Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 352: You call this a sub-tower? new faith yin'ji

On the ground, countless warlocks looked up at this scene.

"West coast sub-tower? Do we have such a sub-tower?" A warlock asked the warlock next to him with a confused face.

"It seems that there is indeed, but it's been a long time since I contacted you." Warlock replied.

"However, the west coast seems to be a very barren place. The sub-towers there should be very weak, but this sub-tower feels a bit wrong!" Warlock was confused.

Looking at Hydera next to Eli, and the movement just now, have already explained the weirdness of this sub-tower

The battlefields of Via and Göring.

Goring clutched his chest, also looking confused.

The west coast sub-tower was really still there, and he suddenly understood why Alida reacted like this.

But I just don't know how strong this person is, but the giant snake is dominated by men, which means that this person's strength should be at least stronger than the giant snake, is it nebula level, or stronger...

"Unlikely." Göring shook the thought out of his head.


It is indeed dead.

"Undead of the bloodline sub-tower, Nicholas!" Nicholas stopped Via's way.

I looked at Tang Li on the opposite side, who seemed even more shocked than me.

Birds and beasts scattered!

But to everyone's horror, the airship in the sky opened again, and countless figures flew out. Everyone's aura had reached the eighth ring, and there were as many as 170 people. Break through some more.

This is too outrageous.

Have a breath of life?

He was the one who saved the Bloodline Tower.

"It's ridiculous, I was really taken aback just now."

Outside the sky, Tang Li and Via looked at each other with their mouths wide open.

With the death of the true spirit, the will of the warlocks on the ground was already very weak, but with the death of Arona and the surrender of Via, all the warlocks collapsed at once.

"This, how is it possible, how is this possible to be a sub-tower." A warlock turned his head and looked at it with a look of despair.

"Isn't this Huiyue? It's too strong!"

Not only them, but several other Tang Li were also stunned.

But what surprised the two of them was that neither of them chased after Jialin?

But everyone still looked at Jialin.

You call this a sub-tower?

The sound of success was conveyed, and even the entire city of blood boiled, and countless cheers resounded throughout the world.

He died so easily, how strong was his enemy? It was also this woman who claimed to be the owner of the west coast sub-tower.

Listening to Eli repeating these words, the corners of Via's mouth twitched.

Although she couldn't feel Eli's strength, since Eli said he was from the west coast tower, he was probably at least at the same level as her, that is, Huiyue level, or into Huiyue, because judging by Jialin's vitality, Definitely not too old.

the other side.

On the other hand, Jialin looked down and found that the seventh imprint of faith was slowly forming on her arm, and the power of faith in it was slowly accumulating, and some changes were taking place. Tang Li would need to feel it carefully later, but the harvest very big.

"Let them go?" Via was puzzled. In the next second, he saw a huge undead chasing him on the airship in the distance, and stopped him directly.

"Whoever you are, die here today." Zhen Ling roared angrily and waved his claws at Tang Li.

Indeed, it must be a sub-tower of the Bloodline Tower in front of him, which also makes the main tower too useless.

It was he who killed the real spirit.

Tang Li stood in the air, and in the distance, a warlock who had been nervous all the time walked over while clutching his chest, and directly knelt down in the air. It was Eli, the bloodline master tower master.

He immediately shouted to Alona on the ground: "Alona, ​​run separately."

"How is this possible, is this an illusion?"

Arona on the other side was blocked by Hydera.

Alona on the ground looked confused, staring blankly

Looking at the sky, a few words kept looping in my mind.

At this moment, they finally realized that they had failed.

In the next moment, the sickle waved towards the true spirit, like a **** of death waving a sickle.

"Is this their branch tower?"

The huge body shook the battlefield, and everyone directly felt the horror of Huiyue-level warlocks. Even Eli felt that his breath was stagnant. Huiyue and Chenxing were completely two levels.

The manticore was still roaring, but in the next second, fear flashed across his eyes. Although he couldn't see it, he instinctively felt uneasy.

Master Tang Li seems to be dead?

After the cheers lasted for half an hour, they finally stopped slowly.

But even if it is Nebula-level, it seems to be ridiculously weak compared to their main tower.

"Hey!" Via sighed deeply and lowered her head.

In the sky, Jialin's eyes were shining with silver light, and in front of her eyes, the huge spiritual power turned into a sickle.

The warlocks of the manticore family on the ground raised their heads one by one, as if they had witnessed the death of this warlock.

It can only be said that this landing is not the time.

"This warlock is estimated to die in one shot, a sub-tower, I don't know why he has the courage to stand here.

There are no eight seconds in the whole battle.

Isn't he the sub-tata master?

The scythe passed by, and his soul was instantly split in two.

"Mom, this must be fake?"

And everyone also turned their eyes to the sky, looking at the woman who claimed to be the owner of the west coast branch of the Bloodline Tower.

