Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 354: The Land of Greenery, Jin Ji and Luo Ye

Falling in love with you, the immortal of the wizarding world

The Immortals of the Wizarding World Chapter 354 The land of greenery, Jinji and Luo Ye are at the door, and Eli meets Alida who is waiting.

Eli said to Alida.

"Okay." Alida quickly supported Goring.

So, the three of them walked towards the back of the city of blood.

The further you went, the fewer buildings there were, and the road became more and more winding. Finally, Goring stopped a few kilometers in front of the Bloodline Tower.

Goering pointed forward.

Eli looked in the direction, and saw a spacious road suddenly appeared among the mountains, and the road led to a valley. Before entering it, Eli felt a strong breath of life.

Eli narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound in his ear, and Eli turned his head to find nothing.

Goering and Alida looked over from the side.

Jere comforted Goring, and Goring gradually calmed down, but he still felt anxious from time to time.

Warlock stopped next to the rhinoceros and reported outside:

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the breath of life here is almost ten times that of the outside world.

There is a person sitting in it.


The warlock looked respectful.

This was the seventh time he had heard the name, but he did not expect this to be the result.

Jerry shook his head and walked directly inside.

This is unreasonable!

In a mountain range that is not known how far away, a huge chamber of commerce is advancing.

Jialin smashed the cup in her hand heavily, the anger and confusion in her heart made him unable to be happy.

However, he still couldn't understand how a west coast sub-tower could have such strength.


After more than ten seconds, Jin Ji slowly opened his mouth:

He also has a reason why he can't give up, but he can't tell his clansmen.

The westernmost point of the Western Regions.

Everyone thought it was a joke, but they couldn't help but doubt it. After all, many people had seen it.

The white hair is elegant and elegant, but the red pupils exude a strong aggressiveness. Wearing a white and red warlock robe, there is an air of arrogance.

And at that moment, Jere also decided where he used to live, which was the valley.

The Warlock left quickly, and the caravan moved on again.

Eli and Cao Feixing looked at Jerry.

"That's how it started"

Luo Ye raised his head, his eyes were surprised.

The warlock's eyes widened, wondering what was in the letter.

Galin gritted her teeth and said these words.

Eli gasped, but Hill never communicated directly after that.

Jere suddenly understood why Goering was in such a hurry.

Behind the curtain, Jinji shed tears silently.

Is it because of the Bloodline Tower?

The people in the curtain seemed a little surprised to hear that it was from the city of Holmes.

But he never thought that the story would turn out like this.

Master Herman is still dead as expected!



He intends to unite the entire force and the Bloodline Tower to fight together, and directly destroy the Bloodline Tower by means of thunder. Of course, he also has plans during this time, that is, to release news to make them give up.

Cao Fei held the new official information of the Bloodline Tower in her hand, biting and saying:


At this time, in a city not far from the City of Blood, Lobelia put down the letter paper in her hand.

Cao Fei sneered, I don't believe that powerful people will go!

A warlock respectfully remits the report.

Eli looked at the land with complicated emotions.

This is simply a paradise for plants to grow.

The pacification began, and Jere's consciousness slowly withdrew. At this time, the eight of them came to the outskirts of the valley.

The warlock was extremely shocked, he had never seen such an expression from an adult.

The news that the Bloodline Tower made Jereh the master of the Tower of Honor also spread, and the surrounding forces also received invitations.

This person in front of him is one of the two vice presidents in charge of the Western Regions, and the only one on his head is the Golden Toad President of the Central Region.

Eli shook his head.

The area is wide and everything is good. Moreover, Cao Fei will grow up here in the future. It is not close to the Tower of Bloodlines. It is a perfect place for him to settle in the Central Continent. I am also curious as to why the breath of life here is so strong. into this.

For a while, many forces opened their mouths wide.

As the confidant of the adult, he felt the sadness of the adult.

Time blinks past the day.

No one knows what will happen next.

Then go and see his students.

Galin gritted her teeth.

Good guy, this is directly forcing the children to be able to talk. It seems that this green land is really good.

Ahead, a figure raised his head.

It was early this morning when he arrived at the Tower of Blood, but at that time the matter was gone, so he had no choice but to leave first and wait for the news.

It was probably the arrival of the Bloodline Tower branch, supported by eight true spirits headed by Jere, and killed the Warlock of the Moonlight, Hill with great difficulty. Among them, Cao Fei was also seriously injured, but he wiped out all the Warlocks of the Manticore family. , including Via, who finally surrendered, was executed in front of everyone, which greatly boosted morale.


