Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 337: Attitude of the Manticore Family

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Amanda still doesn't know that his old friend who has worked with him for many years has died, but he is just happy to think that there will be a large number of resources next.

In his opinion, isn't it a slap in the face for a nebula-level warlock to a newly promoted one?

The gap in the true spirit stage is very large, each stage has a huge gap, the gap of dozens of blood sources (the same calculation unit as the power of the true spirit), the gap in strength is not a star, it is a geometric multiple of.

This is why there is no essential gap in the fourth ring stage, but the division is more detailed. There is a reason for this. Even if it is only a small stage gap, it is almost difficult to overcome.

Even apart from the wizarding world, some worlds completely divide this stage into three levels, just to show the difference.

The nebula level is at least three times more than the source of the bloodline, and the strength is completely different.

As for fighting over the next level, that's even more bullshit.

"Poor Eli, I don't want to be like this either. If you want to blame it, blame this world. Blame this world that eats people."

Amanda sighed with pity on her face.


"They just happen to need gifts after a while, which is really nice."

"It's something left over from the age of wizards, a mechanical creation that can fly into the sky with the help of some means." The old man explained.

After a while, a man walked in.

We all look down on the main tower, what can a sub-tower do?

An old man closed his eyes.

I don't know how far away it is, there are eight people sitting at a table in a tent.

"He will send a force on the road to help. They have a true spirit, which is about the same level as the main tower of the Bloodline Tower, and can easily accomplish this." The **** face heaved, like a ghost, and then quickly disappeared.

"Oh, it seems that this sub-tower should be very common, or else it should need a blood connection." At this time, another man spoke, and he sat next to Jere.

This kind of good thing from the wizarding era, they really can't copy it at this time.

For warlocks, since the lost method of wizards, they use magical beasts or legs to transfer, but the urgent thing is to use blood connection, the price is that a lot of blood is needed, and the same blood has to be connected, and it must be in good health A few days, so unless it is an emergency, will not use.

After a while, Jesse continued: "Next, they are not negotiating with the Amina family, the power behind the Tower of Blood. After the resources are divided, they will not be able to make a final move on the Tower of Blood."

Fortunately, this task is not difficult, at least it is easy for him.

A warlock with his eyes closed is bandaging his right arm, apparently the blood in it he just put.

The door closed, the old man closed his eyes again, and the vines were entangled. A large blood basin was placed on the ground.

Suddenly, a woman in a corner raised her head, his face was pale, showing a cold smile.

The two of them are the highest combat strength of the Manticore family.

"Lord Galin, it's because we seem to be carrying eight high-level mechanical airships, which are very rare and good things." Wellington replied with a pale face.

"Pay attention to the sky, there may be several airships coming here recently, I will inform you in time when I find it."

The others laughed too.

He felt the power of the blood carefully, a blood connection was gradually established in his heart, and a human face gradually appeared on the blood basin on the ground, and he began to speak.

For warlocks of this generation, airships may not have been seen before.

Bloody Face fell into deep thought and asked, "What kind of strength is this?"

at this time.

"Mechanical airship?" Bloody Face made a surprised sound, as if he was really surprised.

Just one true spirit, all of them present are all true spirits, who can handle the tower of blood.

"My lord, I'm not ambiguous. We didn't board the airship. The only leader was invited to the banquet, but as far as I know, this seems to be a sub-tower on the west coast."

"It's really ridiculous, Bloodline

The precious resources found in the tower area were secured by us for the Amina family, but they were sold backhanded and kept out of the news. "Galin covered her mouth and smiled.

"Airship?" the man wondered.

As for the Bloodline Tower, no one cares.

"What happened, it's actually connected by blood." Xuelian said, a little surprised.

Then everyone didn't mention it again, because there was really nothing to pay attention to for a small sub-tower.

There is only one reason why the Bloodline Tower is still there, and that is that they have not reached an agreement with the forces behind the Bloodline Tower.

In a building, a room.

Among the cabins.

After a few seconds, he said: "It's nothing, the bloodline main tower and the others are very easy to fight, it's just because other forces are a bit slow to contain, it's just a sub-tower."

For a moment, the atmosphere in the room became tense.

"No, my lord." The man nodded and left.

As a subsidiary force of the Manticore family, he received the mission.

As for the summoning branch, it seems to them that they are just dying.

"A branch of the Bloodline Tower, the request is to keep the airship, and he can't take other resources at will." The old man suddenly opened his eyes, revealing green eyeballs.

"Yes, my lord." Wellington nodded again.

"Airship? Good thing!" The old man knocked on the vines beside him.

"Then I'll leave it to you. He allows you to mobilize part of the family's resources to get these eight airships." Kongya continued.

"My lord, there is a sub-tower support from the Bloodline Tower in Holmes City." The warlock said quickly, he is a warlock belonging to the Manticore family.

"Oh? Airship? No wonder." Kongya nodded.

"Master Jere, a large branch of the Tower of Bloodlines has come to the Central Continent to help the Tower of Bloodlines." The woman replied respectfully.

"The sub-tower on the west coast? This place that was abandoned by the bloodline tower?" Bloody Face seemed to hear something funny.

In the center is a garden. In the garden, dozens of flowers grow here. The flowers squirm and spray green mist, covering the sight. In the mist, there is a big wooden house.

the other side.

A message came from Wellington.

"My lord, what are your orders?"



"However, my lord, there are eight high-grade mechanical airships in this sub-tower, up to the eighth-ring level. I think this lord may be interested."

The old man picked up the letter, and UU Reading read it.

They even sent someone with a force similar to the Bloodline Tower, which is a bit of a fuss, but this is because the people behind the **** face are very interested in airships.

Obviously the other side was a little surprised.

"Oh?" The **** face seemed a little surprised.

The warlock put away the blood basin and left.

"Wellington, what happened." The head of the table, a warlock with a square face, looked at the woman.

He looks very old, his face is covered with wrinkles, and his veins are exposed. It can be seen that the blood outside is green, and his legs are entwined with thorns. At this time, a thorn produces flowers, and a letter is spit out out.

This time it was also a matter of interest that they attacked the Tower of Blood.

On the only way to the Tower of Blood, there is a plain standing there, the Four Seasons Garden Warlock Academy.

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