Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 389: The temptation of the green field, the elf priest shed tears on the spot

The moonlight is shrouded in it.

A silver flying machine flew across the sky quickly, heading north.

In the aircraft, Eli's avatar was sitting in front, and Erwin was sitting behind her, but at this moment she was looking at the figure in front of her, and the aircraft was taking a deep breath of air.

This aircraft is very fast, and imprinted with a complex sorcerer formation, no warlock can refine it!

The one in front of him is actually a wizard, a wizard from the outside world.

Even though they had already returned and embarked on the road back to the green field, she still felt that everything was so unreal.

after an hour.

After talking with Eli, she found out that Eli was a Sunshine Warlock from the Wizarding Union. This return was to prepare for the return of the wizards, carry out preliminary transformation and manage some slave races.

In fact, he didn't believe it at first, but when Eli led her to see the wizard transformation of the Bloodline Tower and Eli's other methods, she quickly believed it completely.

So she decided to take Eli to the territory of the green elves!

Fortunately in misfortune.

Seeing the figure of the aircraft leaving, Simon took a deep breath and wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead.

At this time, Bao Yongpiao also quickly came to the priest's ear, and then spoke.

"Okay." Bao Yong nodded and asked, "How is the strength of this green field alien!"

Maybe the structure of the system that Eli envisioned to serve him may not need to spend so much time.

A few seconds later, Amina got up, but the elf priest looked at Eli trembling almost, shed tears, and said excitedly:

He immediately took out a communicator, which was sponsored by the Alwin family by the Bloodline Tower.


He wants adults to satisfy his own ideas.

At this time, in front of the aircraft, there is a huge high wall, which stretches for more than ten kilometers, and in front of it, there is an endless tall forest area, in which Eli perceives the figures of many alien races in the forest above. Those alien races blocked by the Erwin family!

Eli also took a look, and found that most of the elves here have silver hair and silver eyes, which are the characteristics of the moon elves, and they are really special like books. There are almost no ugly ones in that family, and the women are beautiful. , handsome man.

The journey was not so smooth, they even encountered a seven-ringed alien creature, but Bao Yong just released his breath, and the alien creature fled directly.

"Good sir." Alwin nodded, and then said: "The green field was once a no-man's land in the age of wizards, but after the wizards left, dozens of remaining alien races entered this area, and this The area of ​​this area is also very large, almost as large as two Western Regions.

And Amina witnessed all this, and she was even more in awe of Eli.

"My lord, this is the territory of the moon elves!" Amina said respectfully.

"My lord went to the green field? What are you doing there?" Selona looked puzzled.

"Sorry for the wait!"

"Amina, lead the way!" Eli turned to look at Bao Yongpiao and said.

In the next second, there was a long silence on the communicator side, followed by a panicked sound.

"Most of the foreign races in the outer zone only have a few times the combat power of Huiyue at most. The outer zone may be stronger, and some may have the combat power of the Sun level. I don't know about the core area, but it should have a combat power of more than seven rings, otherwise this place would have been unified long ago. Yes!" Amina replied.

Eli also looked up. At this time, the ground was still a large forest, but between the forests, there was an area where the trees were even taller, and there was an even bigger giant tree in the center, and Eli also sensed the presence of many creatures in it. Breath, and a creature at the level of the seven-ring Huiyue.

The aircraft shut down slowly, and Eli took Amina directly towards the center to land!

Being surrounded, Eli didn't say anything, but just waited fiercely, while Amina behind her adjusted her breathing.

"Yeah." Yi

Lai nodded.


Many of the alien races who were able to be in the wizarding world at the beginning were the logistics of the wizarding world or the structural part of the wizarding system. If he can subdue these intelligent races and then serve himself, this may be a huge benefit for Eli. opportunity.

"There will be an aircraft passing by in a while, everyone must not stop it!"

Eli was also a little surprised, he really didn't know this!

