Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 339: Airships and Griffons, The Realm Strikes

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Chrysoya Plain.

The territory where the Four Seasons Garden Warlock Academy is located.

Because the land here is rich in fertile elements, there are also many magic plants planted here. In addition, the blood of the Four Seasons Garden Warlock Academy is mostly plants, and some processing of the magic plants can also be done, accumulating a lot of wealth for it.

At this time, in the sky in front of the plain.

A dark patch.

Hundreds of them are flying in the air like griffins, each of them has the head of a lion and the body of a lion, nearly five meters long, with a pair of huge white wings on both sides. They are scattered in the sky like a huge weaving net .

And there are two warlocks on each griffin, except for nearly fifty third-ring warlocks, the others are also official warlocks with first and second rings.

On the front griffin is a huge griffin, which is twice as long as a normal one.

A warlock stood on it with dark skin, wearing black leather armor, and a big sword behind him, exuding the mighty aura of a half-step true spirit.

There is also a smaller griffin on each side of him. There is a woman and a man on it. The woman is wearing dark green leather armor and holding a whip. The man's face has complicated patterns and looks very unkind, while the two Everyone is a powerful warlock with the limit of three rings.

But in the next second, countless bright lights erupted from it, and countless elemental shells shot out directly, passing through the air and illuminating the air several kilometers away.

The white light lasted for a few seconds and quickly dissipated.

Moreover, it is too close to the headquarters, the headquarters is a few kilometers behind them, the adults can take action at any time, and it is absolutely impossible for accidents.

To him, this was no surprise.

"On the surface, it is no different from an airship, it is just a means of transportation, but it is actually a large witchcraft." Eli said.

Hundreds of griffins made their voices, and hundreds of warlocks became tense in an instant.

I don't think this firepower network is a big problem for him. In fact, these eight-ring warlocks were too close just now, otherwise they wouldn't have died so many.

All eyes are focused.

After these days, they also faintly realized that they didn't seem to be strong yet.

Even Warlock Alida, who rushed to the front, withstood the most attacks before turning into fly ash.

I saw him with a stern face, and then said loudly: "Griffin Legion, prepare to attack, be careful not to damage the airship too much."

They didn't expect that this airship would attack, and it was so terrifying.

If it happens again, I'm afraid there will be more deaths.

The corpses of the griffins fell towards the ground one by one, like rain, and the survivors of Qihuan also fell quickly, and most of them were unable to fly.

In the airship, Kebile was a little nervous.

He could clearly see the Griffin and Warlock in front of him, and feel the kindness exuding from them.

"This!" His voice trembled slightly, and he couldn't doubt it.

I don't know if this airship can withstand the attack of the eight-ringed griffin on his body, is it a metal shell?


"If you want to blame it, it's because you have no strength and are so ostentatious!" I shook my head and sighed.

It's just his trust in Eli that gave him the courage to stand here, but what makes me strange is that Eli doesn't seem to have any intention of making a move.

"I heard that the Four Seasons Garden seems to be planted with magic plants." Jiang Ming asked suddenly.

The old man jumped up instantly and flew towards this direction.

The warlocks in the airship were also dumbfounded, they didn't expect that the airship they were sitting in had such a method.

"My lord." The warlock's eyes widened.

But before he could make a move, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back and his eyes widened.

As time passed, they were getting closer and closer to the air defense line composed of griffins.

After all, he is just a member of the Bloodline Tower branch, even he can't get motivated.

Ali on one side also licked her teeth, her face was ferocious,

"Can't you do it?" Ali gritted her teeth, ready to move forward.

"My lord, here we come." Suddenly

However, the male sorcerer on the left pointed to the front.

He raised his left hand, and everyone looked at him.

Seeing this scene, Anli shook his head helplessly.


The huge griffin camp was instantly ready to go, ready to fight.

All directions surrounded the airship.

"My lord, it seems that they are uncompromising. Is it time for us to do something?" Ali looked at Anli and smiled.

Anli stayed where he was, watching the griffins on both sides rush forward.

Follow here.

No, Anli's eyes widened, and countless hard wood grew out of his body, forming a shield in front of him.

Apparently all the warlocks in the airship were aware of such a big movement, lying on the windows one by one, if Jiang Ming didn't allow them to get out of the airship, they would have gone out and slaughtered those warlocks.

"The difference?" Kebile was puzzled, and said, "Is it because you don't use mental power?"

Eyes full of anticipation.

"Jiang Mingyun, don't underestimate these creations of the wizarding age." Anli frowned.

The sharp wind was blowing in my ears, and Eli's eyes were fierce on the stands in front of the airship.

"Okay, Master Anli." Ali smiled, but the smile on her face remained unchanged.

The dark-skinned Anli turned his head and said, "Necessary caution, I heard that this team is flying an airship, it may be a bit troublesome."

