Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 344: Bursting situation, this size is wrong

Under the moonlight, three figures appeared in front of the four of them. The one at the front, with a handsome face, was wearing a black wizard robe, which shone with a unique color. The threaded staff in his hand shone with a unique color, and his eyes were even more shining, making the four of them feel uncomfortable. There is no doubt that this is Eli. Because compared with him, behind him are two inhuman figures. One of the tiny figures grew gradually with the moonlight, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge snake of more than 100 meters. The giant snake had dark scales that shone with the unique color of the shadow, and four heads. The four heads are also very unique, with different eyes, the center one is black, and the others are red, blue and cyan. At the same time, shadows, flames, ice, and storms follow, just like ancient demons. The other figure was also tens of meters tall, with a gray body like a huge cloak, in which one could faintly see countless undead looking at them, and the mental fluctuations that emanated even made the surrounding moonlight rippling, as if it were real or unreal. Among them, Eli was at the front, with two figures on both sides. The three figures stared at the four people in front of them at the same time. Frown! At the beginning of the instructions, Zhen Ling turned to look at Wei Lai, and said: "He probably doesn't mind you fighting a little closer, after all, if the airship is ready, it will be a big loss for him." Third brother Zhen Ling? Wei Lai Eli also turned into an equally huge giant lion, but his face was like a human face, and behind him was a thick manticore, blood veins, manticore. I'm afraid I'm going to die here today. Pei Yuan watched quietly from a distance. It would be better for them to collapse internally. Things seem a little off. "Guys, this time I was also deceived. Who would have thought that a sub-tower could be so powerful." Wei Lai felt a bit of trouble, but he had to keep the eight helpers steady. "Everyone, I have received the benefits. I hope everyone will work hard!" Wei Lai, who paid a huge price, looked at the eight people. The man didn't say a word, but his face was serious. Hydera was drooling, looking at the square Linton, he was hungry. But doesn't this mean that these eight Lingtons are all sub-towers of the Bloodline Tower? "Okay!" After more than ten seconds, Wei Lai gritted his teeth and agreed. "Okay." Wei Peiyuan's mouth twitched. The man is a wizard A purple light flashed, and a huge butterfly appeared in the sky. The huge wings were 100 meters long. Gently fanned, a strong wind rose on the ground, like a natural disaster, and the patterns on the huge wings consisted of Two huge white eyes, exuding the power of confusion, bloodline, Dream Butterfly! "This is too far from what you said, two more Lingtons will reduce their troubles a lot." But look at the shape of the bloodline. Human beings should not belong to one force, but are mostly subordinate forces. Bang! "Twice, you want what's on this spirit," the man added. Zhen Ling looked at the seven people, covered by countless shadows, and the shadows dispersed again in the blink of an eye. "This is natural." The seven said at the same time, looking at the eight true spirits. He even believed that he had found the right person. You call this thing a sub-tower? What others don't know is that Wei Peiyuan is also confused at the moment, her mind is in a mess. "Is he a true spirit?" Wei Lai asked uncertainly. This is not taking advantage of the fire, and they naturally understand that Wei Yilai didn't realize it, otherwise it would not be their family's Huiyue-level warlock who made the move, but them. After all, who would have thought that there are actually eight Lingtons in a sub-tower, which is a bit outrageous. But the costume of the true spirit is the same as in the description, and there is also an airship, which shows that they have found the right one. "No." This time Wei Peiyuan thought about her debts, but this time she did not agree. But I am sure that he will not agree today, and I am afraid that the eight people will turn around and leave. Wei Yilai also turned his head, and looked at Pei Yuan and the eight people again, with ferocious faces. At this time, his hatred for Zhenling had reached its peak. Wei Peiyuan's face turned pale at this time. In order to make up for the accuracy, he paid a huge price, which must be doubled again. With his wealth, he couldn't bear it at all, unless he asked for help from the family, but the family is not monolithic. It's hard to help him, especially if it's his own private action. They actually hid their strength. The strength is very strong, but they are not their opponents yet. In the next second, the source of the blood of the seven people on the opposite side erupted instantly. After coming to the Central Continent for a while, Zhenling also realized that the forces here seem to be basically one layer after another, and the situation is much more complicated than before. Compared with the time in Morning Star, it has become more than eight times larger. And his body size reached 700 meters. "We need an explanation." The man in purple also spoke this time, obviously dissatisfied with Wei Peiyuan's concealment. Seeing that Weilai agreed, the eight of them nodded. this body type. "Wellington, are you sure this is the Bloodline Tower Fenta you are looking for?" the armored True Spirit asked Wellington not far away, with a bad tone. With this promise, his life's accumulation is gone, and it may take hundreds of years to come. At this time, he was very fortunate to have found eight people for safety. If there was only one person, he might be in trouble. One stop. Not a big battle. "Willy, you must give me an explanation!" Hearing the denial of the true spirit, the armored warlock demanded loudly. "Everyone, you don't need to worry too much. The two non-human creatures behind you seem to have just been promoted. You and Zisha are fighting against the true spirit. The other two can easily resolve the battle with one person and one person." Wei Lai said comfortingly. Seeing the reconciliation of several people, Zhenling turned to Nicholas and Hydera and said, "You deal with those two star warlocks, and I will deal with these two Linton Nebula-level ones, just hold on for a while." , I will settle the battle soon." Two nebulae, two stars! "Yes." Nicholas nodded. A Lington flew towards that side in a tacit understanding, and stopped after a full dozen kilometers. If you don't go back to the top forces in the Western Regions, they will be so arrogant. There is no risk, but now it is seven against eight, UU Reading then it is different. In an instant, under the moonlight, seven huge figures appeared, staring at the eight true spirits. The seven people who were stared at by Chijin Longtong felt chills. The woman in armor instantly turned into a huge giant two hundred meters high, and roared at Pei Yuan and the others. Pieces of rock in her body were covered with armor, and then a huge stone pillar was held in her hand as a weapon. Bloodline, mountain giant. The eight people expressed their conditions tacitly. Is this reasonable? A huge shadow dragon appeared in mid-air, with countless shadows entwined around it. The huge dragon pupils radiated golden flames, and the shadows at the corners of the scales were like flames. A pair of dragon wings spread behind them, covering the sky and the sun , will cover several people. As long as the main tower is strong, the current situation will not be as exciting as this. "He only needs twice, undead crystals and monster corpses!" said the warlock like a king. This is not a true spirit that Wellington said! Wellington feels that the world view is going to be subverted, eight Wellington levels, and then a sub-tower located in a place like the West Coast? It’s too unreasonable. ! "That's what you say, but they are still at risk." The armor warlock frowned. "They're all here, why don't they know my face?" Pei Yuan smiled. Nicholas' body expanded rapidly, reaching a size of 100 meters, but Hydera didn't need to change. And like a king wearing a special warlock, he transformed himself. A seventy-meter-long lion appeared in midair, with a golden flame burning on his golden mane, his eyes were red gold, and there was a red gemstone on his forehead. Bloodline, blazing lion. The three people behind Wellington frowned at the same time. After pondering for a few seconds, the warlock said leisurely: "You have to add seven times the money." "That's right, this is not the strength that a sub-tower can have, and eight Pei Yuan, you lied to them." Like the king's special warlock Hope Weilai can give an explanation.

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