Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 340: 1 big pocket

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The old man's name was Bernard.

The four-ring thorn giant demon warlock has been promoted to the true spirit for three hundred years. A micro-star warlock is also the first warlock to advance to the four-ring garden in Four Seasons Garden.

Four Seasons Garden can come to the present, he has a huge credit.

Therefore, when seeing so many warlocks died, Bena was already blown up. So many warlocks had to be cultivated for at least two to three generations before they could be cultivated, but they were killed by a round of attacks from the airship. It's a shame.

However, he also judged that these three airships are indeed not ordinary, and they may be called the top witch weapons above the fourth ring, and even worth no less than some items with the fourth ring. If they get them, they may be able to make up for some of his losses.

As he flew up, vines gradually appeared outside his body, each one was as long as a hundred meters, rolled around him and formed a huge plant-like creature, like a big tree, with a length of 100 meters. 100 meters high.

At the same time, boundless dark green gas spread from all around him, making the sound of Zrazla.

A huge thorn monster appeared behind him, and Bailey stood on the branch of this thorn monster, looking down at the three airships.

"Land down now, and everyone get out!"

The voice is not loud, but it resounds in everyone's mind.

"How is it possible, this is definitely a true spirit."

It's not that the speed of the vines is slowing down at all, but that time is speeding up.

"He said, the strong prey on the weak."

The dead body crashed down, and the giant thorn monster on his feet quickly turned black, turning into a mass of rotting plants, and then fell towards the ground together.

Eyes on each other.


They blocked the way here, robbed and even wanted to kill people, and it turned out that we were the main culprits.

"Sir, shall we go on now?" Yin Lixiao asked.

"Because I'm stronger, so he has to obey me obediently."

Speaking of it, this is generally something that is installed on attack aircraft, and it is generally used as the most basic weapon for aircraft that serve as large mobile devices in dimensional wars. It will be used especially in the wizarding world, and some people will use that The installation is strapped to the airship.

He saw that his vine seemed to be much faster all of a sudden, but Yin Li's figure disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the figure was approaching me quickly. This speed is completely unreasonable.

"The power of time, how is this possible!" Eli couldn't understand, but he still realized that Bena might be a true spirit!

At this time, the vines of the giant thorn monster were very close to him, and in the next second, the invisible time field unfolded.

Countless fragments of light appeared in Eli's dull eyes.

At this time, the people in Four Seasons Garden were stunned when they saw this scene.

More vines smashed towards Bena like a special wave, densely packed, like a tumbling snake cave, but what he didn't understand was that whenever the vines approached a hundred meters away from Bena, the speed of the vines was visible to the naked eye. The speed slowed down, letting Bernard relax.

Benar looked at the fallen true spirit without mercy.

"It's just a true spirit!" Benar shook his head, but this old man really made him very upset.

Ali was a little puzzled.

"Of course." Bena looked at him and said, "I'll inform all the warlocks, and we'll ask for compensation later."

"Stop!" Eli felt something was wrong.

They couldn't understand, it was just a mission to intercept the bloodline branch, how could it become like this, even their own true spirit died.

"It seems that they are robbing?" Bena looked strange.


As soon as Bernard returned, Ali immediately came over and said, "Congratulations, my lord."

Eli sneered, but in the next second, Bena suddenly realized: "It seems that the Manticore family is indeed stronger, otherwise he would be a dog."

The injured eight-ring warlock looked at Benar in the sky, his eyes were full of resentment, and the warlocks who did not fall to death on the ground also wailed.

He stared at the sky, as if he saw the scene of those warlocks surrendering.

"Aren't you the leader of the Bloodline Tower?" In the sky, Eli stood on the body of the thorn monster, looking down at Benar, and asked.

"Then I told you it's a sub-tower of the Bloodline Tower?"

Didn’t you say it’s a sub-tower? The sub-tower still has a true spirit!

One side of the Four Seasons Garden.

It's just a special airship, otherwise it would be impossible to reach this level anyway.

"Ask for compensation?"

At the airship stand, Eli put away all the elemental cannons.

In the stands, Yin Lixiao was also staring at the sky, but she was full of confidence.

Eli seemed to have been bitten on a sore spot, his face turned white instantly, and the anger in his heart burned like a flame.

"It's a true spirit!" At this moment, Eli finally confirmed Benar's strength.

"He, he, he." I pointed at Bernard angrily.

"Yes." Bernard looked at him.

Eli observed sloppily and found that Yin Li was surrounded by not only vines, but the air seemed to be moving a lot faster.

"True spirit!" Yin Li was dumbfounded.

"What is this? My lord was slapped to death by a ****?"

"This is true." Yin Li nodded seriously.

But obviously if the real spirit makes a move, the airship will have a solution.

No one thought that with just a few words, the situation would become like this.

"I'm going to kill you!" Yin Li couldn't bear it any longer. The giant thorn monster moved on her body. Dozens of hundred-meter-long thorns were drawn towards Bena. The air seemed to be torn apart, and afterimages appeared at the speed .

Bernard shook his head, and hurriedly flew out.

Countless scales appeared on Bena's left arm, as if filled with boundless energy and blood, swung it round and slapped Eli's face.

The next moment, a slap hit his face.

Eli's head turned into minced meat in an instant, and the shadow on his palm pierced through him directly, and a huge beam of light 100 meters across was drawn nearby, and half of the top of the mountain peak that the ramp could not reach disappeared in an instant.

A *** pocket!

Because he wanted to make a summary of his alchemy technology, so he used everything he could think of.


But at this moment, he understood that Benar must not be allowed to approach, and more vines instantly covered the sky.

At this time, all the warlocks in the airship were also lying on the windows, watching Benar.

"It seems that you are right, the old dog of Manticore." Yin Li smiled even more.

Benar, anticipating his departure, built the seven airships during the first seven hundred years, taking eight and leaving one on the west coast.

Eli faintly seemed to hear the dragon's chant, and saw a shadow covering the sky and the sun.

"Hmph!" Eli's face darkened as if he had been poked into a sore spot, "Boy, you are very courageous, but tell me how this world works, natural selection, the strong prey on the weak, do you understand?"

The warlocks of the Four Seasons Garden on the ground were full of fear, which UU Reading could not accept at all.

Eli turned paler.

The eight-ring warlocks not far away felt cold all over their bodies. Even Eli was killed. It is certain that Benar will kill us, and we have no chance to resist at all.

Eli dies.

Fortunately, Yin Li didn't seem to have the intention of killing them, but just returned to the airship.

But Bernard's speed was completely unreasonable, and when he realized it, Bernard came before his eyes.


Seeing this haughty look, Bernard almost laughed.

"Looks like it's time to do something." Bernard smiled happily.

"He still has the courage to let his airship descend immediately, and everyone rolls down to accept the prisoners." Eli sneered, and then said to Benar: "As for you, I will make your life worse than death to repay our loss. "

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