Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 320: The tragic life of Udo, the death of Vivica

Soon, Udo was telling Eli his story.

According to him.

When he left that year, the first city he went to by airship was Holmes City, which was also the closest city to the west coast after passing through the Roja Mountains.

Udo lived there temporarily.

When talking about this, Udo said with nostalgia: "At that time I lived in the city of Holmes, it was a coincidence that my next door was a beautiful Nina girl named Tasha, she had beautiful long golden hair , blue eyes, very funny, I fell in love with her.

I told her stories about the West Coast and she told me hers, and everything was perfect, everything was so harmonious, I was even going to live there. "

Eli sipped his tea and listened to the story, which had been pretty good so far.

Udo remembered: "But tragedy happened. Suddenly one day, two second-ring warlocks came to us and said that Tasha was a wanted criminal. Naturally, I didn't believe it at the time, so I repelled them!"

"Then I asked Tasha, and she told me that she is a direct descendant of a bloodline family, with a strong bloodline, but was injured, so she couldn't improve after becoming a first-ring warlock, and they planned to betroth her to a collateral genius of the same family, She didn't want to, so she ran over."

"Afterwards I asked her what she was going to do, and she said she only wanted to be with me, so I believed it, so I ran away with her!"

At this time, Udo's appearance is empty, and his interior is even more empty, and his vitality is weak and unstable like a candle that is about to burn out.

It can only be said that adults are worthy of being adults.

The corner of Lu Mei's mouth twitched, this story is really bloody.

"Oh?" Eli looked at me.

Lu Mei stood up, walked to the window, and looked inside.

"Didn't that guy come back with him?" Eli asked.

Unexpectedly, Udo, who was very smart in the past, has become like this now.

With such a response, it seems that the adults are still more concerned about Vivica.

I can't even imagine what happened next, nothing more than discovering the truth about Tasha, and then going into exile or being imprisoned.

Udo didn't say much, just insisted.

After Wu Duo left, his strength was at the early stage of the Eighth Ring. Even in the Central Continent, that kind of strength was quite high.

"Udo is dead!"

"Okay, if you're sure you have the ability." Eli nodded.

you succeeded!

Soon, Udo was buried in Xinta's cemetery.

"Another way?" On the other side, Udo was also bewildered by the chaotic words, completely unable to understand what Eli was saying!

"Yes indeed!"

"No, but you found her man, who is also mine." Udo raised his head and said, "When he told me that he was pregnant on the way, I was still skeptical, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"After that, every once in a while, there will be people chasing them and trying to capture Tasha, but my lord also knows that his strength is not bad, and he easily repelled these people."

Here, due to the unique environment here, over the past 170 years, I have directly evolved to the level of the Seven Rings, and my face has also become like this. "Udo smiled bitterly.


So Eli decided to hang on, and wait until he has enough strength before going to the Central Continent.

"He said?" Eli narrowed his eyes slightly.

Eli closed his eyes, and only then did he realize that the soul imprint that had once become incomplete at some point, but the soul rune imprinted in Vivica's soul still existed.

He is great!

"No!" Udo shook his head and said, "You have your own life, I have no right to interfere, and you are very talented, much better than me!"

Lu Mei: ...

"Knowing all this, my lord, it's hard for him to imagine his feelings at that time. In a fit of anger, he found several branches of evil organizations, and then wiped them out."

"It's nothing to be sad about." Eli glanced at me, "Vivica is already at the end of her lifespan, and it's normal to die at this time, and it's too late for him to be happy for you!"

"Let's not talk about this, tell me, what are you going to do next!" Eli turned to look at Udo.


"At that time, he was indeed hunted down. During that process, she was separated from her man. Then, about ten years later, she was almost killed during a hunt, but she still ran away, but she also fell into a circle. , After that, they didn’t continue to arrest her, so she went around for decades, met her man for the last time, and finally came back.” Udo finished the last story fiercely.

Sending Udo away, after a while, Vivica and Udo left by boat.

"After that, I stayed here for a full 170 years. She was caught in a place called the abyss, where there are some creatures under the ground, trying to invade the world.

