Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 379: power of support, cost

"Damn Brother Eli!"

Outside the door, Vivica cursed Eli in her heart.

In fact, she arrived an hour ago, but she just waited for an hour when she heard a small voice from inside the door without knocking.

It wasn't that Liliana left, she just came from the side room, but she was very unhappy.

"It's sexier than me, and I have a better figure." Vivica pursed her lips and muttered.


"What are you mumbling about, let's go!" Suddenly, Vivica felt a light tap on the head, and looked up to see Eli who came out at some point.

"Ah, nothing!" Vivica's eyes widened and she exclaimed!

Eli smiled, ignored it, and walked outside, and Vivica quickly followed.

Soon the two walked out of the valley, came to the city of blood, and walked towards the warlock tower in the center.

"How's the preparation going?" Jinji asked again.



He didn't want to be beaten to death by Jinji because of this, and it wasn't their Amina family who offended the Eight-armed Snake at the beginning. They might have let the Snake even the Bloodline Tower, so how could they have been able to get around them.

He didn't mention it in the previous period, because he had raised the same question many times.

"grown ups!"

Jin Ji is also very helpless, like a similar confession, he can listen to it about a dozen times a year.

"Master Jinji, Lord Vivica!" The warlock standing in front of the door respectfully opened the door for the two of them.

"As long as you support, please support, but if we do this, my lord, Lu Ye's defense will definitely be weak, and there may be mistakes at that time." Simon reminded.

Seeing Jin Ji coming in, everyone stood up immediately.

"Yes!" Xing Han nodded. To be honest, I didn't think of it either.

"Let's make a mistake, let's make a mistake, it's not a big problem."

"Oh?" Xing Han looked at Nicholas and Goering.

I choose to trust Jin Ji.


let's hit!

"Brother Eli, two warlocks are chasing me recently, I'm so annoying!" Vivica suddenly changed the subject again.

Thinking of this, Domo couldn't help but sigh.

"Oh?" Jinji raised his eyebrows, as if surprised, and the others also raised their heads.

The Western Regions of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce has always been in charge of two deputy ministers, and the woman just now is the subordinate of the deputy minister opposite.

Vivica hugged her head again, and looked up again. Eli was already ahead, and she followed quickly.

"The meeting is over!"

And the most important reason, since this long body is hugging the thigh, he doesn't hesitate to hug it.

Push open the door and enter the meeting room.

And the reason why he succeeded so well is that he finally caught his handle, and I let a Huiyue participate in the battle of other forces.

Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce!

Vivica seems to have obtained "longevity" only from the soul essence, but there are still some things in it that will affect the "next person who inherits the spirit", and then living with Jinji for a long time, she naturally fell in love with Jinji .

"Tama, do you know what your behavior is? You tell me that Master Hook is very dissatisfied with this behavior, and I want to report to the President!"

Amina family.

"How's the situation now?" Jinji asked directly.

Jinji directly announced the opening of the meeting.

"I think my behavior is okay. The Bloodline Tower has great potential and has brought us huge benefits." Duomo raised his head and said.

"I believe that the adults will support my choice!"

"That's not very good, look at you." Eli responded with a smile.

But in fact, there is a reason. Thanks to the Bloodline Tower and Xing Han's herbal support over the years, Xing Han's lineage has expanded rapidly and surpassed the other side by a lot. They are very anxious!


It sounds pretty good. Jinji nodded.


"I hope not."

It's all over and there's nothing more to say.

Xing Han didn't understand the general situation, so he stood up, looked at the crowd and said, "If this is the case, everyone should prepare for battle.

"it is good!"

Seventy-seven years have passed in the blink of an eye in eighty years, and Lord Dylan is coming back soon.

"Humph!" Hearing this indifferent tone, Vivica snorted, and then said: "But I only like Elder Brother Eli, or else you should marry me."

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Bloodline Tower can hold up under the pressure of the eight-armed snake demon.

Since he couldn't perceive his body, his mentality has gradually changed.

Vivica babbled along the way, and Eli responded with a few words from time to time.

Aka seemed to think of something, and said to Jinji: "Oh, by the way, my lord, the Amina family said they would send some true spirits, and Tama from the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce also told me that they would send a Bright Moon Warlock!"

"Every warlock who goes to the battlefield can brand a soft rune for free, and we have prepared a lot of gifts for the Eliza family in Nightfall City. They will definitely be surprised." Goring leaned his front legs on the sitting position on, said.

"Hehe!" Seeing the woman leave, Tama smiled.

In this way, the two came to the wizard tower.

"After all, the Elisa family is not our neighbor, so we still have enough time to prepare, and with the support of Lord Goring and Lord Nicholas, I think we will surprise the Elisa family with basic strength!" Ah card road.

"My lord, each warlock is equipped with double copies of special healing potions and a bottle of violent blood potion. The former can heal injuries and replenish physical strength, while the latter can make warlocks burst into stronger power." Nicholas Hehe smiled.

As long as the Bloodline Tower becomes stronger and wider, sooner or later he will find his body, so in the Mechanical Alchemy Department, he is really working day and night, and he doesn't need to sleep anyway.

Jinji nodded, and sat directly on the chair beside Aka, and everyone sat down.

"My lord, are we really going to support? This time their opponent is the Eli family, and there is also a sun warlock!" Simon asked puzzledly at Selona on the temple.

at this time.

Selona shook her head.

"Of course!" Selona nodded.

"Hmph, I won't get your Lord Dylan into trouble!" the woman sneered, then slammed the door and left.

"I'm going to the conference room, you can't go to other rooms." Xing Han turned to Vivica and said.

Jin Ji walked ahead with a fierce face.

The eight-armed snake demon is too powerful.

Although some years have passed, the scene of Jinji beating the eight of them is still vivid in my memory.

The two walked in familiarly, Vivica entered a room, and Jin Ji walked directly towards the eighth floor.


A woman with a slender face said mockingly.

I hope that adults will not be too surprised when the time I will also take action when necessary. "


"My lord, in fact, they have no problems with the basics. The only worry is the high-level combat power. We are far inferior to them!" Xing Han sighed.

He had a new idea.

At this time, there were already more than a dozen people in the conference room. Aka was sitting in the main seat, and other high-level members of the Bloodline Tower were sitting on both sides. In addition to Aka, there are two true spirits, one female and one male. The female is named Gary, and the male is named Lechner. They are all wild true spirits who have joined the Bloodline Tower over the years.

"My lord, the warlocks of the Eli family have gathered towards Nightfall City, the northernmost part of the Bloodline Tower, and their warlocks are also gathering here. It is estimated that the war may break out within two weeks at most." Aka said aside.

Hearing his words, the others also lowered their heads, the high-level combat power was their weakness.

As for Hydera, it is still lying in the green land at this time.

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