Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 381: The dimensionality reduction blow from the wizard, Eli shot


Buzz! Buzz!

When the sound of the horn spread throughout the sky of Nightfall City, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield instantly changed.

On the battlefield, all the warlocks belonging to the Akasha family raised their weapons high, their blood erupted, and in an instant the sky even turned red due to the burst of blood energy. Throwing weapons also began to spin.

The Bloodline Tower side is similar, but they lack the flying monsters in the sky.

The blood tower warlocks on the ground held their weapons nervously and took a deep breath. Facing the Akasha family, everyone felt deeply nervous. Among them, Rafik held his weapons tightly and mixed in with the crowd. He felt his blood boiling too!

Suddenly, a whoosh sound reached his ears.

He looked up, and saw a boulder with a radius of four meters shot from a distance in the sky, flying straight towards Night City.

The huge boulder cut across the air, carrying scorching heat and tail flames. At this speed, even a second-ring warlock would not dare to catch it!

Along with this boulder, there are more than a dozen huge boulders, like a meteor shower across the night sky.

The silence lasted for more than ten seconds before a warlock spoke.

Fuck impossible seventh attack.

"Okay!" Xie Guicheng nodded, turned his head and said to the many warlocks behind him: "Gyorgi, Newman, you and I will deal with the true spirit together, and the others will choose their opponents!"

"Let this group of warlocks in the Bloodline Tower understand that high-level combat power is what determines everything!"

"That's it?" Warlock's throat moved slightly, and his heart seemed to be tightly grasped at this moment.

"That's Amina-sama!"

At this time, many warlocks tacitly gathered together one-on-one, or one-on-seven.

Everyone looked up.

In our eyes, we only saw the lines on the huge cannon barrel light up instantly, and the surrounding elements also converged towards the position of the cannon muzzle. A large number of elements were magically gathered together by the witch formation, exuding a unique light and bright.

A round of eighty shots, but the number of dead flying warlocks and monsters was nearly a hundred, and each of them fell like rain.

"It's just a small trick. Since long-range attacks are useless, let's destroy the Bloodline Tower head-on." Amina frowned.

Like two rivers crashing together from different directions, roaring to devour the other.


And during this process, the eight-ring warlocks of the Xie Guisha family were also beaten aggrievedly, because as soon as they lifted into the air, dozens of elemental cannons would fly in their direction, and the bloodlines that were already in the sky The eight rings of the tower will make up the knife in time!

The Bloodline Tower is very complicated. Göring turned into a huge wind elemental king, two behind him are a huge frost wolf, and one is a huge lizard with a unique color. The Rafik family is more unified , turned into a huge angel, like the statue in front of the Rafiq family, the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce has a huge golden toad, shining with golden light, and Pava Oya is transformed into a succubus, exuding a unique charm. It is the most iconic bloodline of Charming Mansion.

"Thank you for your help, sir, but be careful in the next battle." Xie Gui responded.

Xie Gui was also a little moved!

The two sides collide!

We have also observed this time, and found that this group of blood towers did not bring the legion of flying monsters at all.

Everyone behind him also nodded, only Hydera was full of belligerence!

At this time, he looked at Zhenling with ice-cold eyes!

As for Night City, more than a dozen figures also flew out, flying towards them.

Although they are in a state of crushing each other, this is the battle of Aka, and there is no room for it!

The faces of all the warlocks changed, and Aka of the Elisa family was confused and dull at this moment.

the other side.

Seeing this scene, the warlocks on both sides were stunned for a moment.

The warlocks of the Eliza family stared wide-eyed at the **** scene.


So our camp at this time is seven members from Huiyue and one member from Chenxing, while the Elisa family has one member from Huiyue and four members from Chenxing, crushing the Bloodline Tower in terms of numbers.

What's more exciting than Amina is that the two Akas have lost their breath of life at this time, in other words, they are dead.

At the front of Akasha's team, on a huge chariot, except for Mam, all the other Xie Gui were there.

Every warlock felt a sense of absurdity, feeling that their cognition had been knocked down and shattered.

Pava Oya arrived yesterday, and it turned out that Liliana used his resources to advance to Jie Gui to ask him to do it.

And as time passed, the two legions also collided.

As the two armies collided, the battle gradually gathered, and what happened next caused them to collapse even more.


Both sides tacitly raised the battlefield several thousand meters, and the warlock headed by Amina confronted the team headed by Zhenling!

"I can try!" Xie Gui smiled.

"What is this?" Warlock's throat moved slightly, and he even forgot to attack for a while!

But to Robeli's astonishment, the warlock on the opposite side fell into a disadvantage instantly in this round of collision. Many of their weapons were directly cut in half by the weapons branded with soft runes, and then the Warlock of the Bloodline Tower It was the warlocks who would send their weapons into the bodies of the sluggish House Eliza.

