Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 343: Zhenling Group, our team has the upper hand

night. The crescent moon hangs high above the sky, shedding layers of silver frost. In the airship, Eli began to meditate as usual, and then came to the stands. Looking at the scenery rushing by on both sides, Eli took out the map and judged the distance between himself and the Bloodline Tower. It should be there in ten days. At this time, half a month has passed since the Four Seasons Garden incident, and this half month has been very smooth. But Eli understands that success is only temporary. Judging from his actions of destroying the Four Seasons Garden, the Manticore family may have new actions. But he is not too afraid, nor will he run away. Some things cannot be avoided. If he wants to gain a foothold in the Bloodline Tower of the Central Continent, the Manticore cannot be avoided, unless Eli chooses to form a force by himself, but that is actually more troublesome, and may not be easier than solving the Manticore. Hill is also too anxious. The other eight people also stared at the airship, but no one spoke. And he has a lot of things to do next! "Wang Hou, I hope you don't let me down." Wellington looked at the airship in front of him with a kind smile on his face. Dylan flew in first, followed by a synthetic beast and an undead. "Hill? He seems to be not far away. The situation doesn't feel right. You may really have to take a look." Nicholas said. At this time, Hill was lying flat on the ground at this time, life was hopeless. Among them The leader is of course Wellington, wearing a white robe, his face is as pale as snow, and his eyes are extremely cold, like the ice in winter. Hill: ...The few people stared at the airship, and suddenly felt a burst of true spirit The fluctuation flashed, and the eyes of several people lit up, knowing that the enemy was coming. "There is an enemy coming." Wang Hou narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he saw something funny. Under the moonlit night. Not far from Eli, Hydera was lying down. He was arranged by Dylan in a secret place, and he was sleeping at this time. "Wang Hou, when you find the body, you must..." Before Hill finished speaking, Dylan stretched out his hand to signal him to be quiet. "I can't perceive his body!" Hill stood up and trembled mechanically, raised his head and said to Dylan, "When I arrived in the Central Continent, I tried my best to perceive his body, but I couldn't feel it at all, not at all. His body must have been destroyed over time." Speaking of which, Eli could not break through, but he has been limited by the environment for more than a thousand years, and the power accumulated in his body is not even as much as the middle of the Eighth Ring, but The essence is the peak of the ring, that is, the tree life is long, otherwise it would be Dylan's first subordinate who was suffocated by the environment. The area where Dylan walked in was Wang Hou's area. As soon as he entered, Eli hung green branches and stretched towards Dylan. After a while, Dylan saw Hill. "What's wrong, Dylan." Hill asked curiously. Before they came, their purpose was very clear, which was to kill Dylan. Hearing Dylan's comfort, Eli stretched out the branches as always, and every green leaf was like a special emerald. Wang Hou, who was comforted, returned to normal again and was in a happy mood. "When the Central Continent arrives, he should feel the strong elements around him. When he gets to the place, he will be able to take root somewhere." Dylan comforted. Wait! Besides Dylan, are there other true spirits in the airship? A stable environment has never been achieved by hiding, but by fighting for it. As soon as Dylan appears, he will be attacked by several people. Several people's eyes widened at the same time! At this time, a shadow floated over, it was Nicholas, who was also arranged in the secret realm. "My lord!" Eight breaths? But after this explanation, Wang Hou seemed to find some comfort, stood up suddenly and said, "Dylan is right, it must be so." Hearing Dylan's voice, Xi Er turned his head and said with a crying voice: "Wang Hou, I can't perceive it, I can't perceive it." But there is no need to be too anxious about this, he is only in the sun stage, and he is still far away from breaking through. "Sill, what happened." Dylan walked over and asked. However, he sensed that there were seven people inside, and it would be no problem to win, but there was still a 1% risk of being injured, and there was an airship, so this time he couldn't be alone. Nicholas immediately raised his head, and the sound of death hovered behind him, while Hydera opened seven pairs of eyes, the seven colors exuded unique colors, and the seven elements around him surrounded him. He raised his head and neighed. Speaking of which, since landing, it seems that Hill hasn't looked for me like this, and has been in the secret realm. Dylan smiled, because he had encountered the same situation, just like when he was on the west coast, he couldn't perceive the Central Continent. Dylan also had a strange expression on his face, but he still comforted him: "Could it be too far away from him, and he is too strong to perceive it." But in the next second, two breaths burst out again. Eight figures flew out. Thinking of this, Wang Hou stepped into the secret realm. After all, this is his only sustenance, and it has too much influence on him. Even if Wang Hou tells other reasons, he may not accept it firmly. "Oh?" Dylan flashed doubts. Eight airships stagnated in mid-air, and in front of them was a huge dreamlike high wall. This wall was psychedelic in color and its height reached several hundred meters, completely blocking the back of the airships. Several people's eyes became serious, and they stared at the airship. "But after the solution is resolved, we have to consider his next path." Hill's tone was mournful, and his blue mechanical eyes kept flickering. Dylan was a little surprised. You must know that the silly dog ​​has been delayed by him for more than a thousand years, but now he has come to the Central Continent and started to slump. Out of lube? "Can't feel anything?" Dylan asked. UU Reading At his stage, it is already the second half of the Fourth Ring Road. How to take the next road is also a question for him to think about, so he needs some information about the Fifth Ring Road, even if there is no specific information. For the details, you should also know what the road ahead is! Hill needs an area to plant, Hydera needs resources with the same attributes to upgrade, the belief system of the mermaid clan is too smooth and needs to be dug deep and researched, Wang Hou’s remains... ..does there seem to be some problems?... He flew towards the secret realm, and at the same time shouted: "Hydra, Nicholas, be ready to fight at any time." "There is a long way to go." Dylan sighed road. "The enemy." Hill's eyes immediately became serious, and then he left without looking back, shouting while running: "Wang Hou, come on." Eli thought. The three people behind him, one is wearing a khaki armor, the body is eight meters high, the other is wearing a gem-studded crown, wearing a special gorgeous clothes like a king, with golden eyes, like a lion, and one is a male , wearing a lavender dress, with a pair of huge wings flapping in front of her. The color of the wings seems to be dreamy, like purple, white, or blue, extremely weird, like the high wall behind her. The three were the eight true spirits invited by Wellington. The two women were at the Fanxing level, and the male sorcerer was at the Nebula level. Wellington paid a huge price to invite the three of them. What a big problem a mechanical creature could have. ...The corner of Dylan's mouth twitched. After staying with him for a long time, Hill became more and more skinny. "Well, you came in to see Hill, where did he go?" Wang Hou asked. I kept saying "I can't feel it, I can't feel it." Like a repeater. It is also a true spirit! And by the dim light of the high wall, seven figures float in front, eight women and one man, one in front and eight behind. Watch The Immortals of the Wizarding World

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