Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 346: Showing off their special abilities, they arrived at the Charming Mansion

Accompanied by Zisha died. The surrounding illusions were also completely lifted, and Eli also lifted the bloodline body. This time, it was also the first time he broke out with all his strength, and it was also a test of his own strength. "I don't know what happened to Hydera and Nicholas." Eli looked at the two battlefields not far away. This time, he alone is indeed enough, but he still wants to see the strength of this undead-synthetic beast. After all, there are some things that cannot be obtained only by laboratory data, and in fact, he has also tried to use some things to enhance his strength over the years. their strength. Nicholas is the witchcraft of the undead system, and Hydera is the wizard technology. ... Nikolai Fields. The gigantic mountain giant swung his long stick to disperse countless undead around him, but there were more undead in his eyes, submerging him like an ocean, and among the undead, from time to time there were undead witchcraft attacks towards him, but all blocked by him. "Damn mouse, get out of here!" The mountain giant shouted: "When I catch you, you will be dead. Let me see how much you can prepare for such a huge soul consumption." Is this a test of witchcraft?" What is the composition of this sub-tower!" And in each mouth, there is a huge energy core, which is flame, ice, shadow and wind. Suddenly, he looked towards the sea of ​​people, knocked Eli on his body and said, "Go there!" The next second, the seven cores turned into a whole, and a huge witch formation directly covered the two of them, and then was A burst of seven-color light enveloped. "This is, the wizard's wizard rune!" I don't feel good. The battle started. He also left directly, leaving only Robelli. "No way." Just half a day after the giant eagle left. After solving everything, Ali and Hydera entered the secret realm, while Huaying headed for the airship. Although Nicholas' method is indeed different from the regular undead, so what. After a few seconds, the light dissipated. But in the next second, the seven entangled giant snakes began to rotate at the same time, respectively in the surroundings, and then opened their mouths. Hydera's huge body appeared, and the corpse of the blazing lion warlock lay beside him. Don't dare to ask, don't dare to ask. "His own efforts were also indispensable." Giant Eagle smiled. Now, please experience my new witchcraft, necromancy-soul bomb!" After killing a large number of undead again, he suddenly saw the undead in front of him suddenly disperse, and a larger undead appeared. "What happened here?" Huaying Luya was a little confused. A few seconds later, Eli speeded up and left here, chasing after the giant eagle airship. And during this period of time, Giant Eagle also obtained the space rings of several people. The huge blazing lion was entwined by Hydera, but countless flames erupted, constantly destroying Hydera's body. In the next second, countless soul bombs detonated instantly, and the power of the detonated souls gathered together, causing the surrounding soul fragments to explode and resonate. The aftermath of the undead even spread several kilometers away. die. Hydera failed! "The fragments of the undead he killed." Ali looked fiercely at the mountain giant warlock and said: "Wizards have a very important rule, which is to use the least amount of force to leverage more power. Go up. Swing the staff , the mountain giant suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in the body, looked down, in every gap in the body, there were fragments of the undead that had been crushed before, and at this time these fragments suddenly glued together, appearing on every part of the mountain giant In the gap. The terrifying movement just now appeared in Robeli’s mind, and he felt the terrifying fluctuation tens of kilometers away. And the giant eagle is also in the room, so it’s hard not to make the two of them associate. Hua Ying Lu waved her staff, and in the next second, countless soul fragments on the mountain giant's body began to shine. It was dark at first, and after a few seconds, it was even as bright as the sun. Hydera on the side also approached closely, and his witch formation It was branded by a giant eagle. Eh?... "What is this?" The mountain giant warlock was shocked and angry. After some inspection, there are not many things, but almost nothing is usable. The most outrageous thing is the central area, a 100-meter-deep pit. Although the area is not large, the cracks spreading from it are several kilometers long. But in the next second, he only felt that the entanglement was much stronger. When he looked