The battles of the great warlock forces are all flesh-to-blood, long-distance battles, you have an elemental cannon, this is too **** bullying.

"What the **** is this weapon!"

"what is this!"

Is there something wrong with this texture?

It took more than ten seconds before Amina gritted her teeth, turned her head to look at Aka behind her and said, "Everyone, obviously we were messed up in the high-level battle, but this is also a good thing. After the defeat of the war, these are not Ours."

Next is the battle between Xie Gui!

Everyone looked up, and saw a huge lava red dragon falling towards the ground with a deep wound that could see the heart. The blood scattered, and the huge body slowly disappeared, turning into a figure and disappearing from everyone in an instant. Eyes, falling towards the ground.

In the next second, when the boulder was about to hit the city wall, the silver streaks suddenly erupted, and ripples were found, and then everyone saw a huge silver film extending along the city wall in an instant, turning into a huge shield , wrapping the entire city.

The others nodded in agreement.

"what is this?"

Under the thick clouds, everyone seemed to hear sad wailing, and then a lava red dragon and a huge bat fell towards them.

"I really don't understand, unless they don't care about that city at all!" The warlock beside him was also a little confused.

All the warlocks of Eliza's family felt stiff all over, as if falling into an ice cave!


The battlefield of the A-Khas also froze for an instant.

"Yes!" The other warlocks widened their eyes and made fearful voices.

The warlocks don't start, and rush towards the direction of the Bloodline Tower, as well as the Bloodline Tower.

The warlock of the Eliza family frowned, the Tower of Bloodlines seemed to be different from what we had imagined.

Seventeen figures behind him also flew forward.

But what puzzled the warlocks and the Akasha family was that the warlocks under Nightfall City didn't seem to care about it.

The battle is on the verge of breaking out!

At this time, the flying monster army was also in a mess, flying in the sky a little at a loss.

Between the clouds, a huge shadow dragon poked its head out, looking at a few people with cold eyes!

But when the elemental cannon passed them, one by one died among the elements.

After more than ten seconds, a warlock trembled and said:

"Yes, so many people died in one round, it would be troublesome if we were facing them instead of flying monsters!"

"Ah, forgive me!"

"It's time to scare them!"

No one knew what happened. In just a few seconds, Amina fell unconscious and fell to the ground.

And Amina didn't say a word at this time, just looked at the battlefield.

So at this time, the faces of Aka of the Eliza family are more tense, but the blood tower is more dignified.

The next second, there was another round of elemental cannon bombardment. After the elements dispersed, the few dozen flying warlocks left in the sky looked at each other, and then fled in their direction.

The other flying warlocks were also disturbed.

In just a few minutes, Xie Guisha's family was completely at a disadvantage.

I feel that if I don't run, I will absolutely die.

Amina suddenly raised such a question.

For the true spirit, we still gave the due insult, and we chose eight against one.

Covered by clouds, the seven disappeared from everyone's sight.

Just a little setback, we are the Eliza family!

"What is this, it's too outrageous."

Before the battlefield, Amina's complexion was already as special as white charcoal, and the complexions of other warlocks were also extremely ugly.

"Initiate an attack, destroy the defense of the Bloodline Tower head-on, and the flying army will also join the battle!" Amina's majestic voice spread throughout the battlefield instantly, and the fighting spirit of all the warlocks was once again stimulated.

There are a dozen people in the Bloodline Tower.

At this time, these warlocks were already scared out of their wits.

But that's not all. Some warlocks will also take out the red violent blood potion, and the burst of power is more than 70% to 80% stronger than before. Many warlocks of the Xie Guisha family died of this sudden burst.

"Indeed, the overall quality of their warlocks is very high!" Another warlock nodded.

"Good sir!" The two full-moon-level warlocks nodded.

The morale of the warlocks in the Tower of Bloodlines rose sharply, cheering one by one, and the worries that had been hovering under the sky dissipated a lot in an instant.

Looked up.

As the two armies approached, he tightly held the weapon in his hand and roared!

"The Bloodline Tower does have something, but it's close combat next, and their giant cannons won't do much. As long as they survive this wave of attacks, they'll be fine."

The huge shadow dragon's breath seems to be in preparation.

Rafik looked forward, and the other warlocks also looked up.

In an instant, nearly seventy huge figures appeared in the sky, almost covering the sky, and the ground was even darkened!

"How is it possible? My lord was defeated in an instant?"

And if Amina is like that, what about the other two!

But in the next second, everyone heard a roar, the sound came from above.

We have never fought such an aggrieved battle. Compared with the Tower of Blood, we are like backward primitive people.

The warlocks of the Eliza family turned into huge red dragons, behind them seemed to have structures like volcanoes, exuding scorching heat, and the others were huge magic bears, huge flying birds, and tree demons waving vines.

