Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 335: The first stop on the mainland, Holmes City (three k)

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Holmes City.

The magnificent city standing on the westernmost side of the Western Regions covers an area of ​​tens of acres. It is the only city within thousands of miles of the Suoya Mountains. It has stood on this land for thousands of years and is also the oldest in the Western Regions. one of the cities.

This point can be proved by both the city wall that has been replaced several times and the witch array that has disappeared over time.

On this day, it was just dawn.

Clisson rubbed his sleepy eyes, wearing silver armor and a helmet on his head, all the way to the city wall.

As a "soldier" of Helms City, his duty is to guard the city walls.

This day too.

After communicating with several other guards with ease, he came to his place, a tower on the city wall, which was the highest end and had the widest view.

"—Scenery as usual, as boring as ever."

What Clisson guarded was the city wall leading to the Sawya Mountain Range, and what he saw were the warlocks entering and leaving the mountain range and the mountain scenery that had not changed for hundreds of years.

It will be troublesome for Central Xiaolu to build up power.

"I hope it is!" I looked at the exit of the mountain range, but soon I found that there were fewer and fewer people coming out of the mountain range, and they all ran very slowly.

what happened?

A total of seven people, eight women and one man.

Before the introduction, Lily looked at Jin Bin and asked, "The villain is from Holm. Since he is Heman, should he have any influence? If you join your Charming Mansion, your influence is all over the center." Xiao Lu, you can't provide the worst conditions for villains."

As soon as it landed, the lord of that city came down and invited Anna to the banquet.

The younger warlocks or warlocks with less experience narrowed their eyes.

In the last second, countless quiet voices sounded.

"Of course you know." Anna nodded.

The two of us also looked at Eli, we were very upset about Chiana's choice.

"What is that?" The aged warlock showed a comprehensible expression.

"They're bad, they can't call you Anna, a seven-ring MSI-level warlock from Jin Binqian." Anna looked at Ren Ren and introduced herself.

"First of all, your name is Amanda, the lord of Jin Binqiansi City, the seven-ring Heman Warlock." Amanda looked at Anna, and then pointed to the two next to her and said: "That is the man Lily from the Charming Mansion, That one is Im, the person in charge of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce in Cressons City."

I was dressed in white, with a short stature, and there was no scar on one side of my cheek from eyes to chin, like a centipede. In particular, I was the master of that city and the only Herman, Amanda.

As time passed, the guards under the city wall held their weapons tightly.

I looked at the eight people behind my eyes, except that Amanda was a Heman-level warlock, and the two of us were only eight rings.

A building in the city center, the seventh floor.

In an open space in the city gate, an old warlock and a young warlock squatted on one side, looking closer

"Isn't that an airship? It's the first time you've seen it."

None of the branches in the city of Cressons has been the same as the mission of the other branch. This is not waiting for a woman named Eli who belongs to Holm.

That's right, not two yet, in front.

As soon as the words fell, Lily Jinbin blinked her eyes, not a bit confused.

A young man who looks elegant and easy-going.

We stared at the mountains.

As for all of us, we were ordered to stay under the airship, and Anna was invited to a banquet by the city lord outside.

Surely you can be invited to join, which is a very small credit.

After watching for a while, his sleepy eyes widened suddenly, as if he saw something wrong.

I saw a warlock yelling in a low voice: "Great flying object."

"What is this?" The warlock showed a puzzled look.

Eight huge silver-white flying objects passed through the mountains, full of

A length of 100 meters reflects light in mid-air, and the force field fluctuates around seven weeks, and our direction is flying straight towards the city of Cressons.

Of course it was just us. With the sound of the alarm, the warlocks who knew how many felt instantly relaxed, and the whole city was mobilized.

The lights were bright, and the melodious music fluttered in it. Dozens of people dressed up and walked in, in twos and twos. Some were chatting, and some were looking at the center of the banquet. Several people were chatting.

"Hey, who is the magician in the land of the past!"

Amanda looked at Anna with deep eyes, knowing what she was thinking.

More than a dozen eight-ring warlocks flew up in an instant, and the other warlocks also climbed as low as possible, such as the wizard tower or the top of the building.

Blood Tower?

You just came here when I heard that a Jin Bin who entered the back area came from outside the city.

A huge silver-white flying object.

at this time.

That might be the barren land of Holm.

The rope fell slowly on the pull, and the bell rang when it was connected to the tower.

That's why I'm going to the Tower of Blood.

Compared with wizards, warlocks have no shortcomings that cannot be concealed. After entering, they will be affected by blood, mania, reproduction, and killing desires, among which reproduction is the least, so the Charm Mansion was born.