Warlock is confused.

The warlock entered in response.

Eli's consciousness penetrated into the secret realm, and he saw Hill's countless pieces of paper swaying at the same time, as if he had encountered something attractive.

There is also a stronger Jialin, and many forces under her command.

It seems that the missing Wellington also has something to do with him.

Luo Ye shook his head.

He never expected that the warlock team followed by Hill was completely wiped out.

At the same time, a wave of consciousness came, and it was an immature voice like a little girl:

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Master Mo Shao is a Huiyue Warlock. He was valued for helping Lord Jinji's men enter the city and thus caught up with Jinji's rescue. Now he is his strongest and most trusted subordinate, and he is actually willing to send him out.

is this a normal story

Manticore family.

There, whether it is a magic plant or other plants, it can grow at least eight times faster.

Who would have thought a West Coast branch could do this.

After observing for a while, it wasn't the sound from outside, it seemed that it could only be from Eli's secret realm, he had already

Guess who it is!

He shook his head, he didn't have an invitation letter, but it was not easy for him to get one.

Jerry said.

The entrance to the valley was a bit narrow at first, but as it entered, it became wider and wider, and the breath of life became more and more intense.

I just hope that he won't go alone by then, it's embarrassing.

Among the magnificent cities, this is the city closest to the Central Region in the Western Regions, and here is one of the great powers in the Western Regions, the Holy Tower.

What surprised him was that as the envelope was opened, the adult's expression seemed to become more and more serious, and his eyes became more and more complicated, and he even closed his eyes in the end.

Eli nodded, then looked aside Alida, and said:

Except for the appearance of a branch in a remote place, there is no meaning of a branch at all.

During the previous negotiations, the Amina family was also very interested, and let them bite the dog first.

Jerry said to the two of them.

Originally, his idea was to prevent Cao Fei from meeting the enemy or to adjust from it, but he didn't expect that Jie Lei would directly meet the enemy and kill a Warlock of Huiyue level. different.

There is also a sub-tower with eight spirits

However, there is still no force to show kindness to it, because Manticore only lost eight true spirits.

what happened

I, Cao Fei, are not dead yet.


Warlock asked curiously.

Jin Ji took another deep breath and said.

I suspect that other forces will give him face, after all, he is the patriarch of the Manticore family.

The curtain opened to reveal the people behind.

This kind of thing is even more outrageous than the current invasion of the wizarding world by the big world.

There is a huge space in front of me, the area is roughly estimated to be nearly one hundred acres, and I don’t know how many towering trees grow there, each of which is estimated to be a hundred meters high. A river passes through this valley, sparkling, and in the near On the side away from the entrance, there is only a flat land with wild grass eight feet high, and there are many magic plants that have been seen in Cao Fei's book growing in it.

Jerry took a deep breath and looked ahead.

Black hair and black pupils, wearing a gold silk hat, wearing a gold speckled dress, wearing ten rings on his hands, each with a different color, his face is middle-aged, but he still looks a little old, but he is full of majesty , Exuding noble At this time, suddenly the warlock in front of the caravan flew towards here, and the aura had fully reached the early stage of the eighth ring.

After all, this matter is a bit too fantasy, the main tower of the Bloodline Tower was saved by the sub-tower.

After all, being able to kill Hill shows that this force has surpassed 99% of the seventh-level forces, and may be a little worse than the eighth-level forces, but as long as time accumulates, there is a chance.

And specific news about this battle was also passed on.

Cao Fei and Alida looked at each other and followed.

Of course, he still plans to do it for the time being, because since Hill was also killed, it means that Jereh's strength is absolutely superb, but since Cao Fei was injured and it was a siege, he should be much stronger than Hill.

at the same time.

It's a pity that he's fine for the time being, and I'll definitely see him once when he comes back from Zhongyu.

in one of the rooms.

In short, after this battle, none of the surrounding forces dared to underestimate the Bloodline Tower, and they were even afraid of what they would do.

Warlock nodded, but in his heart

The confusion is deeper.

Finally, along with Gao You's light, Cao Fei and the others also entered the green land that the Manticore family was fighting for.

Lobelia said with deep emotion.

But he is also a little strange, because in the past, adults were always secretive, but today it seems to be a little different.

The chamber of commerce stretches for dozens of kilometers, with an unknown number of warlocks escorting it on both sides, and in the middle is a huge rhinoceros, which is nearly ten meters high, with a luxurious seat on its back. Covered with a jeweled curtain.

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