Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 321: Two hundred and fifty years, starry levels

Udo's return and death are interludes in Eli's life.

He then resumed his normal life.

Eli usually explores new witchcraft, especially advanced elemental witchcraft.

Over time, he was able to create a new elemental sorcery every few years, the quality is definitely not that high, but it basically covers the elemental sorcery.

But it may be idle.

Eli began to record various aspects of what happened.

In short, he resumed his diary.


4031 in the new calendar, this is the first year I lived in Mercury Island, and it was 4041 in the new calendar that I started writing a diary.

The new calendar is 4045 years.

Of course, True Spirit also has eight units.

The giant turtles of the sea clan invaded and killed them.

The blood curse has finally reached 1%.

In the wizard's tower, Eli sat by the window, looking at the endless sea level in the wizard's tower, looked up, and held a thick diary in his hand.

"alright, I got it!"

Eli nodded, it's been too long since he showed up, he was forgotten!

Dylan also benefited from this, and a lot of ore was integrated into his body by him, and his strength finally reached the third ring.

"Where are the others?" Eli frowned, I really don't know this.

When the Sea Clan and the Crocodile Clan arrived, there was a true spirit, and I killed it. Unexpectedly, the curse went straight to 3%. It seems that I still underestimated these true spirits of the Sea Clan.

4220 years.

"Did something happen? I need to come to you." Eli asked.

This year, the expanded marine supervision department expanded rapidly with the help of Nicholas, and began to explore resources around the ocean, as well as inventory the creatures here.

A few seconds later, Yin Fen closed the diary, and felt about seventeen units of true spirits in her body. According to the wizard's rules, it was considered to have stepped into the starry level.

This time his blood curse finally broke through 0.5%.

Compared with more than two hundred years ago, I am more sure, definitely not like a true spirit like Gedo, he can't kill me easily.


In the morning star stage, the MSI level is about 1-15 units of true spirit power, while the star level is about 15-45 units, and the nebula is 45-100 units.

After we arrived, we directly wanted to invade there.

That's not the true spirit I'm looking for!

The adults are finally about to show up.

that year.

On the west coast, another new race has arrived, could it be the snake people, a sea creature with a slender head but a snake body.

At this time, I am still at the limit of the eight rings, but my breath is much better than before.

It's time to show up.


There are many strong people in the Central Continent, so I have to play it safe.

In the end, they discovered a chrysotile mine not far from the ocean, which is a precious and rare metal with ductility and plasticity, and is often used in the production of large-scale witchcraft.

When Eli reacted, I found that the time had come to 4298.

The door opened and Nikolai floated in.

"Nicolas, I haven't seen you in a long time, but you look good." Eli looked at me and greeted.

Eli: ???

But at least I'm considered a star-level wizard.

Seeing this, Eli's browsing speed is getting faster and faster.


The Sea Clan sea monkeys, invade and kill.

Of course, the growth rate in the early stage of this process will increase with the accumulation of true spirit units, but it can be imagined that the gap between each level is even much larger than before.

Eli got up from the window and stretched.

"Where is Alice? Why didn't you inform him of such an important matter?" Eli looked at Nicholas.

On this day, he experimented with a fireball technique he had recently created.



"My lord, some things have happened on the west coast recently." Nicholas said deeply.

A MSI-level true spirit.

Ten True Spirit units, curse 4%.

The Sea Clan and the Sea Spider Clan invaded. There are a lot of them. There are true spirits, killing and cursing up to 5%.


4100 years.


The marlin family has arrived, and there are eight half-step true spirit level wizards in the family.

Jin Ji wrote to me, telling me that he became the head of a region of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce in the Western Regions, and the scope was as large as several west coasts. I was surprised, but happy for him, after all, I was still waiting to hold their thighs in the future.



Ginger wrote me again, telling me he was in a lot of trouble, and I wrote him back.

"Alice was injured by this true spirit and fell into a coma." Yin Fen sighed.

Even if you just write it frequently, two hundred years is enough to write a thick book, and before that, even Eli could only write it every few years.

Our speed is very fast, and like the subsequent tribes, we are cruel and murderous, which affects the collection of marine resources by the Ministry of Resources. He experimented with the latest seven-ring witchcraft thunder sea. When the sea is covered with thunder, we have nowhere to escape.


In the silver light, my eyes crossed the space. After a few seconds, I saw a wizard tower and a familiar warlock in the wizard tower.

"Two hundred and seventy years!" Eli opened the diary, full of emotions.

I came to the window again, with silver light shining in my eyes.


Time is getting faster and faster.

"The stars are not enough, at least Huiyue is needed to go to the Central Continent." Eli looked at the scenery outside the window, thinking.

Seven units of True Spirit, everything is fine.

The sea clan's sawtooth sharks invaded, and if there is a real spirit, kill them.

So look down on people?

At this time, there are eight true spirit units, and the curse is 1.2%.

And two hundred and seventy years have passed.

"Yes, long time no see, sir!" Yin Fen lowered her head humbly.

It was the first time I saw the invasion of the batfish family. It was very novel, so I left a part of it to dissect it and learn more about marine life.

The new calendar is 4060 years.

4180 years.


At this moment, there was a sudden crackling sound outside the door.

And at this time, my bonus to sea creatures has reached 30%. Here, my danger and security are higher.

I am also very interested. A large amount of chrysoprite ore was sent to Mercury Island, so I mobilized a large amount of resources, and based on the Escape Stone I had obtained (Chapter 203, once in the hands of the Demon Orca staff) Obtained), made an aircraft for himself, the peak of the third ring.

Skimming the front, Eli looked forward.

"My lord, you haven't shown up for more than two hundred years." Nicholas looked at Yin Fen and said.

The Kouyu people of the sea tribe invaded, the number was 10,000, and there was no true spirit level. They were resolved in a vortex funeral. The curse reached 0.8%, and the distance to 1% was getting closer and closer.

4260 years.

The new calendar is 4075 years.

The 100-meter high-concentration fireball fell into the ocean, and the 100-meter meter instantly turned into boundless steam. In the mist, more than 800 members of the snake people were all burned to death, and even the surrounding sea water boiled for several hours.

Just go up like this.

"A week later, a true spirit-level warlock came to the west coast, and under his leadership, a new organization was quickly established, and he demanded the surrender of the Bloodline Tower!" Nicholas said.

"Come in?"

later invasive species

There will be a batch of clans every few years, UU reading and in this process, Eli's true spirit accumulation is also increasing, and the power of the curse is also getting stronger and stronger.

That's right.

The moonlight sea elves invaded and killed.

A flame giant dragon with seven rings flew over. He didn't kill me, took a little blood, and let me go.

Thinking, I walked towards the inside, and Nicholas behind me showed a happy expression when he saw it.

Hope I get better and better.


Hehe, wouldn't it be too good to say that, anyway, no one will read the diary.

Hearing the knock on the door, Eli turned his head and looked over in doubt, especially after sensing the person outside the door, he became even more puzzled.

I still have two more units of True Spirit Power.

There are seven units of True Spirit, and no sea tribe has invaded.

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