Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 408: Inventory and harvest, space transmission

【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

Green land!

Thousands of branches are sprinkled in the warm sunshine and swaying gently under the wind of the valley.

Eli stretched his body, and there was a large amount of items piled up in front of him, like a mountain, including high-grade magic stones, precious materials, rare magic plants, high-level blood, and even the most outrageous thing, there were An instrument nearly ten meters high!

"Well, there are quite a few, let's come one by one!" Eli gasped.

It asked Nicholas to help him sort out some things that might be useful, but it found that it seemed to think a little too much about the harvest this time.

Thinking of this, Eli looked at Nicholas who was standing not far away at this time, but Nicholas just shrugged and said: "My lord, I have simplified as much as possible."

"Okay." Eli nodded, it seems that the Octave is indeed worthy of being a powerful force.

It will take him days to sort it out!

"What an annoyance!" Eli smiled and started working.

Three days later!

The witch made a decision, and then he looked at Jose not far away. If this is the plan, then he still needs to make some adjustments, some simple adjustments, and the experiment should be able to start within eight days.

The ancient and dilapidated stone slabs should have been directly buckled from the ground. It is obvious that Guan Xian and others lack the ability to dig or explore these Guan Xian, so they are stored in the secret vault.

This was worn by the first warlock who died on the battlefield that day, and he probably died before he could use it.

a week later!

It wasn't until the end of this experiment that Wu Qi rubbed his eyes, then shook his head.

The outside is cyan, hovering layer by layer, while the inside exudes a lingering wind element. If Guan Xian is not wrong in her judgment, this thing should be the source of elements born in the field of wind elements where elements are highly concentrated. Very rare item.

But if this is the case, how to reproduce this Jose?

The first is a witch array.

This sorcerer's formation is called the Bernali Belt, and it is a sorcerer's sorcerer's formation, which has two functions.

It is a top-level witch formation with seven rings. It is shaped like a belt, dark purple in color, about one meter long, with closely arranged Elis engraved on it. Both sides of the belt are covered with a layer of silver material, shining with unique colors. , the most eye-catching thing is that there is a crystal in the center of the belt, and in the crystal is a particularly flowing blood.

He also doubts where he is now. This place should be the most chaotic place in the turbulent flow of space. There are all kinds of threats everywhere. If he is unlucky, he may even encounter powerful creatures passing by by chance. It is unlikely, because the space region he is in must start with the teleportation array, so it should still be within the scope of the wizarding world.

Guan Xian raised her head, with a glimmer of light in her eyes, she thought of a way.

Witchcraft amuses itself for a bit, then snaps the device into action!

"How did I get here!"

As soon as she shifted, Guan Xian was instantly in darkness. This was because of the light that José lit up, and the witchcraft quickly used a witchcraft, and the instinct in front of her eyes was restored!

If you accidentally run to other areas, this is also a troublesome thing, and this is not a good situation!

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

The eighth trophy was relatively ordinary. It was a stone slab seven meters long and wide. Jose.

But soon Wu Qi solved the first two.

The white light burst out in an instant, and the witch weapon disappeared in the laboratory in an instant, entering an unknown space.

He actually asked if Rune had gained anything when he explored this ruin, but it seemed that there was only this!

The need for Space Jose is also very urgent, so Wu Qi seems to have a choice, but in fact, only the eighth option can be chosen.

"That's great!" The witch tool got out of the state, and then looked at the seventh item!

He has no more doubts about this José, as long as he is given some time, he

Should be able to draw it!

"No, it's not advisable to risk yourself!" Wu Qi vetoed this idea, how could he be exposed to such dangers as an immortal.

"Let's go out while we can still get in touch."

"The connection is still there, which means the distance is still acceptable!" Wu Qi was thinking with a drowsy will!

The wizard is intact, he can start it if he can think of a way, but there is only one Guan Xian, if there are two, he can establish a two-way connection and teleport to the other side, but there is only one, which can be a one-way teleportation array , who knows where it will be teleported!

Yes, Guan Xian stood in front of the experiment table, looked at herself not far away, and asked with a smile: "Are you ready?"

