Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 407: Heart of the Abyss in "Water Depth", the third mark of faith is filled

Green land. In the wizard's tower. It seems that the water of the eight-armed snake demon family is deeper than I thought! Eli squeezed the soul fragments of José who had just searched for the soul into soul crystals, and then gradually frowned! It has become Eli's habit to search for lost opponents, and this time it is also the same. He searched for the soul fragments of Jose's death that he got from the shadows, and let him know a lot about the octopus family. matter. There are a lot of secrets about the Eight-armed Snake Demon, and there is also the matter of the Bloodline of the Eight-armed Snake Demon family that Eli is curious about! The Eight-armed Snake Demon's war started because of the Bloodline Land, so he is naturally curious about it. He was also very curious about why there was a problem with the territory of the owner of the eight-armed snake demon! Originally guessed that it might be because of the problem of monsters, or natural disasters, but he found that this seemed not as simple as he thought! It was actually related to the heart of the abyss It's a relationship! Eli frowned, this was something he hadn't thought of. Needless to say, the role of the bloodline for a warlock patriarch is of course decisive. The octagonal snake demon patriarch naturally asked for help in many places. Of course, all of this was done in secret, but the result was very bad. They couldn't find a way ! Uncle Zou walked in here frowning, and then looked around briefly. There was nothing, let alone traces of Uncle Zou. The next thing is the next thing, including the manticore family, the troubles of the eight-armed snake demon, etc.! After one matter was settled, Wuzhen also turned his attention to another matter. As time passed, it belonged to the eight-armed The inventory of the snake demon family's legacy has also begun. The Bloodline Tower has also begun to conquer the territory of the Eight-armed Snake Demon. Under the leadership of several forces, the Bloodline Tower territory has expanded at an unprecedented speed. In just one month, the actual control area of ​​the Bloodline Tower has expanded by seven times. And at this time, the eighth faith seal of the witch array is also filling up quickly, and it will be filled up soon! It's time to take stock of the harvest. August 3614 in the new calendar! Sudden help, then José, and then changes in the land of blood! Eli frowned and thought! The war began! This heart of the abyss is really simple! The war lasted only eight days , the witch formation used its avatars to defeat the Eight-armed Snake Demon in Night City, Saka Plateau, and Red Moon Lake. The high-end combat power of the Eight-armed Snake Demon family was almost wiped out. Ten families under its command declared their allegiance to the Bloodline Tower! Zou Zou Bo was even a little desperate, but at this moment, a force that even Eli hadn't thought of appeared. Wu Zhen raised his head and looked at the valley of the Unworldly Society, frowning! The situation was even worse than Wu Zhen imagined. It seems that I have to go to the eight-armed snake demon family in a few days! Wu Zhen shook his head. Of course, these are just his guesses, and he still doesn't know what the truth is, but he still decided to keep vigilant against the Heart of the Abyss as much as possible. As early as fifty years ago, there seemed to be certain problems. The bloodline monsters in their bloodline land seemed to have some big problems. The eight-armed snake demon group had some inexplicable bloodline decline, and the quality of the bloodline plummeted! Moreover, problems arose in the Bloodline of the Eight-armed Snake Demon earlier than anyone expected. What caught Wuzhen's eyes was a dead land. The entire area of ​​the valley in the distance was white and purple. The ground was cracked, and nothing grew inside, not even a tenacious weed, but Wuzhen definitely did not. I remember wrongly, the eight-armed snake demon is a place where the growth and vitality are vigorous, maybe I don’t know, Wuzhen really can’t match these two nouns! And at this time, Wuzhen’s clone is also in the blood tower Led by the warlock, he came to the bloodline of the eight-armed snake demon! After thinking for a while, Uncle Zou shook his head. At least the heart of the abyss would not be a problem for him for a short time. The problem of the snake demon. Is it here? I hope it doesn’t affect me. I just want to become stronger quickly and protect myself! Wuzhen is praying! It seems that the heart of the abyss is simple! Eli frowned, and gently took some sample soil, And straight out of here! July. Those who stand in the dark are not necessarily bad people. They went to question the heart of the abyss, but this time they didn't give a good solution, they just offered suggestions. The bloodline of the eight-armed snake demon family is located in a valley, between mountains! The area of ​​the valley is not large, almost as small as the land of greenery, but the valley in front of him is beyond the expectations of the Wuzhen. ...At this time, the fame of the Bloodline Tower spread again, and during this process, Uncle Zou's fame also reached its peak! I still have to go, at least in this way, I can confirm all my guesses. As he expected, there was no gain, but at least one thing was confirmed. Is the purpose of the heart of the abyss really for these resources? As a top power, that is too wrong! The heart of the abyss contacted them and told them that the world would help, but it would take a lot of resources. At that time, Uncle Zou naturally It was as if he had grasped a life-saving straw and agreed, and it was just a resource, UU Reading www. Although it hurts, I can accept it! I can change another place! Although these things seem to be no problem, I think the water inside may be deeper than I thought! Finally, the Octopus family feels safe and secure Some, but it seems that there is still a big boss. Whether it is the harvest or the land of blood, he needs to explore it himself. Previously, their bloodline land was assigned to an ordinary Uncle Zou, which was miraculous. Since Uncle Zou made the arrangement, the problem with the bloodline monsters has gradually improved, and Eli also heaved a sigh of relief. Under the regulation of the Heart of the Abyss, the Eight-armed Snake Demon stopped the struggle of the seventh-level forces, and turned to attack the Bloodline Tower in the south of it! This is the Heart of the Abyss. July! After that, another unexpected thing happened. As time passed, the environment of the Bloodline Land changed a lot. The vitality of the Bloodline Land disappeared rapidly, and even the vitality of the ground completely shrank. , this time the problem of the bloodland is even bigger than before. But he firmly believes that it is useless even if he arrives. If there are really ghosts, the heart of the abyss will definitely clean up everything early! Wu Zhen's intuition told him that this might not be the case, maybe this José is the key! The Tower of Bloodlines Occupied all the territory of the Octave, and during the period, the neighbors of the Octa were not stealing because of the strength of the witch formation, and even expressed friendship, willing to admit the territory of the Bloodline Tower. At this time, although the overall power of the Bloodline Tower Strong, but still can't be regarded as a seventh-level power. From Jose's memory, there was an abyss heart warlock wearing an iron mask, and the matter of the bloodland was directly related to this man! The top and strongest force in the Western Regions has been blocking the abyss The attacks of demons left behind, but it seems that this force is still planning something! We have to guard against it in the future. Read for free.

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