Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 388: Conversation, The Sorcerer's Advance Army (4k)

Green land.

under Hill.

The warm sunlight shines through the layers of trees and sprinkles on the face of the sleeping elf girl in the grass, making her look whiter and whiter!

Eli was sitting not far away, with Dylan beside him. In the distance, Hydera was lying asleep on the grass, and Hill was hanging thousands of branches.

"Sill, do you know about the elves?" Eli raised his head and asked Hill who was on the side.

"Sill doesn't know!" Hill swayed the branch, a little puzzled.

"Okay." Eli nodded. After all, Hill was always by his side, so he should know about any changes.

"Elves?" Dylan on the side poked his head curiously, a little curious.

"Why, you know?" Eli turned his head to look at Dylan, this guy has indeed stored a lot of things in his mind.

"Not sure, but guessing." Dylan raised his head.

Huge branches stand above the ground, countless branches are sprinkled like waterfalls, and every leaf growing on it is as emerald green as emerald, exuding a majestic breath of life, and there are even dots of green light around it.

Although Youhui currently has a lot of potion formulas, there are really not many of them. At least since he advanced to the Corona Realm, there are basically no potions that can be used to improve his strength. Can find new ones.

I can't die, Master Youhui must return to the elves.

"Yes!" Hill nodded and continued: "Because it seems that the Spirit of Life is not a plant-like creature, and he has another identity!"

Just kidding, such a good little boy, whoever wants to take his mother tree away will be in a hurry.

The mother tree's eyes widened.

For no reason, Eli immediately thought of that word, which is a mysterious connection of blood!

"Of course everything is negotiable, even if he is willing, what exchange can you offer!" Mother Tree asked again with a smile.

"Men of the elf family, are you looking for this? Sorry, the light emitted by this thing was a bit eye-catching at the time."

Does this statement mean that our elves should submit to the humans in front of us?

That's right, this is not the former Master Zhenling, who died in the war long ago, and what you see is only his offspring!

The bad news is that he was caught by a human, but the good news is that he also found Master Youhui, and he is by his side.

While he's adamant about his situation, I'm still hoping for some effort.


Listening to the words of the party, Eli's eyes flashed with surprise!

But then, he only felt the incomparably majestic spiritual force, and saw a huge Dylan floating from behind the club, and he fell silent.

"Are the wizards coming back?" So the next sentence, he asked directly, his face full of anticipation.

Ten seconds later, he raised his head to look at Eli and said, "You elves need shelter, but obviously Eli is still able to do this. Even if he takes you back, it may not be very useful."

"What do you have?"

And unlike warlocks, perhaps the knowledge preserved by these alien races is even worse.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the human and the dog lying on the side!

"My lord, the elves were the biggest supplier of potions for wizards in the wizarding era. Every year, 10% of the potions are refined by the big world of elves. They are an important part of the logistics system of wizards!" Speak suddenly.

"Eli, I need your help!" "What!"

Eli frowned, this is also what he found out, Master Zhenling hadn't even broken through Dylan!

Potion recipes, and knowledge of potions!

"My lord, Lord Life Spirit is the protector of the elves, I hope you can hand over Lord True Spirit to us!" Eli sat on the sofa, gritted his teeth and said to you.

"Is he the true spirit of life? No, he should be a descendant of the life game!"


Wake up and get up!" Suddenly, a voice came into his mind and communicated.

But today, Eli's life experience was finally confirmed.

When the words reached this level, the mother tree naturally understood.

"I call him Mother Tree, I don't know what his name is?" You Hui asked with a smile.

"I can protect their elves, and even help their elves unify the green field, but they also need to accept some of my requests. They need to help me collect some knowledge of the wizard era, and other things I need!"

Master Zhenling is the protector of the elves.

Eli frowned even tighter.

This time Eli had a very ugly face and didn't speak.

One or two may be a coincidence, but when these come together, it is the truth of the matter.

But at the stage of Yaori, judging from the wizard's curse, it is absolutely impossible to advance from an apprentice to this stage.

Mother Tree's thoughts flickered, and the smile on her face gradually became serious. She looked at Eli and said, "You are very smart!"


Looking at the human beings who are intimate with Master Zhenling, Eli was a little at a loss.

The seeds found in the Byrne Empire back then were probably the seeds or offspring of the Game of Life!

"What!" Eli jumped up, staring at the mother tree in a daze and shouted loudly.

"This is great!" Mother Tree said with a smile.

Eli felt short of breath!

The mother tree looked over, at this moment the elf let out a low moan, and tried to open his eyes!

"Oh, by the way, what is the purpose of your search for the true spirit of life?" Mother Tree asked suddenly.

Yes, the original Wizarding Union was a huge system, and wizards played the role of brains and fists in it, but in fact, more components depended on the world of slaves. Those alien races mastered a lot of things about wizards. It is also one of the sources of the title of the world's slave owners!

It took more than ten seconds before he panicked, looked into the eyes of the mother tree and said:

Even information on breaking through the Seven Rings may be found here.

The mother tree is also a little curious. As the subordinates of the wizards, these alien races may really have a lot of good things.

The True Spirit of Life is one of them, a powerful creature with four rings. "

The person in front of him is actually a wizard, but judging from his aura, the person in front of him is stronger than Lord Sacrifice, but Lord Sacrifice is a powerhouse at the level of Huiyue, unless this person is Yaori.

Unless... the person in front of him is not a native wizard from the wizarding world, but from the world.

Youhui's eyes froze, he glanced at Eli, then looked at Hill and said, "You mean Eli has something to do with the Spirit of Life?"

Eli resolutely replied, "I was sent out to find Lord Life Club."

Hearing the exchange, Eli's eyes lit up, and he immediately said anxiously: "My lord, the elves are willing to give anything, as long as it is what we have!"

