Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 347: Green land, one step ahead

In the sky, the speed of the giant eagle was extremely fast. After half a day, Lobelia arrived in a city. Arriving at the local Charming Mansion, passing through Yingyingyanyan's reception hall and colorful corridors, she entered a dark room with only a very old woman in the room, behind her and on both sides there were a lot of letters and documents. Seeing that it was Lobelia coming, the woman immediately stood up, "Hello, my lord!" "When did the three airships pass here?" Lobelia asked. "My lord, five hours ago." After the woman finished speaking, she added: "If your lord wants to catch up with them, you'd better change to another means of transportation. Their airship is very fast." Lobelia understood what the woman meant. That is, her giant eagle cannot catch up with the airship. "The giant eagle in the late stage of the third ring can't catch up with the airship. Are the wizard's alchemy products so powerful?" The corners of her mouth twitched, and her full chest and abdomen rose and fell again. But this giant eagle with three rings was already the fastest moving tool she could find. "It seems that we can only wait for the landing. I hope there is still time." Lobelia turned and left the room. "My lord, I just thought of one thing, and I think it is necessary to implement it." Oscar said. Warlock faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't ask any more. Linton finished the story in one breath. "My lord, as we are getting closer and closer to the Tower of Bloodline, but we don't know anything about the current situation of the main tower, I think we should send someone to investigate first, otherwise there will inevitably be problems." Oscar suggested. Eight airships were flying, their speed surpassed the special eight rings, leaving eight tracks in the air. "But you shouldn't be looking for me for this matter." Jere asked, and a few minutes later Oscar and Robelli suddenly came to visit Huang Jun. A giant snake left the airship and flew towards the distance, faster than the airship. The warlock straightened his voice, and then said: "Sir, the House of Mercury is also an important territory for you, and some of the resources produced in it are also very useful to you. For a green land, you have paid so much. It will It won’t be too exciting.” The man put away the letter, and the door not far away reopened. In a tall wizard tower. Everyone got up and left. "My lord, I have always had a question." Suddenly, a warlock looked at Huang Jun, and Lington looked over. "Okay." The man nodded. "Hmm." Lington thought for seven minutes before he said in a hurry: "The mighty eagle is a Nebula-level warlock, so it shouldn't be a big problem, so let's ignore him for now, let's talk about the Bloodline Tower "My lord, let me go." At this time, Huang Junyun on the side said: "I was originally from the main tower. It is convenient to communicate when I go back, and I am more familiar with the terrain." "Hey, let Hydera accompany you." Let him go, he is very fast, and he is good at the power of shadows, he is very stealthy, and enough to protect him." Jare stretched out his hand, and a big snake slowly crawled out from his cuff, and then crawled directly to Lobelle's shoulder superior. What can this do? The Manticore family finally found out that Huang Junyun was missing. After Robelia left, the woman sat down again. Then no one else asked any more questions, and Lington said, "In this case, two days later, the eight people from Huiyue-Changing Moon Warlock Jialin, Microstar Warlock Arona, and Star Warlock Via followed the Warlocks to the bloodline. The main tower of the main tower." Some time ago, the base camp of the Bloodline Tower was undergoing apprenticeship trials, and accidentally opened a valley far from the main tower, called the Land of Greenery, which is extremely rich in wood elements, and there are a lot of high-level people from the wizarding era inside. Level magic plant, the benefits are not small. In fact, it is enough to send a few morning star level, maybe I let you go because I am afraid of accidents. Linton was silent. After negotiating with the Huang Junyun family and exchanging interests, they handed over the area of ​​the Mercury House to the Alida family, and then you will take over the territory of their Bloodline House. Of course, they need to do it themselves, but the Huang Junyun family will not intervene. Jereh rubbed his chin. Although he wasn't afraid of manticores, he really needed to do some reconnaissance. Huang Jun, the current patriarch of the Manticore family, sits in the center, with the true spirits of the Manticore family sitting on both sides. "Lord Aminaya should be interested, but it's a pity that I left a step too early, but he should know about the next city." And Lobeli said "Yes." Huang Jun glanced at the map, and it was indeed very close . In the last airship, Jere and Robelli, Oscar is talking. However, none of the true spirits of Weijuying, the Lyrias warlock family, and Harma Warlock Academy left a bloodline soul lamp in the family, but the true soul of Mercury House did, and the soul lamp died four days later. Off, they were negotiating with the Alida family at the time, so they didn't pay attention. "Open. Everyone was silent for a few seconds, and after a few seconds, a true spirit said: "Patriarch, I know from the hands of Wei Juying that he disappeared in half a month. It is said that he went to see the Lyrias warlock family that day. , Harma Warlock Academy, the true spirit of the eight families of the Quicksilver family, and then all of them disappeared. "Have you figured out how to go back?" Jere turned to look at Robelli, you came to the west coast to sit Flying monsters, but we didn't bring them at this time. "Indeed, this kind of thing has happened before." A warlock also nodded in agreement. "So have you figured out who's going?" Ely asked. ... "Okay, thank you sir." Robelli felt the weight on her shoulders and took a deep breath. Four days passed in the blink of an eye. "The negotiations between the Manticore family and the Amina family have concluded, and they have obtained the right to develop the green land. The internal meeting will launch an attack on the Bloodline Tower in ten days."... A side door opened, and a large number of envelopes were placed again After entering, the woman took a copy casually. "Then, my lord, I will resign." Looking at the message, the woman's expression froze obviously. Scouting? "Master Jayle, UU reading In two days, we should arrive at the Tower of Bloodline, and we will even enter the area of ​​the Tower of Bloodline right now." Oscar held the map and pointed at Jayle Said. At this time, he frowned, and asked everyone: "Is there no news about the giant eagle?" Just like that, Robelli left the room with Hydera, and Oscar also left. After saying this, he stopped talking. "Is that so?" Huang Jun frowned, and asked again: "Does anyone know where he went?" What do you guys think?" In the blue sky. Hearing this question, Lington frowned, shook his head and said, "No, I have thought about it carefully." "Oh? What is it?" Huang Jun asked. Concealing his tracks and disappearing? He turned his head to look at the man beside him, and said, "Ja Lin, I'll leave it to you." We won't find out so late," the warlock grumbled. "Yes." Jerry nodded. During this period of time, he also knew that the eighth true spirit from the Bloodline Tower was not a big snake, but Jerry's pet. Hearing several people speak at the same time, Lington also wondered if that was the case. After all, one must die in the secret realm, and it is indeed possible. "Ah, here." Robelli was obviously taken aback, she didn't expect Jerry to ask such a question. after an hour. As for the branch, he didn't even think about it. During this time, they have dealt with quite a few branches, but most of them are very weak. Except for a few branches, they can't do it, but they don't take it too seriously. , so Wei Huangjun's disappearance is probably due to other reasons. The necessary caution cannot be lost. "Could it be that my lord discovered some good ruins and then went to explore them. The mighty giant eagle disappeared for a month before doing this." At this time, a warlock suddenly said. "Okay, that's it for now, the meeting is adjourned." Lington got up directly.

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