The shouting lasted for half an hour, and Jialin didn't stop it. Who made the power of faith increase until it filled up one-eighth of it in the end. With only tens of thousands of people, there were tens of millions of people on the west coast. It is difficult to do things in the past year, just because it is a sect, I am afraid that these people are equivalent to fanatics at this moment, willing to do everything for him.

If it is really a strong person at the Huiyue level, who is the sub-tower?

You tell me this is the west coast subtower?

"Lord Galin!"

Galin, who felt Eli's killing intent, squinted her eyes, and the blood on her body gradually accelerated.

With the death of the true spirit, the entire battlefield was sluggish for half a minute, and no one spoke until half a minute later.

On the other hand, although there are not many people in Jialin, it is not enough to encircle all the warlocks.

The killing followed, the warlocks of the sub-tower and the warlock of the main tower killed together, and even the injured Eli also participated in the killing. For a while, the smell of blood in the birdcage was outrageous, and almost a layer of blood was sprinkled on the ground. Red and scary.

The two people who were stopped looked desperate, especially Via. He didn't expect that there would be another Goering.

It's not just him, at this moment, whether it's the warlocks of the Manticore family or the bloodline family, they already feel that their worldview has been crushed again and again, almost to pieces.

Of course, I know that the most important thing now is to escape, let’s run first.

"Is this dead? Manticore's Luna-level warlock, a warlock who can easily kill Lord Eli, just died like this?"

In the next second, the manticore in the form of the true spirit stepped on the air and bit Tang Li.

With the death of the last Manticore family warlock except Via, all the warlocks shouted excitedly.

"Lord Galin."

The huge volume drove the surrounding air, and all the monsters and warlocks in the sky had to land, for fear of being killed by the aftermath.

"They won!

"Kill me, then come." Zhenling snorted coldly, and in the next second, his blood was surging, and a huge manticore of 170 meters appeared in front of Jialin's eyes.

Countless warlocks of the Manticore family collapsed in an instant, and no one could accept that the true spirit of Huiyue level was killed by the tower owner of this sub-tower in an instant!

When the voice came, one person called Mr. Tang Li, followed by ten, one hundred, and in just a dozen seconds, all of them shouted a name in unison.

It doesn't matter if there is Goering, the underlying strength is still so strong.

You call this a sub-tower of the Bloodline Tower?

There is a bit of confusion!

As soon as you sense the breath, Goring.

A roaring manticore, an explosive sickle of mental power.

So, Tang Li stretched out his hand, and within a few miles, a huge shadow cage appeared, blocking all the warlocks.

Even Jialin herself didn't dare to say that she could resist it.

Looking at this scene, Jialin was slightly silent.

Eight Tang Li!

Tang Li is not dead yet.

Like Arona, Via couldn't doubt it, but the story happened right under his nose, so he couldn't help but doubt it.

Following the inertia, Tang Li finally arrived behind Jialin, but he directly turned into the main body and fell towards the ground, but was swallowed by Hydera beside him. After swallowing, he showed a proud look, and then returned to Galen's side.

At this time, Alida shouted loudly on the city wall, "This is Lord Jialin."

Especially the warlocks of the Bloodline Tower were completely dizzy. On the one hand, they were immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives, and on the other hand, they were intertwined in shock and confusion. What shocked them was the power of the West Coast sub-tower. The eight rings, the confusion is whether they are really the main tower? Are they equipped with such sub-towers?

Everyone looked at Jialin adoringly, even knowing about Tang Liqiang's Tower Separation Technique, they were extremely excited, and the magicians in the airship also shouted, as if there was only one voice in this world.

Knowing that Galin was only on his level, True Spirit settled down.

The one in front of me seems to be the main pagoda master?

Alona kind of liked talking to himself, but it was the only thing he could do because he couldn't understand it.

He knelt directly in front of Jialin, in front of tens of thousands of people, and shouted:

This is a Warlock of the Huiyue level!

"I surrender!"

All the Eight Rings ran in all directions, as did the Shutu on the ground.

Now the warlocks of the Manticore family were completely desperate.

The killing lasted for half an hour.

Via wailed in despair, even their superior power, the Eight-armed Snake Demon family, was not so arrogant.

"Yes!" The endless pain and fear instantly made Zhenling make an instinctive voice, but his eyes gradually brightened.

In an instant he ran in a direction away from Jialin, and Arona also reacted and chose another direction, so that at least one of the two could run.

"You call this a sub-tower?

He didn't feel it until the scythe brushed against his neck, but it was too late.

He chose to submit, but Alona chose to resist, and then, in Via's sight, was slapped to death by Galin.

You call this a sub-tower?

The sickle is tangible, and only Jialin can directly perceive it, but the spiritual power contained in it is extremely terrifying.

Tang Li held the staff, and the silver eyes in his eyes were functioning to the extreme for the first time. The huge mental power was being consumed, and an unknown amount of vitality was also burning. The advanced witchcraft that was feared by all wizards burst out for the first time. All the power.

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