"If they die today, then the success of their warlocks on the ground is meaningless." Amina sneered!

"Brothers, let the Bloodline Tower see how powerful you are!" the leading warlock of the Flying Legion shouted.

These are special objects like giant cannons. The eight-meter-long barrels are engraved with runes one after another. The huge bases are fixed on the city walls. There are as many as eighty of them, which makes the warlocks feel There was an instinctive unease.

At this time, all the warlocks of the Xie Guisha family only feel that they are in decline!

No one else dared to speak, and the atmosphere was silent.

Many faces are also very serious, even the warlocks of the Eliza family are also very serious.

He stomped on the flying monster under his feet, trying to change direction, but at this time the energy of the cannon had already been assembled.

of blood

The warlocks of the tower opened their mouths wide. Such a fast boulder could be blocked so easily.

Everyone finally understood why the Bloodline Tower didn't have a flying team of monsters, because it only took a few rounds of shooting, which might be enough to destroy their flying team.

But in the next second, he saw one by one warlocks on the city wall lift the covering curtain, revealing the things underneath.

At this time, the elemental cannons were firing non-stop. Although the two armies hadn't fought yet, they had lost a large number of warlocks, and even their momentum was a little sluggish.

"It's less than seven seconds!"

"Oh? Then I think it's better to join the Tower of Bloodline. They really need to fight on the ground!" Xie Gui responded with a smile.

Amina paused every word, and everyone else nodded.

The huge boulder hit the membrane, and with a buzzing sound, the membrane bent slightly, but the speed of the boulder also slowly decreased, and finally fell slowly towards the ground, and the same effect was also true for the dozen or so huge boulders after that. .

At this time, many Xie Gui also began to gather tacitly, while Zhenling and Amina flew to a higher sky, and the two warlocks followed.

Warlock was a little puzzled and puzzled.

"How is this possible, my weapon is in two halves!"

No one thought that the two attacks would end like this. At this time, they all realized that the opponents this time were completely different from the previous ones.

"Fire!" The words of a warlock on the city wall brought them back to reality.

And it was less than ten seconds before the few people flew to higher altitudes.

"Long distance battle? Can we win?"

Not only me, but everyone else also felt their qi and blood tumbling, which all stemmed from the first two rounds of fighting.

Amina flew towards the battlefield.

The warlocks of the Eliza family were unwilling to die. They never thought that they would die in such a ridiculous way.

"No one cares? Is this the way a magician should be?"

And this is not an exception, every few warlocks will always die because of this.

And it wasn't just the city wall, that thin film almost enveloped the entire city, completely rendering the Eliza family's long-range attacks useless.

Many warlocks also laughed and directed the flying monsters under their feet.


"Could it be?" Amina at the front didn't say a word, but looked at Nightfall City.

The leading Warlock took the lead and flew towards the distance, and soon came to the top of the Bloodline Tower. At this time, he also saw the walls of the Nightfall City, and there were shelters one by one.

next second.

"You have no chance of winning today. If I can give you a chance to join the Tower of Blood, I will spare your life!" Xie Guicheng looked at Zhenling and said with a smile.

The battles below the eighth ring are just embellishments after all, and they are the ones who really decide whether to fight or not!

"Kill!" Robeli's face was congested at this time, and her fighting will reached its peak.

Whenever the warlocks of the Bloodline Tower were injured, they would take out a bottle of dark green potion, and then the injuries would recover quickly. This speed was almost visible to the naked eye, and their physical strength was even more abundant than before.

"Master Zhenling, it seems that your Liliana is really in love with me!" Pava Oya joked, but her face was full of dignity.

When the flying monsters returned as if fleeing for their lives, and elemental light waves passed behind them from time to time, the rear of Eliza's family was dead silent.

And the many akas have directly opened the blood avatar.

The speed of the boulder was very slow. In the blink of an eye, it covered a distance of several hundred meters and flew directly towards the city wall.

The flying Warcraft Legion in the sky is faster.

"Hey, what does the tower of blood mean!" A warlock was a little puzzled.

Under the sunlight, the bright lines on the night city wall seemed to be shining, exuding a faint elemental atmosphere.

In the next second, a scorching elemental cannon flew towards him at an extremely fast speed

, even before he could react, his body had already melted into that element.

Among them, there are eight people from the Bloodline Tower, besides True Spirit, there are also Goring, Gary, Lechner, and two Akkas from affiliated forces, seven people from the Rafiq family, and two Akkas including Selona. , as well as eight Nebula-level warlocks including Kerry, and a Bright Moon warlock from the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, and finally a warlock that the true spirit did not expect, Pava Oya.

"Everyone, don't be afraid, such a powerful attack cannot erupt for the seventh time, go!" A warlock shouted loudly.

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