Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 382: Above the sky, slaughter the true spirit


In the next second, accompanied by a black light, a thousand-meter black light streaked across the sky, and a Bright Moon Warlock instantly melted in the black light and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

After killing the warlock with the breath of the shadow dragon, it didn't stop, but flew directly towards the ground and landed a few kilometers away from the battlefield. With a bang, a mountain disappeared in place, accompanied by a huge mushroom cloud!

In the sky, all the true spirits stared blankly at this scene.

At this time, Eli also flew out from the clouds, looking at the rest of the people calmly.


The warlocks of the Akasha family were already stupid at this time, they just watched Eli return blankly.

Their battle hasn't started yet, but their patriarch is already in a coma, and two warlocks of the Huiyue full moon level have died.

What the hell!

One by one, the true spirits looked at Eli and moved forward silently.

They are already powerful fighters at the Sun level!

With a bang, A-Ka died instantly, and his body lost consciousness of life in an instant, falling towards the ground.


I had planned to get hurt here, but he ended up doing this to me?

But today, Huiyue Peak and Aka with two full moons are still lying on the ground, and two of them are dead.

One Huiyue peak, two Huiyue full moons, and one Huiyue were resolved in less than thirty seconds. Does this require their support?

I even think Mam alone is enough.

In the center of the battlefield, there are eight huge pits, and inside are the eight members of the Eliza family.

In the sky, dozens of figures fled for their lives and flew towards the ground, and behind them was a huge shadow dragon.

"Master Yin Ling, please act!"

And that's just the beginning.

Looking up at this scene, the light that originally lit up in the heart of the warlock of the Eliza family also slowly disappeared.

This day is just a bright moon in the waning moon stage.

"There are eight more Yin Lings!" Goering said suddenly, and everyone realized that only four of the seventeen Akas had died at this time, and there were four more large pits on the ground, in which lay Dead Akka!

At the same time, a huge shadow dragon also chased after it.

Goring's old eyes widened and he stared at Eli, as if he was saying how much strength you have hidden.

Lobelia covered her mouth, her tail swayed behind her, and her heart was churning like waves.

Seeing the shadow dragons who were slaughtering Yin Ling like chickens, they closed their eyes one by one, and couldn't bear to watch.

All the remaining warlocks of the Yin Lingsha family shouted loudly, and their voices hovered over the battlefield, shaking the sky and the earth!

As for the other results, the warlock is also you look at him, he looks at you, and even feels that he is a bit redundant.

Because that's already two dimensions.

He looked at the comatose figure in the big pit and couldn't believe it at all.

Shadow Dragon was even faster, he caught up to A-Ka almost in the blink of an eye, then directly pinched his head, and then directly pinched and exploded!

Yes indeed!

The other warlocks of the Amina family looked at Selona, ​​who seemed to have expected it, with admiration!

On the other hand, Sai Luona looked very proud, and he was very happy: "I just said that the adults are very strong!"

A few Akas shouted desperately, and their voices spread throughout the battlefield.

Then what kind of battle is here, it is clearly a massacre!

Aka, the tower of blood in the sky, also slowly landed, watching this scene silently.

And the other warlocks of the other Eliza family didn't know what to say!

Yes, they are seventeen Yin Lings!

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Not a level at all.

"How is it possible, this is the Patriarch!" Beside a big pit, a warlock covered in blood half-kneeled on the ground with a dull expression on his face.

next second count

The ten huge bodies flew directly towards the ground, almost exhausting all their strength.

The remaining eight Akas in the sky also lit up when they heard the voice, and shouted loudly one by one:

"Master Zhenling, please act!"

Everyone only saw the huge shadow dragon passing Yin Ling one after another, and Aka died instantly one after another.

At this time, the warlocks of the Bloodline Tower were also staring blankly at that scene. For most of the warlocks, they didn't know that Yin Ling fused with some kind of dragon blood.

Although it looked like a long time had passed at this time, in fact, it was less than a minute before the battle started. "Master Tama asked me to support Eli? It seems unnecessary!" The warlock of the Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce was also sluggish.

But the shocking feeling brought to everyone that day and today is completely incomparable.

At this time, he flew up from the deep pit with difficulty, and then shouted loudly towards the camp in the distance: "Master Zhenling, I beg you to take action!"

"And I really think it's a bit redundant to come here."

"Everyone, don't give up, other adults are still fighting, we have hope!"

"Hey, Pavao is awake!" Aka, a silent Golden Toad Merchant Guild, suddenly said.

Suddenly, one of Eliza's warlocks shouted!


They understand that this is their last hope and the only hope for a comeback.

At this time, the ground battlefield has almost come to a standstill!

Suddenly a warlock from the Tower of Blood motioned us to look up.

As for the warlocks of the Bloodline Tower, they all looked at Eli at this time and remained silent.

At this time, blood was lying on his chest, and his breath reached the bottom of the valley, but he still shouted with all his strength.

Ten seconds later, everyone watched the huge blood avatar fall, and with the leakage of blood, it turned into eight people.

Never have they felt so redundant.

This is refreshing in my heart.

At this time, not only those A-Ka, but even the warlocks of the other Eliza family were in despair, but a little light shone in their hearts again.

The only time they had ever seen Mam fight was in the City of Blood. This time, they supported Mam and killed Jialin with lightning.

"I seem to understand how Pacello won!" Lobelia sighed On the other side, the warlocks of the Yin Lingsha family have fully realized that this is not an opponent they can deal with. one of the warlocks shouted.

Originally, they were completely at a disadvantage in the battle with the Bloodline Tower. Everyone expected the success of the A-Khas, but in the end, the adults lost even more ruthlessly than us. This is too outrageous!

In the sky, there are also many Huiyues, but under Mam's hands, there seems to be no difference between Chenxing and Huiyue, because they both died in one shot, and no warlock resisted her at all, or they had lost the courage to resist. !

"Wait, is this from your side?"

At this time, all Aka looked at Mam like that, feeling a lot of pressure.

At this point they didn't know what to say.

As expected of the head of the family, the ability to hold the thigh is unrivaled!

The puzzled Eliza warlocks raised their heads.

Everyone else's eyes lit up.

Only then did everyone discover that in the big pit on the ground, the only comatose Pavao woke up.

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