I fiercely walked to one side of the console and pressed the switch, the elemental tentacles lit up, José charged, and José also burst into bright light instantly, and even the surrounding space rippled layer by layer, toward Spreading around, accompanied by buzzing!

The seventh is looking for information!

"It's interesting!" Guan Xian looked up at the huge Jose, which was found in the secret vault of the Octopus family.

Guan Xian frowned, lowered her head and fell into deep thought.

This feeling of looking at yourself is quite amazing, but Guan Xian just glanced at it, and her attention returned to Jose!

Of course, this was just a passing observation, and all his attention was still on Guan Xian.

Although the green field and the Tower of Bloodlines are very complementary, if the elves are to be brought to the human world, it may cause a lot of trouble, and the possibility of leaking Guan Xian's identity will also increase, so he has been thinking about this How to establish a stable communication channel between the two.

After achieving his goal, Wu Qi also realized what he was about to face.

"Since I can't do it myself, what if there is him?" Eli pursed his lips and thought of a way.

"A good idea!"

From the interrogation of the captives of the Eight-armed Snake Demon family, this Jose was obtained from a relic, and at the same time, he also obtained the space token that Guan Xian and the others used to transfer space. They guessed that this should be a space Type Jose!

The seventh item is a source of air elementals, an advanced formation of elements!

One is that as long as it is worn on the body, it can hone the blood of the host and continuously make the blood more pure!

It took a few seconds for him to slow down, then raised his head and opened his eyes, looking around.

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

"Good guess!"

The witch tool intends to extract the supernatural elements in it, and then match it with the feathers and fur obtained before (the same as the spoils of the Four Seasons Garden) to refine a seven-ringed boots-like mobile wizard array.

The witch tool gritted his teeth, crashed into a space hole not far away, and then plunged into the real world!

He is still in the period of rapid improvement in strength, and there are still many in the Central Continent that can threaten his existence. His main focus is still on the improvement of strength. Of course, he was not on the West Coast in the early years. The wizards are slowly dealing with it, but the Central Continent does not have this condition, and the wizards are still unable to perform this kind of wizard operation.

As soon as he put it on, the witch weapon immediately emanated a magical power from the belt, and began to invade his body. At the same time, the blood in his body flowed a little faster, but in the process, the blood became more and more pure. Not very fast!

"One is to replicate step by step through experiments, and then find out the role of these Joses; the second is to find relevant information, and then maybe there are some clues; the third is to directly use that Jose once, and you can directly observe it in the experience. to the details of the interior!」

The light lasted for more than ten minutes, and Wu Qi also observed it for more than ten minutes.

"Looks like there's something to do next!"

Eli pulled himself up from the pile of resources, and then stretched his waist!

It's not a problem to use some beliefs to condense a clone to do an experiment.

"There is also the seventh experiment. There are no problems in other aspects, but he has never contacted Eli about the space type.

But, I can’t understand it!” Wu Qi frowned, he had almost never touched on the space type Eli, and he couldn’t understand a part of Guan Xian at all.

Wu Qi stood not far away, looking at the ground in the center of the laboratory.

Originally, he wanted to pass the Amina family, but now it seems that there is a new way.

Anyway, the avatar and his will are interlinked, at least he can communicate at the beginning of the teleportation, will he remember the mystery of Jose? , then naturally it cannot be taken back, but if it cannot be contacted, then it will be directly transformed into pure power of faith, integrated into the void and lost!

Eli pursed his lips. He was very interested in unknown knowledge, let alone such useless knowledge.

Wu Qi also has a strange feeling, he seems to be still in this layer of space, but he doesn't seem to be there!

After the charging was over, the wizard instantly lit up, and a burst of light also enveloped the clone Guan Xian.

At that time, the boy's experimental experience also quickly gave several solutions to the witchcraft.

As soon as he looked up, he could see the main body not far away, and smiled slightly at him.

On the ground, a huge stone slab floated in mid-air, and there were several mechanical pillars standing around it. At this time, tentacles made of elements stretched out to connect the various nodes of the slate Guan Xian.

Fortunately, thanks to the uprooting by Fu Wen and others, that Guan Xian was also broken into pieces.

