Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 485: An old friend has an appointment

Between the forested mountains, Mia is running wildly!

Her injury was serious, a scar extending nearly half a meter from her shoulder to her abdomen, with purple blood continuously flowing out of it, which was a symptom of poisoning

And it's not a simple poison, but a poison with weak rules!

If she is willing to spend some time, it can be exhausted, but the four people chasing behind him are absolutely impossible to give her this time.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and glanced back.

In the sky not far away, four figures were chasing after him closely, three men and one woman, each of them was wearing a warlock robe with **** handprints on it, and a mask on his face, only showing his cold eyes.

Seeing Mia turn her head, the voices of several of them reached her ears.

"Mia, with such a serious injury, we will catch up with you in half an hour at most, and this is already a no-man's land in the Western Regions, so where can you go!"

"Master Dani will be here soon. Even if you dodge our attack, we have already planted breath on you. When your lord arrives, even if you really have a backup, what's the point?"


Hearing these words, Mia gritted her teeth and cursed, but feeling the hurt on her body became more and more depressed.

Yes, being hunted down by four killers of the same level while being seriously injured, and there is one fifth ring who is sure to arrive, even if it is her, she doesn't think she has any chance!

But she will definitely not be caught without a fight!

"Then wait until you catch up with me!" Mia cursed, and threw a black ball behind her. The ball turned into a cage of extremely thick smoke, trapping several people, and then she accelerated towards the front run away.

"Break the prison!"

The corners of their mouths twitched, but they still attacked.

A few minutes later, the prison was broken, and several people continued to chase in one direction! Mia had their mark on her body, so they didn't worry about not being able to catch up!

Soon, several people chased Mia again and began to attack frantically behind her. This made Mia have to dodge left and right during the escape process, and new scars appeared on her body.

A large amount of blood stained her clothes, which not only caused her to lose a lot of physical strength and energy, but also made the power of blood in her body more and more exhausted, and the speed became slower and slower.

Finally, a few minutes later, Mia had to release another smoke bomb, then quickly hid among the mountains, and finally entered a valley, using various means to hide.

Hope it works!"

In the valley, Mia was panting heavily, but her heart was full of despair.

Even she didn't seem to believe that she could escape this time.


Mia took a deep breath, then leaned directly against the mountain wall beside her, then opened the ring, a crystal ball was slowly taken out, inspired, and a picture appeared on it.

There were three people in total. On the left was a woman with sky blue long hair, with a slender figure, as cold as a mountain, and on the right was another man with black hair and black pupils, who looked so ordinary and ordinary.

As for the middle of the two, there is a girl with the same blue hair, but with a smile.

But in this picture, it can be seen that there is actually a crack between the women. This is a patchwork pattern, which was put together by Mia herself.

"Mother, father!"

Mia looked at the picture with a pale face, and a trace of confusion flashed in her firm eyes!

As a half-step five-ring killer, he no longer remembered how many people she had killed, but how many people knew that she became a killer just to avenge her mother.

Revenge was reported a long time ago, but her mother was already dead by then!

"What a heartless man!" She glanced at the man, but she didn't feel any hatred in her heart. Not only was her mother using her father at the beginning, but the father named Udo also did a lot of things and gave everything. left the Western Regions.

He still remembers the man's embarrassing but doting voice:

"Mia, if you encounter danger in the future,

If you are in danger, then go to Master Tahman of the West Coast Bloodline for help, for my sake, he may be able to take you in!" "Fool!" Mia smiled.

Not to mention what kind of strong man can be born in a place like the west coast, but now more than a thousand cases have passed, and the Herman in his father's mouth may have died long ago.

"However, maybe I should have walked with him back then!" Tears flashed in Mia's eyes.

"found it!"

Suddenly, a sparse sound came from a distant valley.

Mia froze for a moment, then quickly put away the crystal ball, then hid aside, covering her wound while looking at the mouth of the valley.


The branch was broken, and the figures of the four appeared in the valley, and Mia's mood suddenly fell to the bottom.

