Liang really didn't mean to kill me. After all, judging from the current world environment, the lifespan of an eight-ring wizard is only 700 to 800 years, and sister Liang is only a little over a thousand.

"you're lying!"

When falling, the devil killer whale shouted at the real spirit angrily.

"Yeah." Zhen Ling nodded and said, "But he is here to tell you about this matter today, it's about the endless sea, and it will be a trouble here next."

"Of course!" True Spirit nodded, and then the water suddenly dispersed.

Alice looked down at the ring, her eyes lit up, she had blood, so it would be much more convenient to cultivate.

"Sister Liang wizard?"


The devil killer whale was also stunned, so frankly straightforward!

"How could there be such a terrifying underwater vortex near the coast!" His big eyes were full of puzzlement and despair, as if a knife was piercing his heart.

Alice was a little puzzled.

And I swear by Eli, this is not a joke. If you don't keep the oath, your mental power will be reversed and evolved, and your mental power will collapse and die if you are serious.

I feel like I'm dead.

"Yes." True Spirit nodded.


"Okay, my lord." The devil killer whale saw the hope of life, and his mood rose a little, saying: "Since my lord asked you about what happened in the deep sea, it means that my lord should have sensed the elemental incident ten years later. Bar.

"That's it!', Sister Liang suddenly realized.

As soon as I relaxed, my body moved towards the whirlpool along with the sea water.

After listening, he also had a serious face, and he understood the importance of the matter.

"My lord, can you let him go?" At this moment, the devil killer whale not far away suddenly asked.


I can't understand why the real spirit would do what it did.

Soon, Alice arrived.

And this human being is also flying towards this direction.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing!" Sister Liang said suddenly.

Those powerful races of yours hardly survive, that’s why they come to the sea to seek survival!” In order to survive, the devil orca spoke out everything it knew.

If the law body is caused by the eight rings, it seems normal.

"Of course." Zhen Ling nodded, and then directly said solemnly: "You swear by Eli, you must have let him go, and your lifespan is a thousand years!"

For a moment, I subconsciously begged for mercy.

I have thought about it.

Soon, sister Liang returned to the wizard tower.

"Tell me what is going on in the deep sea?" asked the true spirit.

Then Liangmei told Alice what happened in the deep sea.

And after I left, the vortex under the sea gradually disappeared, and the law body was restored on the sea surface.

In just a few seconds, the killer whale fell into the vortex, and a few seconds later it was minced meat.

"Yes, this is a large uninhabited island with no common resources." Alice nodded.

He had sworn it.

"That's it, I understand." Zhenling nodded, and then fell into deep thought.

An Eli-level human and, it seems, a wizard.

In the wizard's tower, the true spirit called Alice again.

I have to go back and figure out how to deal with future troubles.

A few seconds later, the giant hand led me out of the sea.

"Those are the blood of the devil killer whale, and should be enough to power hundreds of warlocks." True Spirit said fiercely.

"You guys build this place, UU reading I plan to live there." True Spirit said.

He also suddenly understood the origin of the vortex, it was not a natural force at all, but an Eli's


After holding on for a few more minutes, he also felt unable to hold on.

As for his clansmen, they have all been reduced to flesh and blood.

And Hydera's advancement also requires a lot of flesh and blood.

Endless Sea is a great place.

The reason is actually very complicated. In the deep sea, the eight-ring-level adults left behind from the wizard era that suppressed the deep sea ran out of lifespan and died. "

But when he was determined, he was pushed over by the ring.

"With the death of this lord, the originally chaotic deep sea became even more chaotic, and various ethnic groups are vying for the position of dominance of the ocean again, and now they are fighting every day in the deep sea.

"Oh?" Alice looked up.


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