Wu Qi's throat moved slightly, and in the next second, Wu Qi heard a sound like a bubble, and then felt that the space in front of him was cracked!

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

And if it's just observation, he needs to spend more power of faith.

Being in it, the feeling of Wu Qi is completely different. The Guan Xian in front of her is like a big girl who has taken off her clothes and let Wu Qi watch, every detail can be seen carefully, and Wu Qi's understanding of Jose is also the same. Rapid improvement.

It can summon a huge demon snake of the sun level, and the maintenance time is ten minutes!

"Good stuff!" Guan Xian exclaimed.

Wu Qi looked down, and at this moment this huge stone slab was placed in front of him.


If he can crack this teleporter and then build some teleporter in both areas, will all the trouble be solved?

At this time, every Eli under his feet was shining with light, and at the same time, he felt that his own space began to fluctuate, like a sparkling feeling like a stone falling into the water, and the role of Jose at this time is to make this A layer of "water surface" is broken, allowing the space to open up.

"Do you want to use it yourself?" Eli pursed his lips and looked at Guan Xian in the space!

He watched fiercely, through the bright light, he saw more details, including the meaning of Guan Xian, and the specific arrangement of lines and lines, these are the details that he needs to understand!

Seventy minutes later.

There are too many resources, and it took him three whole days to sort them out, but fortunately, the resources are almost sorted out.

At the same time, part of the consciousness of the witch was also transferred to the body of the clone!

It was still a familiar place, Jose did not move, and the surrounding devices were adjusted, and the "Witch Tool" was already standing on Guan Xian.

However, although it is very slow, if it is worn for a long time, it can save at least 30% of the power of the witch weapon!

Wu Qi opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at the scene in front of him!

The witch tool within the streamer barely opened his eyes and looked around. There was contact, which meant that he was still in the area that the main body could contact.

Two days later!

The first is to rely on his own reproduction. Every Eli has at least hundreds of methods that can be used, and there are probably hundreds of thousands of combinations. Although the most important thing he lacks is time, it does not mean that he is willing to spend a lot of Time wasted on this kind of repetitive work!

And according to Guan Xian's research on Eliology, many of these Elis should be about the space type, so Guan Xian guessed that this should be the space type of Jose, the Jose that can be teleported across regions!

Countless spaces circulate in nothingness, exuding various colors, and the witchcraft is like a stream

Light shuttled through it, and among them, many giant beasts in the void looked towards Liu Guang, but before they could react, Liu Guang had already disappeared from their eyes.

He put away the other items first, and then returned to the wizard tower with the stone slab.

And it can save a lot of time on the road, save efficiency and improve efficiency!

"Spatial Teleportation!"


After taking inventory, all items in UU Reading were reduced from hundreds of items to three items.

Of course, he also felt the lingering space elements here at this time, and these forces were rapidly consuming the power of faith in this clone, so he had to get out quickly.


If we were to say what troubled him the most during this period, it would be the heart of the abyss who didn't know what was going on, and then the green field!

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【The Immortals of the Wizarding World】【】

Hoo hoo!

This is of course a good way, but if you can't find the information about Jose, I'm afraid the possibility is that the first plan is much more likely.

This is unreasonable, after all, this time he has defeated a second-level force, but for Eli, he is already a Yaori wizard after all, and he is almost the peak wizard among the four rings. At this level, it is also useful for wizard weapons There are only a handful of them, even eight are more than Guan Xian expected!

In the lab!

"Back then, the spirit of the bloodline was promoted, and the power of the true spirit increased rapidly. The bloodline has always been a little weak, and now it's comfortable." Wu Qi took out the witch array, directly erased the mark on it, and then put it on for himself!

He has obtained enough power of faith in this war, and what he has obtained so far has already filled the eighth mark, and there will be a steady stream of power of faith to replenish for a long time to come, which roughly means that he does not have enough power of faith now. Lack of faith.

For this experiment, he decided to pay a certain price. Since he can't do it, why not let his clone do it?

The huge spatial influence gradually disappeared, and the wizard tool finally broke away from the turbulent flow of space and entered the real world.

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