"Come out!" At this time, one of the four looked in her direction with a half-smile.

Still found!

Mia sighed, and slowly walked out of the darkness.

"I told you that you can't run away." The masked warlock said with a smile, but he glanced at a few people, and then they quickly surrounded Mia from four directions.

Looking at the four people surrounding her, especially when the four of them took out their weapons and stimulated their blood, Mia's mood plummeted to the bottom. The wound in her body, which was already seriously injured, was triggered at this moment, and she spit out immediately. A mouthful of bright red blood!

"It seems that we are redundant, maybe we won't live until tomorrow if we don't chase you!" Looking at Mia's appearance, several people sneered at the same time, and slowly approached!

Mia also closed her eyes in despair, ready to accept her fate!

"Wrong, fortunately I fly fast, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late!" Suddenly, a voice came from the valley mouth again, everyone looked at it, and Mia also opened her eyes.

At the mouth of the valley, a man wearing a scarlet warlock robe slowly walked out of the valley. He had black hair and looked young, but his eyes were extraordinarily bright, like stars.


Seeing the person coming, everyone's eyes widened, especially the four-member group of Death's Hand widened their eyes.

As a killer, the news is naturally very well-informed. Before entering the Western Regions, he must have seen the portrait of Eli. This is known as the first person under the five rings!

But this didn't surprise a few people. They were shocked, but why Eli appeared here, whether it was the Death Mandala or the Hand of Death, had nothing to do with him.

And listening to him, there is no doubt that he is preparing to intervene in this matter!

"Eli, this is a private matter between the Hand of Death and the Death Mandala. It is best not to interfere, and our Lord is right behind and may come at any time. Our Lord is the strongest of the Five Rings!"! One of the Death God The surgeon stood up directly, looked at Eli and said.

"Sorry, I promised some people some things. If I let you kill Mia here, I will break my promise!" Eli said with a smile, looking at several people.

Hearing Eli's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, even Mia was a little surprised, as if she just thought of how she would get in touch with this big man in the Western Regions.

"My lord, my lord is five rings..." the warlock continued to threaten.


A corpse slowly appeared on the ground.

Several people looked.

In an instant, everyone's eyes widened.

"Dadada...Master Dani!" A unanimous voice sounded, and everyone looked at this familiar corpse in shock. He was wearing a blood surgeon's robe and a pair of dead fish eyes. Who was it but Dani!

"This guy is the most incompetent killer I've ever seen, and he took the initiative to fight me, but I killed him!" Eli shook his head, disdainful.


The eyes of several people turned, and the way they looked at Eli also changed completely.

My lord is a five-ring, how could he die? This only shows that Eli is a five-ring!

"Are you a five-ring warlock?" A warlock looked at Eli with fear in his eyes, and the others couldn't believe it.

And among a few people,

Mia's eyes widened at this moment, and she stared blankly at the one on the ground, which turned out to be the body of Dani, the number one killer organization in the world today!

"Five rings!" She also understood what this meant, but it made him feel even more confused.

He has nothing to do with this person... No, it seems that someone asked them to assassinate Eli... Could it be because of this, that would be ridiculous.


At this moment, the few people were already dumbfounded, not daring to move.

"Forget it, let's send you on your way." Looking at this scene, Eli waved his hands. Countless shadows appeared instantly and swallowed up the few people. They wanted to resist at first, but when the shadows passed by, they instantly Howled in pain, then disappeared into the shadows.

Crisis over?

Seeing the fleeting four of them, Mia no longer had any doubts.

This person in front of him is really Wu Huan.

"Big, my lord!" Mia looked at Eli, but her mood relaxed a little. "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person!" Eli approached with a smile.

next second.


"Coma." Looking at the fallen Mia, Eli blinked.

Looking at it again, one can instantly see the toxins all over his body, as well as his injured body.

"It's serious, take it away."

The shadow passed by, and Mia was included in it.

Eli took a look at nothing left, and then left.

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