Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 345: Crushing battle, sorcery's triumph

Seeing the huge shadow dragon that was several times the size of their own, everyone gasped for breath, faintly feeling bad. "Five hundred meters?" The huge mountain giant made a dull voice, and his huge eyes were full of confusion. The size of the bloodline avatar actually has little effect, the main reason is that the bloodlines are different, and the size of the changed avatar is naturally different, just like he is the weakest of the four, but his body is the largest, reaching a size of 200 meters . But the creature in front of him, although he didn't know what his bloodline was, actually had an exaggerated size of 500 meters, which was bigger than him. This made him a little bit uncomfortable. The flames burning around the Blazing Lion are also constantly swaying, obviously his mind is also fluctuating. On the contrary, the warlock transformed into a psychedelic butterfly is still calm, just flying in the air. "You don't need to be afraid. As far as I know, his blood is an ancient dragon, so he is huge." Although Wellington didn't know Eli's blood, he knew that he had to do something, at least fool him first. . After Wellington finished speaking, several people obviously settled down a lot. "Let's attack together." Wellington let out a roar, and rushed towards Eli, followed by the others. With the use of the Silver Eye, Lington's vision changed drastically. "My lord is actually trying to adapt us to the battle between true spirits!" Nicholas sighed, looking at the mountain giant with colder eyes. In the passage of illusion, Zisha was still puzzled and continued to observe. The manticore's head was instantly submerged in the shadows, and the ground trembled even more. A deep pit of unknown depth appeared, accompanied by cracked ground around it. With this as the center, huge cracks moved towards Spread around, a few kilometers. The huge manticore took the lead, with each step spanning tens of meters, the trees on the ground were easily destroyed, and the smoke and dust raised were 100 meters high. He opened his mouth, stretched out his sharp claws, and grabbed Jiang Ping. "Why are the eyes changing color? Is it because you have been deluded too deeply?" Zisha, who was hiding in the illusion passage, was a little puzzled. He observed the color change of Jiang Ping's eyes. "Of course not." Jiang Ping looked up, the original ground turned into a dreamlike lake, the reflection outside Linton was distorted, and the end of the field of vision was also a false illusion, as if he was already in another world. So far, two nebula-level warlocks died. "How is it possible?" Wei Fandie couldn't understand. "Go to hell." Wei Huandie looked at Lington resentfully, accumulating more and more power. Lington looked at the mighty butterfly rushing towards him, with the shadow of the dragon's tail entangled behind him, and threw it towards the mighty butterfly. In the field of vision of the two, Lington stood there blankly, as if he couldn't see anything. And the Magic Butterfly is also surrounded by countless bubbles, disappearing from sight. Although Hydera's energy level is a little bit worse, his fighting instinct is not bad at all. Synthetic beasts were not created by wizards to fight, and their fighting instinct is imprinted in their core. "Fantasy!" "Okay!" Eli said. Not far away, Eli also advanced rapidly, watching Linton cautiously. But soon, he found that there seemed to be abnormal squirming in the throat of the shadow dragon, and the sharp claws were slightly bent, as if he was preparing for something! He glanced at Lington for the last time, and his eyes were full of understanding. Even if a wizard becomes an undead, it cannot be controlled by a warlock. This is the only thought on my mind at the moment. The illusory dream receded like a bubble, and not far away, the manticore transformed into a magic butterfly slowly approached Lindun, tiptoeing. There was a funny sense of a giant drinking tea with a human teacup, while the air around They are purple phantom disks, and I saw Eli walking through them. It seems that the silver eye is powerful enough. "Yes! In the next second, his huge body flew out from the opposite direction like a cannonball. Fan Jiang Ping, who was hiding in the passage of illusion, was trembling. Sure enough, Lington hadn't been hit by his illusion from the beginning to the end. Of course it wasn't What scares me is that the power that Lington erupted just now, and the stage beyond the morning star, and even the bright moon, may have reached the sun. The voice of Youyou came, and his head disappeared in the next second. In the shadows. The estimated strength gap is too big. It is not right that Wei Jiangping can be sent flying so far with one blow. The connected mountains passed through with a bang, and finally embedded in a huge mountain. In the process, the blood in the body flowed out like a waterfall, nourishing the earth. "Interesting!" Lington pursed his lips, and the dragon's eyes gradually changed from gold to silver. Although the size is a bit outrageous, some creatures are naturally huge, which cannot be said. "How