Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 336: Liliana's invitation, reactions from all parties (three k)

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"The Tower of Blood?"

Liliana was lost in thought.

After a few seconds, she raised her head, looked at Eli and asked, "My lord, is that the force located in the middle of the Western Regions?"

"Yes, I belong to this force." Eli nodded.

"My lord, I was rude." Liliana apologized, but her eyes were deeply confused.

She really couldn't associate the words True Spirit Branch and mechanical airship with this force, or the west coast.

Even if it is a branch of a big power on the west coast, it’s fine, but the Tower of Blood? Does a branch of this kind of power have this kind of strength?


But regardless of strength, at this point in time, if it is a person from the Bloodline Tower, is it really possible?

Liliana's eyes were thoughtful. Apart from some services, the Charming Mansion is also the most well-informed faction in the Western Regions. Although the Bloodline Tower is a small faction, it has been very lively recently.

In this way, the two danced on the dance floor, during which Anna could not feel his temperature very directly.

With a spin, Lily Em entered Anna's arms again, but this time he spoke: "My lord, are you going to support the main bloodline tower?"

Maybe she still has a chance to win over.

"Oh that's it, then I'm going even more." Anna smiled.

And he Kling, the whitest of them all, was at least whiter than Amanda.

I only know that once I pass this news down to the lower levels, then punishment will definitely be inevitable, and maybe he will be transferred to other prosperous areas.

I don’t know if that counts as hitting the darkness hard!

Maybe the Bloodline Tower itself doesn't know that there is a true spirit wandering outside.

"Klin, according to the order, it should be your turn to make a move this time. With your Nebula-level strength, it should be very simple." Amanda said to him.

"Okay!" Niu Jia did not agree, took the crystal, it was hot and fragrant. As for Kling, who made him the executor!

"My lord, you said that you are from the Bloodline Tower on the West Coast. Can I ask you someone? Of course there will be a reward." Eli looked at Anna and asked.

"Hey, it's time-consuming." Anna shook her head.

At this moment, Lily approached, and Anna saw his eyes, which were purple and full of charm, and his slender waist was also very soft.

"Then he has outstanding talent. He has been here for a long time, and he hasn't seen the true spirit on the west coast!" Amanda also praised.

Anna nodded, and then watched the person in charge of the charming mansion leave.

"Yes." Anna did not thank.

Kindness with a reason!

eighth floor.

Eternals also need entertainment.

"Qin, it's a great talent for your lord to spend time in the promotion of the true spirit." Eli also became deserted.

"Then I will retire, my lord."

"That's right." Clint smiled.

He came to the front door, opened it, and walked in. The next second, he felt a roar in his brain, as if he had been attacked, and then the whole world fell into darkness.

"My lord, have you heard of the man Herman?" I asked.

At this moment, Anna also slowly walked out of the dance floor, but unexpectedly, a person came over suddenly.


"Then I invite you to join the Charming Mansion again." I looked at Anna, my eyelashes trembling.

"My lord, there is one more free news, even if it's a gift for your lord." Liliim walked towards the dance floor, turned around suddenly, and her long purple dress spun along with it.

"My lord, this is his sign in the mansion. You can contact him through this when you go to any mansion."

Anna also looked around, and found that Amanda and Lili Niujia seemed to have left, so he also turned and left.

"Then it seems that the adults are still very confident."

He stretched out his hand, and Lilina put down her little black hand, and the two walked towards the dance floor.

"Oh? Looks like he knows something?" Anna looked at Lily Niujia while embracing and dancing.

I invited Anna to the banquet, in fact, to find out the truth.

Troubled but not so troublesome.

"My lord, it's not easy to go to support now. The situation of the Bloodline Tower is not good. Their opponent is the Manticore family, which is far more powerful than the Bloodline Tower. Now there is only one true spirit in the Bloodline Tower, even if your lord If you go, you will definitely not be an opponent!" Lily Em's eyes were pitiful, as if she was thinking about Anna.

Lily Em smiled.

The two stood in a room, watching Anna leave.

Anna hasn't attended a banquet for a long time, and he actually likes being in this kind of environment.

It's terrible!

I felt that Amanda was not a good person, mainly because she was ugly, so I took a closer look and found the problem.

At the beginning, the two held hands. Suddenly, Liliim put Anna's hand on his waist, looked up at Niu Jia and said:

"Let's solve a problem first."

As for the next Amanda, he didn't bother to care about it, anyway, it seemed that he wouldn't bother him in the future.

Not far away, as time passed, and the banquet was not over yet, many people were still dancing on the dance floor.

Liliana smiled even wider.

"It's okay, in fact, I was just promoted." On the other side, Eli said modestly.

Anna left the alley with a nervous expression on her face, humming a ditty.

