Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 380: Night city gathers, the war begins

Night City!

It used to belong to the Manticore family, but after the demise of the Manticore family, it was recovered by the Tower of Bloodline. Now, this is the northernmost city of the Tower of Bloodline. To the south is the Tower of Bloodline, and to the north is the Akasha Family A force under his command!

In the past, few people came to this city, and only a few hundred warlocks lived here.

But with the change of the Akasha family, both the Bloodline Tower and the Akasha family are converging here.

In just two weeks, nearly ten thousand warlocks from the Bloodline Tower have gathered in the city, and there are also such a number of warlocks in another force outside the city.

As for the large open space outside the city, there was no one there, and it seemed normal and calm.

Eli stood on the city wall, looking into the distance calmly.

His gaze seemed to have traveled through space and saw the Akasha family at the other end.

"The Akasha family is similar to what Liliana and I said, just a little bit off, but this Sunshine Warlock came so early!" Eli thought.

For him, it is not difficult to perceive opponents dozens of kilometers away.

After watching for a while, A-Ka was almost done observing, and walked towards the city wall.

But it was too late to advance, because the arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

Wu Yuanzhuang stood up and spoke to the crowd.

At this time, an undead floated to his side.

"Master Patriarch, what can we think, it's just a tower of blood, there are so many of us, is there any accident?" A warlock said with a smile.

"My lord, the warlocks of the Akasha family are slowly approaching, and the battle should take place tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Nicholas said.

And at this moment, he looked down at the long sword in his hand. The long sword was made of alloy, and there was a bright pattern on the bottom. He just touched it secretly and felt that his sword was very hard, and it was even sharp. some improvements.

At this time, it happened that objects covered with cloth were being moved to the city wall.

"Yes." Nicholas nodded, and he stood beside Eli.

"The opponent is the Eli family!" Pavao took a deep breath, feeling extremely nervous.


After a brief look, Wu Yuan and Rafik walked towards the Warlock Tower in the center of the city.

The octopus master in front of him is also a Sun-level sorcerer, even if Aka is really Huiyue Consummation, he is still a little nervous.

"Well, let the warlocks get ready." Eli nodded and said.


This is one of the results of Aka's transformation of the Bloodline Tower over the years.

Time blinks past the day.

It was obviously very hot, but Pavao's body was very cold at this time, and all this came from him.

There were seventeen people sitting around a table, and most of those warlocks were true spirits of the Eliza family, and some were warlocks from the factions under her command. Among them, there was a Bright Moon warlock, and the others were all at the Morning Star level.

Everyone looked towards the side of the room, and there was a very old warlock sitting here, with a wrinkled face, wearing a silver-white armor, shining with scales, the warlock closed his eyes just now, now It was eyes that were opened.


And that's not all.

Even in the worst case, Wu Yuan is a kiln day, if an adult restrains us, we can't lose!

But Mam's eyes are fierce, and the blood of their family is getting worse and worse.

"Everyone, we are about to fight, what do you think!" Nicholas looked at the crowd and smiled.

Almost most of the Warlock's Warlock robes also have several pockets, which are used to store potions, and their weapons, whether they are long swords or others, all have an obvious silver bright line, which is branded. A rune-based weapon.

This is a tall woman with bright eyes and exuding strong self-confidence. He is the head of the Eliza family, Nicola Eliza

, a peak Warlock of Huiyue.

"Everyone, Lord Jose has said that after the Tower of Bloodlines is taken down, they only need the territory of the Tower of Bloodlines, but all the resources and money collected belong to us. Let them see this man who claims to be the richest man in the Western Regions." Just how rich is the eighth-level power!

Everyone also smiled and looked forward to it.

After the war!

As for the opponent!

He took a deep breath, which would relax him a bit.

"Patriarch, the Bloodline Tower only has a little money. They didn't even have a few true spirits before, and now it's only been seventy-seven years. What big changes can happen? High-end combat power can't be accumulated with money." Another warlock also said: Confused.

He tried to poke his head out to take a look.

There was a humming sound in the distance, and he only felt his ears buzzing.

"Yeah." Nicholas nodded.

"We can feel more at ease with Mam-sama's words." Nicholas smiled, and the others also smiled.

On the plain in the distance, there was also a dense mass of darkness, with huge catapults behind them, and in the sky, there were huge flying birds, and there were many warlocks on them, which he did not understand, because this time they seemed to be Without a flying monster, Pavao didn't know what the adults thought.

This is a battle to be won!

Order all warlocks to go, everyone, let's go too.

Although everyone didn't pay much attention to the Bloodline Tower, no one dared to ignore A-Ka.

In fact, it wasn't just him. At this time, he looked at the other people here with a relaxed expression, without much confidence.

"En." A-Ka nodded, and continued to walk down. Along the way, he also observed some warlocks.

Wu Yuanzhuang was taken aback.

There are several simple lines engraved on the walls of the huge Nightfall City, exuding a unique atmosphere, and there are cloth-covered things on the walls, which don't look complicated. Adults stand on it and will be with them. They fight together!

I raised my head and looked to my side, and there was a dense mass of warlocks from the Bloodline Tower area like him, who came to participate in this battle.

I just arrived today too.

"This is the most basic elemental alchemy cannon!" Rafik introduced.

"However..." He put his left hand in his pocket, here is the medicine for them, which made him feel relieved.

Hoo hoo!

We are bound to win the green land.

A wizard tower.

"If they lose I will take action." At this moment, a voice suddenly broke the noise.

Although I haven't been in contact with that family, but these days when we chatted, I also understood how powerful that force is, and it is not at the same level as the Bloodline Tower.

At this time, in a city tens of kilometers away from the Bloodline Tower.

He looked up and looked behind him.

The full sun hangs high, and the sun shines on the earth.

"Patriarch, the Bloodline Tower is actually not worth mentioning. In fact, the only thing that needs attention is Wu Yuan, who is probably also a sorcerer at the peak of Huiyue." A man reminded.

Akka is looking forward to their next appearance. In fact, this is the first time that the Tower of Bloodlines has issued weapons with branded runes to warlocks.

The spirit instantly tensed up, and the blood was stimulated.

At this time, everyone looked at the warlock on the main seat.

They were instinctively afraid of the powerful Elisa family.

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