is it possible?" Wei Huandie climbed out of the mountain, looked at the shadow dragon Lington in front of him, with a confused look on his face. wrong. "Sunday!" Zisha was dumbfounded. I'm also pursuing to be stronger, and I don't want to be pulled too far away by adults. The elements are far inferior to the Central Continent, even if it is at the level of Huiyue, it may take at least a thousand years, but I have observed that Jiang Ping's vitality is quite abundant, just like Chaoyang, who is at the peak and most energetic time of the warlock, and can reach the Nebula level That's genius. How could it be so powerful. It is the top combat power of the Western Regions. And Hydera came behind the blazing lion, and directly climbed up, melee! The next moment, there was a huge roar, and a huge shadow beam of light spewed out from the dragon's mouth. How can he be so powerful. Such strength is impossible even for a force at the level of Manticore. There was confidence in Wei Huan's butterfly eyes, and the next second, the sharp claws collided with the dragon's tail. "Go to hell!" As for the manticore's body, it slowly disappeared. "I'll protect you." Zisha looked desperate. But in the next second, a shadow entered from the passage of the illusion, followed by a huge dragon head, looking at him with silver eyes, he felt a force of illusion stronger than his illusion force to tear it apart The illusion he constructed. Zisha trembled, and saw the huge shadow dragon flash as if he had expected it, and the scorpion tail passed by, but a dragon claw grabbed the scorpion tail, and then pulled it violently, the huge manticore The body was pulled before Lington's eyes. During this period of time, Wei Jiangping learned a lot about the west coast, but he was very vague about the environment there. In the next second, the eyes on his huge wings lit up, like two special moons, countless purple dream bubbles floated in a radius of several kilometers, and illusions separated from reality appeared one after another, and Linton and Wei Jiangping All pulled into the fantasy space. Linton smiled. But it was too late, the scorpion tail had already thrust out, and its speed had reached its peak. The roaring Hydera directly ejected seven 100-meter-long beams of light, with different elements, and attacked the blazing lion. The blazing lion fired back, and a flame spewed out of its mouth, like a cannonball that destroyed the world. Seconds, the attack is counteracted. "Zisha, let's attack with all our strength, this guy is not right." Wei Jiangping came to Mi Jiangping's side at this time, and said with blood. Of course, the illusion is still there, but Linton's vision has not changed. The battle begins. I looked at the manticore fiercely, and remained motionless, but the breath of the shadow dragon hadn't started silently preparing. "So the sorcerer's witchcraft can achieve this level? It's really scary!" Suddenly, the flames covered the mountain and burned wantonly. The creatures on UU Reading obviously looked fine, but they died one by one, their souls was burned. At this time, Wei Huandie was very close to Jiang Ping, only 100 meters away. Wei Huandie's scorpion tail was also raised high, and she was accumulating strength, ready to attack with all her strength. No one could react at this distance. It was absolutely impossible for Lington to react. come over. For more than a thousand years, he is also reflecting on himself. The experience of wizards in the past made him feel that the way of undead used to be monotonous, and with the help of Lington, he initially created the witchcraft belonging to the undead, the necromancy system, just now is one of them witchcraft. The huge pupils shrank suddenly, and he felt a huge force coming from the dragon's tail, and it was accompanied by a powerful shadow force, which was not at the same level as his power. He slowly transformed into a human form, and asked bitterly, "Can you tell me what kind of blood power this is after I die?" The lion roared, and the giant snake neighed. He dodged quickly, and the flames flew quickly, hitting the mountain behind him. A few seconds later, Zisha's eyes widened, and then a shadow passed by, and his body slowly melted from his feet up. But the mountain giant only ran a few hundred meters before seeing a huge green fireball in front of him, exuding an icy temperature. the other side. "Lington, let me see how strong you are!" Wei Fandie roared. In fact, one adult is enough for today's battle, but we still let us take action. Run! "I found him, the big butterfly!" The voice came, and I saw the shadow dragon stepping in. "His opponent is you." Nikolay said fiercely. With the appearance of the environmental space, Eli's figure turned into countless bubbles and disappeared from the vision of the two of them, Jiang Ping. On the other side, Manticore and Eli rushed towards Jiang Ping. The mountain giant Rock wrinkled his eyelids, looked up, and Nicholas looked at him. In the next second, countless undead flames flew towards the stone pillar in the hand of the mountain giant. Seen through? "Magic Butterfly!" Eli's voice suddenly came out.

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