Under the ground, there are even fewer warlocks running towards the outside.

At this time, the sun has not risen quickly, emitting a dazzling light, and in that light.

At the exit of the mountain range in the distance, several warlocks ran out of it at this time, and they looked like there was something terrible.

It's a pity that I couldn't complete that task that time.


We are confused, that thing, is it not there yet?

To some extent, it is the Iris Lane of the extraordinary world, but we have also absorbed how weak warlocks, and affiliated and cooperative forces, it is a weak force.

For newcomers, be cautious.

Alida looked at the group of warlocks in the window and covered her face.

The guards didn't understand what it meant, but they were more cautious.

It's just us. At this time, there are not many people outside and there are observing, with different thoughts.

How could you have imagined that the eight airships actually caused such a small commotion, and even attracted those warlocks to watch.

And he has been here for three full years, he feels a little tired of watching,

And the first one, who is also the weirdest person of all, is also the inviter of that banquet.

As for the factions the two belonged to, the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce naturally said less, and there are still many stories about Anna and him. The other charming mansion, Anna, also knows that it is also a service provider, and its influence is extremely small.

At this time, the warlocks in the mountains also ran out of the city, and then the small door closed instantly.

The warlocks in the city also looked into the distance.

The man is a beautiful man, with dark purple eyes, a curvy figure, a long purple skirt, revealing long white legs, full of charm, one of the women has a scar running through his face, which shows his identity, and the other It is a middle-aged man who looks very narrow.

West Coast didn't realize at the moment that absolutely nothing was going on outside, and I immediately pulled a nearby rope.

"Anna? It seems to be Eli." Fat Im shook his head.

It seems that after the banquet, I came to Jin Binqian's first level.


"Mechanical airship?"

"The villain may be aware of the situation in the Western Regions. Later, he said that every piece of land in the Western Regions that cannot establish power has not been occupied. It is a difficult thing to establish a new power. It will be easier when the power is advanced," Lily Zhenling reminded.

In just a dozen seconds, the warlocks under the city wall hadn't made their preparations, and the city wall hadn't been filled with weapons.

"A Herman who seems to be from Holm should be from the Continental faction, maybe not

Can be absorbed into tissues. "Lily's beautiful eyes flickered.

It's not that there have been powerful monsters invading from the mountains in these years, and every time we will cause huge damage.

"It is necessary." Anna shook her head, then said:

Don't you know where we come from?

It's been that way since we landed there an hour ago.

I also heard that it was from the forces of Holm, so I attended the banquet at the slowest speed.

"Don't say it's him, it's also the first time you've seen his grandfather."

The hot morning air recedes into my windpipe, making me more focused.

"No, let's observe first." Clison's consciousness was instantly concentrated.

"A celibate Herman!"

I also thought that an airship would attract so much attention.

At this time, I also looked into the window with a puzzled look on my face.

And the silvery white passed through the mountains little by little, and then quickly appeared in everyone's eyes.

In the center of the city, outside a low tower of warlocks, in a room, the exterior looks extremely luxurious, the eyes are full of gold, the golden color is not as charming as jewels, and in the center, there is a man missing an eye. woman.

A big banquet, everyone has no personal thoughts.

Shock is shocking, but we are also relieved, at most it means that it is a monster.

Wild Hermans like that are rare.

Eight huge airships stand under the ground, and the fine metal lines below make our eyes shine.

Im's eyes lit up, as if he was very sensitive to that word. In particular, Kim Binqian

In this kind of place, many forces will send Herman to this kind of place. In addition, there are many people with Anna, so we guess that it should be a force that wants to move the Central Continent.

"Alarm, alert!" the warlock under the city wall shouted in a low voice, and the warlock on the wall also ran towards the outside of the city.

Don't have power yet?

A silvery white appeared at the exit of the mountain range.

The sound of the bell came from the tower, and the place near the UU reading city wall seemed to be sluggish for a second.

"That's right!" Jin Bin shook his head.

Going along with the flow, Anna naturally did not make it. Of course, only myself, Nicholas and Hydera were hidden in the airship, hiding their breath.


Boom boom boom!

"Is this villain joining you? The villain may still be ambiguous to you. In fact, the forces in the Charming Mansion are definitely one of the best." Lily True Spirit invited again.

Lily Jinbin blinked, and understood that it should be a warlock who was preparing to build his own power.

"Did you tell them about anything, you belong to the Holm sub-tower, the bloodline tower of the Western Regions."

is right.

Jin Bin observed the eight people, and the eight people naturally also observed Jin Bin.

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