"After an accident, I ran out from here, but in my heart, I decided to go to Tasha."


Of course, the premise is that I'm still alive when Eli comes.

"Excuse me, how long have you known each other at this point!" Eli asked.

I must be a true spirit, there is a high probability that there will be so many hunts down.

So strength has to be king.

"I know my lord, if you still go to the Central Continent in the future, you will definitely meet my man. Can you take care of him a little bit? His name is Mia." Udo hoped.

"There's one more thing you might be interested in!" Suddenly, Udo raised his head and said.

All right, keep listening to me.

In the first half of Udona's life, he was miserable and happy. At least he really found someone to love. Although it was only seven years, it was not bad. The only problem was that he didn't have enough strength.

"Vivica is dead!" Udo paused after a few seconds.

"Because she loves you!" Wu Shao shook his head and said, "My lord, you know that is really ridiculous, but the reason is really not that!"

"Is your lord sad?" Udo was puzzled.

Eli receives a message from Alice.

"Yes, in the last few decades, I went to the Bloodline Tower. I wanted to meet Vivica and then left. Then I found out that you died. It is said that the death was in a competition for promotion resources." Udo looked up, observing Eli's expression.

So you chose another path, choosing to clear and start over.

"Why?" At this time, Eli couldn't help asking.

"According to what his son said, Tasha actually gave birth to him in the first year of going to Central Territory, and Tasha was hunted down by their organization at the time. They anesthetized you to prevent you from participating in it."

"Then you were hunted down again?" Eli asked strangely.

Looking at the message, Lu Mei was silent for a few seconds before sending back:

Although it is bloody, it is also reasonable, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why this man did not kill me, but chose to stun me.

That flip.

"And then?" Eli asked.

"My lord!"

I trusted Tasha so much at the time that I had almost no reservations. On the seventh day of crossing there, I was stunned. She left with all my resources, and during the time I was unconscious, he was The hunted man was caught.

— a week later.

Vivica is dead?


Lu Mei gave Udo a thumbs up.

"It went well. At that time, your plan was to leave the Western Regions and go to the Central Regions. In just seven years, you crossed there, and then hid to the border of the Western Regions!

Eli was speechless at this point.

Vivica is not dead.

Here, Eli has faintly heard something is wrong.

"Hehe, one month!" Udo said bitterly.

But to my astonishment, after a few seconds, Eli returned to his fierceness, just sighed,

Said: "Your talent is not good, it is very difficult to advance, so naturally you have to fight, it is probably your life."

"Yeah." Eli nodded.

Eli took a look that day and returned.

I must have encountered it. If there is any danger, it is nothing to help.

After that, tragedy happened.

"Is there one more thing you want to get out of your lord's control?" Udo said again.

"He!" Udo raised his head and said, "My lord should be able to see that his life is not much left, and he just wants to come back and spend his last days there."

"Okay, my lord, I will take my leave." Udo stood up and bid farewell to Eli.

"Then did he find it?"

"Oh?" Eli smiled: "I will indeed go to the Central Continent, but how would he know, I must have met him, I can protect him, maybe he has already surpassed me at this time!"

"Happy?" Udo was confused, what's the point of being happy?

As far as I know, Vivica should be one of the closest people to Eli. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Looking far away, as if seeing the distance through space, he sighed: "Viveka is a child, he may not realize that your talent is possible to advance.

"Bury me in the cemetery where the holy tower used to be, I should like it."

Moreover, the Central Continent sounds much more dangerous from the description. It is an evil organization, an underground invasion from the abyss, and hunting. Udo’s misery is also related to the environment.

"My lord, you really guessed right!" Udo was also a little embarrassed.

Lu Mei stood up and said loudly in surprise.

"About Vivica."


Gamers go home!

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Udo said: "After being captured, I found out that Tasha was a warlock from an evil organization. She assassinated many warlocks in the Western Regions, so she was hunted down, and because I protected her, He also became a wanted criminal and was dragged to a place to kill the invading alien creatures!"

After hearing the story, Eli also sighed.

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