down, he saw Hydera's body suddenly turned into seven big snakes, entwining his body. Unlike Ali who can become stronger by devouring her soul, Hydera's promotion requires a lot of elemental items, and it is not only by devouring qualified wind attribute items that she can be promoted, so this is also what the giant eagle needs to prepare in the future. "Maybe he can try to use the shaman formation by himself in the future!" Hua Ying said. Just wait for him to break free, then Hydera will be dead, and just such a entanglement attack will not have much effect on him. "It's thanks to my lord. My lord helped him a lot when he was building his witchcraft. Without my lord, I don't even have this system." Hua Yinglu smiled. Oscar said: "Since your lord said that it is a test of witchcraft, then test the witchcraft and continue to go." And the mountain giant also fell to the ground with a crash, turning into its original appearance and losing its life wave. There is only one skin of an unknown seven-ring monster, because it has the attribute of wind element, so it cannot be refined into a witch weapon with the previous feathers. Bang! "Not bad." Hua Ying nodded. And Renfa wants to verify this matter, he needs to go to Juying to verify it. The way his heart was beating, his shriveled chest was heaving and turbulent. In the distance, one flew towards Eli, and a man sat on it, wearing a white veil and a white warlock robe, dignified and elegant, looking like an elegant male king. "Yes, it's time for the human law to begin." Ali shook her head, and he quickly picked up a staff, which Hua Ying had eliminated before. Under Eli's order, Hua Ying quickly devoured the souls of seven people, and the soul power quickly replenished, and there was not much left. It is suspected that he will make some progress after fully absorbing it, and Hydera's injuries have also recovered, but Strength didn't grow much. He carefully sensed the breath here: "It seems that there is a spirit-level breath, no, it seems to be more, the breath is different, and there are inhumans." "No, it must be according to the time, the giant eagle's airship may be exactly Passing by here at this time, could it be..." Nicholaya sucked in a breath of hot air. Soon, Robelli also returned to the room. "Yes!" The mountain giant warlock instinctively felt bad. With the sun rising slightly. I'm telling the truth, Hua Ying has indeed helped him a lot. "Why don't you run away? It's impossible." The mountain giant looked at Hua Ying with a cruel smile. "It seems that there is a big melee here." Hydra Battlefield. Relying on these undead alone can't cause any harm to him, and he is at the star level, UU reading www.uukanshu. How could com lose. Then he said to Ali: "Go and search for the belongings of several people, and these warlocks have just died, and he can't swallow their souls. As a supplement, as for the flesh and blood, they will be given to Hydera. He was a little seriously injured. ’” He was a little confused, and the freshness of the breath meant that it hadn’t happened for more than eight days. Hua Ying wins! Ali and Hydera have only been promoted for less than ten years, and they actually defeated two star-level warlocks, which is very good. After a few seconds. If it weren't for the entanglement of these undead, he would have killed Nicholas. This is nothing, but the Blazing Lion Warlock saw simple lines engraved on each core. Eli flew quickly and arrived at the location he designated. He is Liliana's teacher, Nicholaya, a Huiyue-level warlock. When communicating with Liliana, he also felt that the giant eagle was a good target, so he looked for it later. Oscar and Hua Ying came over. "My lord, what happened?" the two asked. Hydera and Ali each dragged the corpses of two warlocks and flew towards the giant eagle. "What's the matter, go out and test the witchcraft, let's go on." After finishing speaking, the giant eagle returned to the room. On the ground of Eli, the ground for several miles was completely destroyed, several mountains were pierced, and some were flattened. The ground was full of fallen trees, and even many trees turned white. , the vitality completely disappears. ...... "How long can you last!" Blazing Lion Warlock's face was grim. Huaying Luya recovered violently. Afterwards, the grounding of the airship also shocked the two of them, and then they sensed a terrifying fluctuation not far away. When he arrived at the position, he looked down and was instantly stunned. Oscar and Robeli face each other. The airship was unable to drive normally and left this area at high speed. "Stupid!" Blazing Lion Warlock cursed in his heart, isn't unity courting death at this time?

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