"This." Eli blinked, as if he didn't expect such an answer.

He hasn't gotten enough news from this banquet.

"Amanda, do you need help?" The voice was a woman with a long face and dark eyes. Beside him was Amanda who had just left.

Amanda looked out of the window with distant eyes.

It turns out that this is a true spirit who advanced independently on the west coast!

This is the discovery of their terrible plot and the solution of a great crisis.

And just as he walked out of the building.

But he still nodded and thanked: "Your Excellency will definitely need to add some resources in the future, and our Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce will be responsible for it."

On the other side, Kelin swayed and walked towards the front door, also in a good mood.

Finally, he was able to find the news about that Herman. As for the state of this person, it has nothing to do with him.

At this time, the music was also approaching the final stage, and Anna quickly let go of Lily Em's hand.

"Can I invite my lord to dance?" Lily Em said to the invitation, showing a nice smile.

"The banquet has started, are you interested in having fun?" Amanda said suddenly.

But Anna thought about the power of the manticore that Alida told him before coming here, it seems that the two strongest are the two Huiyue-level ones?

Holmes looks normal on the surface, but you must know that this is a place where many wanted criminals live. In fact, the interior is very dark.

This vote is done, we can rest for a long time.

Sure enough, it was the right decision for him to come here after becoming stronger, otherwise he would be the one who would be in danger, and the silver eye of the seven-ring limit is really terrifying, even a nebula-level warlock can't resist it.

"Then thank you." Niu Jia seemed not interested in his question, but his eyes lit up at the resources.

"But my lord definitely wants to join at any time, you can contact him at any time, we welcome your lord." Liliim temporarily let go of one hand, pulled out a purple crystal from her chest, and handed it to Anna.

"There seem to be people from the Manticore family here, and the news of your lord's arrival may not have been known to them."

It is much more reasonable to be an expatriate warlock. After all, even if the west coast is very barren, there is still a chance for a genius or two to emerge.

And he also knew a piece of news that there might be trouble on the road ahead, the manticore actually has a stronghold here.

The music was melodious on the dance floor, and Anna pulled Liliim to dance.

this lily em

seems to have a lot of thoughts about him.

"go ahead."

As long as the resources are replenished and I take a rest, I will leave here.

What are you for?

At this time, Amanda half of her body was hidden in the darkness, smiling.

A smile appeared on Liliana's face again, she was professional in this respect.

"Klin, I've tested it, and his aura is indeed a true spirit that has just broken through, and it is estimated that there are still a lot of resources on the eight airships, which are very valuable, and many of them include warlocks, and they can be sold at that time. "Amanda sneered, the scar on her face was a bit hideous.

Even Anna had to admit that Lili Niu Jia was among the top eight men he had ever met.

The silver eye slowly retracted, Niu Jia confirmed that Kelin was not dead, put it away in a sack, and put it in the secret realm.

"Of course, my lord." Krillin bent down and left.

"And he saw the Manticore man watching outside. It seems that he is going to destroy this support team first. I won't survive this time if they don't do it."

Eli couldn't wait to leave too.

Niu Jia looked at the purple crystal in her hand and silently put it away.

As for the Charming Mansion and the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, we will talk about it later.

"But it seems that people from the Charming Mansion and the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce seem to be very interested in this woman!" Kelin said suddenly.

Anna left here silently, ready to go to other places here.

"After all, it is a true spirit. These two forces have great influence, but the actual force is not so much!" Keweiman shook his head, and Anna had not disappeared from his sight at this time.

This evil ability, watered by Anna's life, is his killer.

"Oh?" Anna looked at him, am I not clear enough?

Comfortable! "Of course." Anna nodded.

"Yes." Clint nodded.

"At this point in time, my lord should be for the main tower. I heard that they are summoning warlocks from all over the place." Lily Em still had a smile on her face.

Seeing the person in charge of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce suddenly appearing in front of him, Niu Jia was puzzled.

It's been a long time since we've encountered such a large product. UU Reading

Few people know that there are actually two true spirits in the city of Holmes, one is him, and the other is the woman beside him, one is bright and the other is dark.

As the city lord of an isolated city far away from other forces, and in a chaotic zone, he can build this place like this, but it requires a lot of resources.

"It's more suitable for this song as an adult."


Niu Jia froze for a moment, but it wasn't dullness, but ecstasy.

"Indeed." Amanda smiled and looked at Kelin: "Then I will leave it to you, I don't care about anything."

"Hi Niu Jia." Eli smiled.

"Herman?" Anna blinked, as if she didn't expect to ask that. A second later, he seemed to be a little puzzled and asked, "How do you know Herman? Herman is the Dinghaishenzhen of the west coast of their blood tower, But it's been dead for a while."

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