"Airship? Have you ever seen an airship before? I don't know how it compares to our Griffin, and it's a bit of a waste to transfer so many of us to just one branch." A sharp voice came from the right, and I saw this man The warlock with a patterned face touched his griffin's feathers and said with a disdainful smile.

He suddenly heard a clicking sound, and looking sideways, Eli seemed to have activated a button.

"No, no." Eli shook his head and said, "The only difference is that warlocks always hate judging objects with their own intuition, while wizards like to observe carefully first, and then explore to draw conclusions."

"That's great." Eli nodded and said nothing.

"Yes, my lord." Kebile nodded.

Kebile raised his head.

"Ready to fight!" he yelled, and the griffin honked too.

Eight huge airships, hundreds of warlocks riding griffins.

Ali's eyes widened even more, and she was about to turn around and run.

But to the astonishment of Anli and others, the airship seemed to have no intention of stopping and was moving forward.

Anri looked past.

Everyone watched the person flying into the sky quickly, and looked at the airship.

But Eli still said unhurriedly: "Just like this airship!"

"The rest will be left to you."


This kind of remote coast, I am afraid that there are more than a dozen or seventy eight rings, and this airship probably does not know how to find it from the ruins.

In the sky, almost all the griffins were pierced through, with bowl-sized wounds piercing through them, each of them widened their eyes, as if they were about to scream, and as for the warlocks, they suffered heavy casualties. The whole army was wiped out, only a few of the seven rings survived, and almost half of the eight rings died. Only seventy or so eight ring warlocks were flying in the air.

The remaining warlocks were full of fear, clutching their wounds and flying forward.

He is not a fool, but he has learned that basically all airships are mobile tools without many attack measures.

Not only him, but all the Griffin Warlocks were dumbfounded by this scene.

All the warlocks were shrouded in white light, not just this one, the other two ships were also activated at the same time, and the attack instantly enveloped all the incoming griffin warlocks, and under this attack, all the warlocks on the griffins seemed to have a kind of native The feeling of being beaten by civilized people, they are indigenous.

"Jiang Mingyun, do you know that warlocks look at things differently than wizards in the past?" Suddenly, Eli turned his head and asked.

It's so big, it's really oppressive.

"Leave the airship and resources, we can't let him go

They leave like this. "Anli also did not hide his purpose at all, and said directly.

"What is this?" Jiang Mingyun was stunned.

Looking at the huge airship, Anli blinked.

Everyone looked towards the battlefield.

In the distance, Anli put down the shield that had been attacked several times, and the shield was about to be pierced at this time.

Kebile could only see the two sides, but roughly estimated that there should be hundreds of them.

Is it a flying tool? How can it have such a strong firepower?

"It's all like this, do you think it's necessary?" Eli just glanced at him.

No one expected that the airship in this sub-tower would be so powerful.

And this Ali took the lead, the griffin on her body was even faster, and she wailed like an eagle.

This is also his fault.

The griffin flapped its wings, the air surged, and everyone flew towards the airship.

Jiang Mingyun suddenly felt the airship tremble, and he turned his head to look at the sides, and saw one hole after another suddenly appeared on the silver-white airship, and the gun barrels exuding cold light came out one by one, and each of them was bright. Wearing a simple magic pattern.

In the end, there was only a distance of 700 meters, and the speed of the airship also slowed down.

In the blue sky, eight huge airships more than 100 meters long appeared in sight, exuding the beautiful light of the setting sun.

In the wooden house amidst the green mist several kilometers away, the only real magician in Four Seasons Garden also opened his eyes.

Kebile was a little dazed right now, he didn't understand Eli's meaning at all, he only knew that he was very scared, the griffin was getting closer, only seventy meters away.

At this time, the female sorceress on the right turned her head, looked curiously at the sorcerer in the center and said, "Master Anli, a sub-tower of the Bloodline Tower doesn't need so many of us."

It was the true spirit of Four Seasons Garden who was pressing his shoulders, and his face was ashen.



Indeed, the intention of Four Seasons Garden is too obvious.

An Xin's words soothed Anli's emotions. At this time, the remaining warlocks also noticed the arrival of this true spirit, and looked at him one by one, very excited.



"Okay, UU Reading Let them see how powerful your Griffon Legion is." Anli also nodded.

"This time it was his judgment that caused so many deaths." The old warlock's face was ugly.

But even if they are not dead, they all look quite embarrassed.

Huge roar.

Kebile fell silent.

"My lord, but does this have nothing to do with them? They are still very close." Kebile looked surprised. At this time, the nearest griffin was only more than eighty meters away from him, and he could hardly smell its breath.

These gun barrels look very difficult to mess with, and the lit runes below make everyone feel uneasy.


"My lord, do we need to warn them?" Kebile asked.

On the side, Kebile looked at the fierce Eli.

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