At this time, in the temple of the Elwin family, Salona also received news from Simon.

Amina also explained with some embarrassment: "My lord, the elves were mainly responsible for logistics in the wizarding era. Of course they were not in the outer zone, but since the elves, they have to move to the outer zone."

But at this time, the aircraft was several thousand meters high, and those creatures didn't notice it.

"You don't need to worry about this." Eli replied, turned to look at Alwyn and said, "Talk to me about the green field, I don't know much about the situation here."

The two of Eli landed in front of the huge tree and made a slight sound.

An old elven priest came out slowly, looked at Eli, and asked seriously: "I don't know why some lord came to the territory of our elven clan!"

"I need to go to the green field. When the time comes, tell your people not to stop me!" Bao Yong said quickly.

Received Simon's warm welcome, the next road is naturally smooth.

The Western Regions are two big!

"My lord, we have reached the outermost area of ​​the green field!" Bao Yongpiao said.

It must be just like this, then the green field is not too dangerous to him, but here is a big treasure house for him!

Eli looked ahead, and through the screen of the aircraft, it seemed that a real spirit was blocking the way ahead, and he was an acquaintance, Simon.

the other side.

"My lord, going north is the green field, but before that, you have to pass through a warlock force, so be careful, my lord." Elwin reminded.

"Yeah!" Eli nodded and looked inside.

"You guys are back!"

At this time, the aircraft also slowly stopped, and the huge shield on the top opened, revealing the impatient Eli inside and Amina hiding behind Eli.

Moreover, there is the Bloodline Tower outside as a cover, which will slowly expand the resources in Eli's hands, and even become a monopoly in the wizarding world!

To be a dog's leg, you must have the consciousness of a dog's leg.

But after thinking for a few seconds, he ignored it.

I would like to see which warlock dares to act wildly in our territory.

This place can make him stronger, and maybe even this place can be turned into a force to support him to continue moving forward.

"The head of the family said that flying monsters and even aircraft are not allowed in the area of ​​the Erwin family!" A voice came from the communicator, it was another true spirit of the Erwin family!

the other side.

At this time, the elves also noticed the two of them, and they gathered quickly. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of elves gathered. On the trees and on the ground, some were holding weapons, and some Bao Yong looked at Eli seriously.

No one dared to stop even the moat that had blocked Amina for seventy-seven years.


Simon silently put away the communicator, thankful that he didn't say anything excessive just now.

Where the adults go is none of my business!

And this area is roughly divided into eight layers, one is the core area, where several races live, and further inside is the outer area, where the races are slightly stronger than the races in the core area, but they are all powerful , and the area close to the Western Regions is the inner area, where other races live, and the elves are there!"

Even Eli was a little excited when he thought of this result.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, there was a sudden commotion in one direction, and the elves spread out to both sides.

Eli and Bao Yongpiao, who had flown dozens of kilometers in the green field, finally arrived at their destination.

In the next second, the shield was activated again, and the aircraft went straight

They flew past him without stopping.

"That's Master Bao Yong!" Simon replied.

In the next second, the aircraft flew in the opposite direction, and then quickly disappeared from the sight of the Elwin family.

Why the **** is Master Eli!

Looking at this scene, Eli felt embarrassed, but his expression remained the same, watching the elf priest's words earnestly said:

"It's my lord~ Bao Yongpiao judged an area, and then pointed forward, "Which is the opposite!"


The system constructed by wizards who once conquered countless worlds must only work for Eli, which is terrifying to think about.

"Stop, this is the area of ​​Bao Yongpiao's family, no one is allowed to fly here." Simon shouted loudly, looking at the shuttle-shaped aircraft in front of him, the aura of the true spirit spread.

"My lord, there seems to be someone blocking the way!" Amina's voice behind him brought Bao Yong back to reality.

"My lord, I knew you would come back."

But then his face became weird, looked at Amina and asked: "Is the elf family so broken? They actually live in the outermost layer!"

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