Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 353: Talk to Goring, Honor Tower Master

Falling in love with you, the immortal of the wizarding world

Chapter 353 of the Eternals of the Wizarding World, talking to Goring, the City of Blood, Lord of the Tower of Honor.

Among the tallest wizard towers.

In the early morning, the sun rose, and the slightly dazzling sunlight shone into a room in the wizard tower, making everything look relaxed and comfortable.

Eli stood by the window, looking out.

The City of Bloodlines outside the window was in a mess everywhere, and even the thousand-year-old city walls were broken a lot, and many warlocks were walking and jumping in it, repairing the injured city.

It's Eli's second day in Blood City.

After yesterday's victory, Eli was arranged here by Goering.

Eli looked down at the new seal of faith.

Since yesterday, he has been able to feel the power of faith from the warlocks in this city one after another. Even last night, the power of the true spirit increased by one unit. It was 203 before, and now it is 204.

Eli stretched, feeling a burst of relief.

Goring nodded.

After the guards left, West Coast said to Goring.

Eli shook his head and said:

In fact, Goring is still not very interested in the tower owner. He still hopes to enjoy control over the power as before, but he doesn't need to bear these sundries, which is a waste of Goring's time.

But he was seriously injured in the battle with Via, and I am afraid that he will not be alive for long, but the big ship of the Bloodline Tower has to continue sailing, but now the Bloodline Tower does not have the seventh true spirit, and he is also helpless. no choice.

For Zhu Yi, Zhu Yi, a dying old man, is very strict.

Looking at Zhu Yi's condition, Goring was a little worried. He was afraid that he would lose a few more days of his life with just a few mouthfuls of blood.

There is only one room on the eighth floor, the door is open, and the layout is complicated and warm. At this time, there is only one person in it, and it is Eli. At this time, he seems to be looking a little haggard, sitting on a sofa with dull eyes, chest And a bandage.

Cough cough cough!

Along the way, people looked at Goering from time to time, obviously recognizing Goering, and some even wanted to get closer.

Parting, the guard bowed deeply to Goering.

Shaking his head, Goering walked directly inside, with the west coast leading the way.

Goering nodded, and then asked:

The second is strength. There are about one hundred people in the eighth ring, seven or eight hundred people in the seventh ring, and more in the first ring and apprentices.

Eli stood up, put one hand on his chest, and stretched out his hand towards the door.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Eli looked at him, and suddenly said:

He was also curious about what Eli wanted to talk to him about.

Obviously he is going to take away Eli's blood tower, but Eli wants to thank him. Sometimes this world is very strange.

Goring's meaning is also very clear, he intends to keep it but is not yet ready to be the tower owner.

Goering also knew about this green place early on, and he was also a little surprised.

Goring nodded, and the guards in front opened the door for Goring.

But it was enough for Zhu Yi, and it was enough to surprise him by confirming that Goring would stay in the Bloodline Tower.

Goering did not agree this time either.

Zhu Yi said to Goring, and coughed twice.


Lin nodded strangely, and the two walked inside. But the situation in the Bloodline Tower of the Central Continent is not so good. For example, this time, a green land almost caused a disaster of killing people.

Eli spit out a mouthful of blood angrily, and cursed angrily:

Eli clutched his chest, but his face was helpless.

Goring walked in, and behind him came Alida's sincere and loud voice:

Goring didn't care, and sat opposite Eli.

Eli said again.

Goering looked at Eli's **** bandage.

The strength is stronger than that of the Tower, but it must be reasonable to think about it. In Alida, the resources are unique to the Bloodline Tower, and with Goring, the Bloodline Tower still has some potions that can help advance, so the number is large.

He looked at Goering. If anyone could change all this, it should be Goering.

After all, for him, the Bloodline Tower will indeed be in his hands sooner or later, so he will not be able to enjoy the tower's power and responsibility as the honorary tower owner.

After coughing twice, Goering replied:

Zhu Yi also nodded.

The Amina family is on the same level as the manticore, maybe even slightly stronger, even if he knows about other backstabs, he can't do much.

Can easily kill Jialin, although I don't know Zhu Yi's specific strength, but he is definitely very strong.

Zhu Yi nodded.

Boom boom boom!

He took a look at Eli, and found that the old man's vitality was really low, and he could live for ten years at most.

Alida lowered her head and said respectfully.

Fortunately, at this time, some guards noticed the commotion and rushed over to **** Goering.

Zhu Yi was very cautious, looked at Goring and said with emotion: "I thought the Bloodline Tower fell into his hands, but who would have thought that your arrival would directly save us.

In the central continent, strength is not the confidence of power. With Lord Goring, the Amina family may have made some changes before.

Zhu Yi lowered his head and coughed a few more times.

Zhu Yi looked at Goring.

Soon, Goering had a general understanding of the Tower of Blood.

At this time, there were still two cups of brewed tea on the table, so Goring naturally picked up one and took a sip.

Zhu Yi also directly told Eli about it.

Goering was filled with emotions, and he was sure that he would never be treated like this when he came here as soon as he was promoted. It seems that staying in Alida to develop silently was a completely correct choice.

Goring smiled and walked up to the eighth floor without looking back.

Eli walked over to and opened the door.

"My lord is here for the first time, and I'm not familiar with the terrain, so let me guide you. Master Eli, do you need to prepare?" West Coast asked.

West Coast led the way without saying a word, while Goering took the opportunity to observe here.

The first is the area. Although the main tower of the Bloodline Tower is a small force in the Central Continent, the area has already

It has reached the size of Zhu Yiyan at that time, and there are several other lands outside. The population is much larger than Alida, at least tens of millions, twice as much as Alida.

However, on the seventh day of coming to the main tower, he will become the tower master, which is a bit too fast.

A tall wizard tower, with two guards guarding the door.

In terms of strength, there is not much difference between the main tower and Alida's branch tower, but this kind of strength can only be regarded as the bottom of the Central Continent, but it is understood that this is the Central Continent after all, the former center of the world.

Zhu Yi blinked and said:

Goering was a little emotional.

I hope you can satisfy my request. "

So under the admiring eyes of several guards, Goering was sent to his destination.

Goring was choked directly, and after a second of anxiety, he looked at Zhu Yi with a weird face and said:

Finally, there is the relationship here. The Bloodline Tower is temporarily attached to a force called the Amina family. This time it is because of their indifference here that led to the tragedy of the Bloodline Tower, but Göring actually died in Wellington. After searching some information, I found out that they actually reached a deal with Manticore.

Eli nodded.

Goring looked strange.

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