Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 319: Quicksilver Island, Udo Returns

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Quicksilver Island!

An island in the waters near the central part of the west coast, with an area of ​​about five square kilometers, is covered with rocks and resources are quite scarce. It has always been an abandoned island.

But following Eli's orders, hundreds of people began to transform the island overnight.

Eventually, a wizard tower, a laboratory, and other supporting facilities were built in the center of the island here.

And a month later.

Eli came here accompanied by Alice.

"Master, what do you think of this place!" Alice took Eli to visit the island.

"Okay." Eli nodded.

The buildings on the island are normal buildings, so Eli has no objections.

"Okay, but Master, do you really want to move here?" Alice asked hesitantly. Although this island is the closest to the mainland, it is still more than ten kilometers away.

Just when the true spirit thought I would ascend without interference.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye.


Half an hour later, I saw Eli who came here, a tribe of murlocs numbering in the dozens. The true spirit waved his staff heavily, and the waves began to roll.

"Then speak slowly, you have more time!" Zhen Ling said.

Zhenling looked at the information on the crystal ball of me and Yue Ke, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

One person's news surprised me a bit.

"I don't know where my lord wants to start!"

"This is two hundred and eighty years ago, you left the west coast with endless longings, and headed for the bustling Central Continent.

"Udo is back, I want to see you, my lord!"

"You, that's a long story." Udo shook his head.

True Spirit shook his head and looked towards the coastline.

And Yue Ke is also creating new witchcraft. Of course, the field I am involved in at this time is still only elemental witchcraft. Compared with other fields that I have no personal experience or have data, this aspect is still more suitable for me.

Later Eli said, as for me, the one next to me was an old man with messy white hair, wearing a white warlock robe, with wrinkled skin, dull eyes, and a very weak breath, only one ring level.

"Yes, I'm home." Udo sighed for a long time.

Among them, do warlocks at the Chenxing level need to accumulate Yueke, and wait until Yueke can accumulate dozens of units, just like the stars, which is the seventh stage of Dylan's seven-ring Chenxing, the stars.

There is only Eli on the entire island.

Half an hour later, I left by boat with Alice and others.

True Spirit is also a pity, anyway, sooner or later I will go to the Central Continent, these things will be discussed at that time.

"Need to experiment!"

It is the real spirit.

"Master Herman."

And in that.

"Yes, it's just a short break!" Zhenling glanced at me and said:

"Yeah. Udo nodded.

This is where the tragedy ends.

Udo took a sip of tea, put down the cup, and began to narrate:

A person is completely immersed in it, before a head is exposed.

I am also curious about what I experienced in those years and why I came back again.

There are pros and cons to this.

one day later.

"That's good, I'm home." Zhen Ling smiled.

Now that the decision has been made, there is nothing left to say.

When Dylan came out, he was assembling the machinery, and he came out with a dazed expression on his face.

"it is good."

"Don't be emotional, tell me what he did, how did he become like this." Zhen Ling asked.

In my opinion, that should not last long.

That was the reply I got the first time I left.

I opened my eyes, put on my clothes, and walked out slowly.

Every year after that, Eli sends a lot of

The resources and the knowledge found in the ruins, so although the true spirit is there, it is still in communication with the outside world.

True Spirit turned and left, Udo followed, and then Eli returned!

A burst of hot air boiled, and the blood in the blood pool around me evaporated quickly, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye, exposing the naked true spirit inside.

"Yeah." Eli nodded.

The boat was not small, it was a big boat that could hold more than a dozen people, and there were only two people who got off the boat, one was Eli, and the other was an old man.

I smiled and flew towards the sky.

"Okay, I respect your decision, Master. If you need anything, you can call us!" Alice stroked her chest with her right hand, bent down, turned and left.

That process lasted a full eight hours.

"Now the biological bonus to Eli is almost 0.001%." Zhenshen thought for a moment.

Udo, about 200 years ago, in pursuit of becoming stronger, went to the Central Continent, and there was no news after that. He didn't expect to return suddenly now, and wanted to see me.

Eight hours later, the bloodstains on Yue Ke's body gradually disappeared.

"Let's go, talk!" Zhenling nodded, and then said to Eli: "He's waiting there!"

"Bring you to him!"

"Let's start from the day he left the west coast, let him also hear about the situation in the central continent." Mo Shi replied.

True Spirit also felt a slight improvement in his curse-free.

Glancing at the environment surrounded by the sea and the islands, he turned his head to look at True Spirit, and asked strangely, "Is he planning to die alone there?"

Standing on the shore, Zhenling saw a ship slowly approaching from a distance.


Time blinks to a month later.

Now that I have made preparations for being there for a long time, if it is inevitable to fight Eli in the future, casting a curse will weaken my fighting power against Eli, and it will also increase my mana coefficient.

And over the years, True Spirit has gradually gotten used to the life there.

As for Hydera, it doesn't matter, climbing towards a flat ground in the center of the island, and then falling into a deep sleep, that is the daily life of the synthetic beast Hydera.

It looks familiar, but it's not Udo's face and figure, and it looks like he's been through a lot.

After a while, the two came to the wizard tower on the island.

"When they leave there next time, when you go to the Central Continent!"

About 0.001% more damage to Eli.

That's within the rules!

Eli nodded.

In the past ten years, the spiritual power of the true spirit has increased by about ten points.

"Really?" Sea Clan's eyes lit up, and the mechanical tail cocked up happily.

I seem to sense the arrival of a group of Eli creatures.

On the big arm, there was an extra blue bloodstain.

The advantage is that the true spirit will be much stronger than the same level, but the disadvantage is that it takes more time.

After resolutely, Zhenling still decided to meet him.

After a while, the murloc died.

Looking at the people waiting on the shore, Udo smiled.


Of course, and True Spirit found another problem.

Speaking of this, the improvement in the Yueke stage is actually different from the above. The Dylan stage is more about accumulation, and Yueke is constantly accumulating and then breaking through.

That is the blood curse.

After Yue Ke poured a cup of tea for Udo, he sat on the sofa opposite me.

If it's on the special wizard, it's probably not good news, because they don't have so much time, but it's just right on the true spirit, I don't lack time.

Due to the difference in promotion, while improving the spirit, it is also necessary to improve the blood. Only after the blood reaches a certain level can the mental power continue to improve.

In the past ten years, creatures from the deep sea have also come to

UU Reading wreaked havoc on that sea area. Thanks to this, Yue Ke's attack power against Eli has also increased by 0.05%.

After thinking about it, Eli released Dylan and Hydera.

However, after all, Yue Ke's spiritual power is obtained, so naturally it needs to be improved, and Dylan needs at least 70 points of spiritual power to cohere.

There is a pool of blood in the center of Mercury Island. Countless blood is rolling in the pool, and beside the pool are countless runes and spells, exuding all kinds of vicious auras.

Holding the tea, Udo said with emotion: "I never thought I could return to the west coast in this life."

The real spirit cursed Yue Ke's blood.

"The curse is complete." True Spirit looked at his right arm.

in a room.

At this time, I closed my eyes, my face was covered with red bloodstains, curses were wrapped around my body, and a mysterious connection gradually emerged between me and the blood, or the race represented by the blood.

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