Youhui raised his brows, he didn't seem to think why the topic of the game dwarf would end here.

"Moon elves, Eli." Eli looked at the human in front of him.

So he may still be in danger now.

"Life Gathering, you said Eli!" The mother tree nodded, looking at Eli in the distance outside the window, it was really different from what he guessed.

"Evil warlock, the moon elves will never give in. There is Lord True Spirit here, I advise you not to do bad things!" Al looked at the mother tree not far away and warned, his body turned towards the true spirit. Master Ling approached.

The mother tree took a deep breath, suppressing the joy in her heart.

"Then what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

Then he looked up at the mother tree, and found that the eyes of the mother tree seemed to light up faintly.

"My lord, our moon elves plant a lot of magic plants, and we are good at configuring potions. We even have a lot of potions left by wizards, or some resources in the green field." Eli said anxiously


"Oh?" Eli's eyes lit up.

Eli blinked, a little confused!

Sitting on the soft sofa made the elf who grew up in the green field slightly uncomfortable.

I only saw Master Youhui's branch sticking out, then slightly pushed him out, and then approached that evil human being again.

"Because you are not a wizard!" Mother Tree replied with a smile.

You will make a sound, Eli looks.

Realizing this, Eli suddenly didn't dare to move, he could only slowly open his eyes, wanting to find out what was around him!

The mother tree looked at Eli again.

Eli thought of Master Youhui's reaction just now, and fell silent again.

Eli shuddered suddenly. He remembered what had happened before. In the mist, he prayed to the Master of Life Gathering, but when the mist cleared, he saw a human being and fell into a coma.

"It's impossible, and it's not up to me to decide." Eli nodded in agreement, and then said firmly:

Although I have never seen a wizard, the priest will always tell us the story of the wizard. I also know what the performance of the wizard Dylan is like, not like what I see.

Speaking of this, he looked at the elves on the ground, and said seriously: "Isn't it that I am the protector of one of the most powerful worlds under the Wizarding Union, the Great World of Elves, and it is the belief of all elves!"

"I think you should be more honest." The mother tree comforted with a smile.

Tears flowed from the corners of Eli's eyes, and when he wanted to look for the green leaves to prove it, he found that the green fields placed on his chest had long since disappeared, and even his clothes were slightly messy?

Eli shook his head, feeling the pain in his brain, struggling to open his eyes.

I feel a little more awake.

"What is your purpose?" Mother Tree asked directly.

"My lord, the elf is awake!" Hill suddenly said at this moment.

Yes, a human!

"My lord, have you heard of the Mother Tree of Life?" Dylan asked.

"The blood of the elves bears the imprint of wizards, and the elves only submit to Lord Zhenling and wizards!"

Lord Sacrifice, I found it!

"Master Life Spirit!

"Okay." Dylan stood up slowly, then came to the elf, looked at Eli and said: "My lord, in the new calendar

Before, that is, in the era of wizards, at that time, the highest organization in the wizarding world was an organization called the Wizarding Council

, and this organization almost includes the great figures of the wizarding world, these figures include wizards, as well as aliens.

clan, and other powerful creatures belonging to the Warlock League.

"Eli doesn't know, he just wants to be by Father's side!" Eli's immature voice sounded a little disturbed and frightened, as if he was worried that Youhui would drive him away.

One bad news, one good news.

"it is good."

He is a little dazed!

Eli gritted his teeth, realizing that he had been discovered.

But the next second, he froze.

The loose white robe was placed on the side, only wearing comfortable and loose white clothes, with white hair and white pupils, exuding a unique feeling, slightly different from the warlocks he had seen, this is a full-bodied The sense of knowledge infiltration.

"Prepare for the return of the large army!" Mother Tree nodded, then looked at Eli and solemnly said:

It turns out that they regarded me as the advance army of wizards!

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone take you away." Mother Tree reassured.

"However... I think there is another way."

There was a man and a dog standing on the huge lawn, and a big snake lying in the distance, every breath was under him, but these were not his concern, he stared blankly at the 100-meter tall tree in front of him.


"Is that so?" The mother tree blinked.

Those alien races actually have that?

"Oh? Do you think Eli is willing to go with you?" Mother Tree smiled.

"Yes, almost all the intelligent races in the green field are subordinate races of the Wizards Union!" Eli nodded.

Ignoring Hill's intervention, but the content made the eyes of the mother tree brighten.

"Okay, my lord, I have to tell you." Eli took a deep breath and said, "My lord, I come from the green field, which is also a large area north of your place, where many alien races from the wizarding era lived, many of them A powerful race, and for some reasons, the number of elves has decreased a lot, and the survival of the elves in those years was very difficult.”

Looking at Youhui with resolute eyes, he said: "These elven priests who have survived from this era are absolutely impossible to surrender to the warlock. The priests said that they are still waiting for the return of the adults. As for me, my lord They can't get it!"


I vaguely remember that I seemed to be in a fog, and then I fell into a coma for a while.

A voice came, and Eli turned his head to look, and the green leaf given by the priest was being held by this human being, emitting an unprecedentedly strong light, and the direction of the light was the big tree beside him!

" I think we need to talk." At this time, Yuhui also approached and smiled.

"However, as long as Master Zhenling returns, the elves will definitely not be able to split up again and get rid of the current predicament."

"Mother tree of life, have you heard of it?" Eli shook his head, not understanding these things.

"Wait, you said there are many alien races in the green field!" Mother Tree looked at Eli and asked.

But the wizard's mind was running fast, and he understood what Eli was thinking in the blink of an eye.

He opened his eyes, then slowly got up, and stood up directly, but when he stood up straight and saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned!

Inadvertently, he seems to have discovered a treasure land again, and the green field may have a lot of things he needs.

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