Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 348: Bloodline Tower Main Tower

In the dark night. A giant snake was wandering in the moonlight in the sky, surrounded by countless shadows to hide their tracks, and a person was lying on it. Alida carefully came to the side of the giant snake and looked at the ground. At this moment, they were flying over a plain. "Cross the plain, and then pass through a surrounding forest, and you will be the city of blood in the tower of blood, my lord, go straight ahead." Alida carefully directed Hydera. Hydra neighed and accelerated. "It's finally here." Alida was also very excited, and her mood was agitated. She had been away from home for almost two years. Suddenly, she looked ahead, and there seemed to be small black dots in the darkness of the night. Alida took a serious look and saw that they were large gray and white birds hovering above the forest. Seeing the big bird, Alida's expression changed. She had seen this kind of big bird before, and it was a creature used by the manticore family for scouting. Since this kind of bird appeared in the forest, it means that this place has been surrounded by the manticore family. Maybe there are people in the forest below. "Thank you, sir." Once out of the forest, many people passed through a large mountain range, but behind the mountain range was a huge city. "My lord, I'll report right away." A warlock immediately ran towards the city. He quickly ran towards the distant city, and was stopped before he took a few steps. Soon, they came to the gate of the city. After hearing this, Hydera also looked forward, saw these birds, and turned her eyes. "City of blood!" He looked up and opened his mouth wide. There are countless tall and short buildings on the plain, among which there are some Mo Zhitian. "Long time no see, Margot." Song Qiangzhi smiled. The person who came was his grandfather's student. He looked up to see where he was. Those who stopped him were eight patrolling warlocks. In fact, the entire Bloodline Tower was not fully alert at this time. "What do you mean!" A male warlock is still waiting, he is wearing gray warlock leather armor, carrying a big sword behind his back, looking heroic, but looking at Song Qiangzhi who has returned, he just sighed deeply: "Alida, he should come back. Hydera, who devoured Alida, blinked and then descended rapidly, shrinking her body. She looked down, and although she couldn't see anything clearly among the dense forests, But he saw the flames faintly, only a few, that is, she could only see them at such a high altitude. Along the flames, he saw a large number of warlocks. Although they couldn't see clearly, they were undoubtedly the warlocks of the Manticore family. She seemed to be back It was a little late, mainly because the west coast was too far away. Half an hour later, Hydera finally passed through the forest. The purpose of it is self-evident, to send him away from the neat core. "My lord, stop for a moment." He said to Hydera. In fact, the Four Seasons Garden came this day, and I didn’t finish my story. In fact, the reason why I came to the West Coast was not because I was in trouble, but because I was forcibly sent to the West Coast, just because I have another identity, which is currently The only true spirit warlock in the Bloodline Tower is his grandfather. His parents had died since he was a child, and his grandfather had been taking care of him since then, and as soon as this change happened, he was sent on a mission to find a sub-tower on the west coast, to find a sub-tower that might not even exist. "I want to see Lord True Spirit?" Warlock frowned. Golan Clinton is the only true spirit in the current Bloodline Tower. "Ah!" Song Qiangzhi exclaimed, and was swallowed by Hydera. It’s wrong to blame Hydera! He was suddenly swallowed by Hydera just now, and then he felt himself merged into a darkness, with countless shadows crawling around, and the power contained in it could not kill him easily, and he didn’t even dare to breathe easily , I held my breath all the way. "Take him to see Golan Clinton." Alida said directly to the warlock without any stage fright. "Finally back." My lord, the sky in front of me seems to be surrounded." Alida reminded. As for Song Qiangzhi, he followed the other two towards the city of blood. One of Hydera turned his head and looked at Song Qiangzhi suspiciously. It seemed to be asking what was wrong. Alida took a deep breath, then stood up, and looked towards the city of blood in the distance. As soon as she came out, Alida lay down on the ground and took a few deep breaths, her heart beating even faster. "Cute Grandpa must be fine." Song Qiangzhi gritted his teeth. But in the end he was sent to the West Coast, and then who would have thought to see this outrageous division. "Who are you?" The patrolling warlock stopped Alida and asked cautiously. At this time, the Bloodline Tower is forbidden to go out, so it is rare for any outsider to appear. "I came back this time to bring back reinforcements. "Is he Elder Sister Alida?" At this time, the warlock at the side seemed to recognize Alida, with a surprised expression on his face. The city was built on the mountains, strewn up and down, and down layer by layer. Inside are spiers, UU reading www. There is also a high wall dividing the interior, the outermost layer is a tall gray and white city wall, which is a hundred meters high, and outside the outer wall is a large plain. This is the Tower of Bloodline, the main city's main city, the Tower of Bloodline. Alida's eyes widened. Could it be that Manticore is ready to attack? "This is my identification card!" Song Qiangzhi took out a token, and when they saw the token, they no longer had any doubts. "Alida?" Another warlock also stared wide-eyed. We have heard this name before, the only descendant of Lord Golan. Of course, this is not all. The mountain range behind the city is also the area of ​​the Tower of Blood, and this time the land of greenery was discovered in it. He actually didn't understand it, but he couldn't accept it in his heart. Although Hydera is a synthetic beast, his intelligence is actually not high. He turned his head and nodded towards Alida. When it landed on the ground, it was only a dozen centimeters long, and its breath was close to me. I blinked and then crawled towards the distant forest. ps: Accurately change tomorrow to "With Lord Eli here, there is still hope." Alida took a deep breath and regained her composure. "Hoohoo!" Haven't you passed through the forest yet? Alida blinked her eyes, and in the next second, Hydera suddenly opened her mouth, and endless shadows rushed towards Alida. Soon Hydera entered the forest. Indeed, as Alida observed, there were quite a few warlocks gathered in the forest at this time. They were hiding in the forest and were fully armed. But he turned his head to look, only to find that Hydera crawled directly towards his trouser legs, all the way down, and then entered the inner pocket of the warlock robe, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, as if the task was completed Same. Of course, Hydera couldn't see it yet, but when he got here, his mouth quickly opened wide, and a person was spit out while wriggling. Hydera, on the other hand, crawled inside like a scary big snake, and no one paid attention to it along the way.

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