Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 486: Mia in tears, Isaac in rage

— days later.

In a room in the Wizard Tower, Mia was lying on the bed, and Dylan, Nicholas, and Dylan were standing not far away.

"It's Udo's daughter. Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, his daughter is halfway through the fifth ring." Nicholas said with deep emotion.


Eli nodded.

He didn't expect to meet Udo's daughter out of nowhere. After all, although he promised Udo at the beginning, he never thought that he would actually meet her.

"Your Excellency has already treated her, and she should wake up soon, but Lord Eli, when did you break through!" Dylan looked at Eli.

Hearing this, Nicholas also showed a curious and curious expression.

It was already hopeless, but I didn't expect my lord to break through the fifth ring without making a sound, and easily killed a fifth ring killer, it's outrageous!

"Oh, it didn't take long. I broke through by luck. Don't tell me about it. I just broke through the fifth ring, and I'm still at the bottom of the fifth ring!" Eli told the two.

"Bottom floor?"

The corners of their mouths twitched, but they didn't say anything!

Because that's a lot of people.

"Mia woke up." Suddenly, Dylan said at this time.

Everyone looked at it, and Mia didn't know when she had opened her eyes.



Mia opened her eyes with difficulty, and immediately looked around.

Strange room, Eli, undead, mechanical dog.

Oh, she was being hunted down and saved by Eli!

Thinking of her, she immediately got up, her cheeks flushed a little, because her original clothes had long since disappeared, and a large wizard robe was worn on her body.

"Your warlock robe is badly damaged. I asked someone to change it for you!" Eli walked over at this moment and said.

Seeing Eli, Mia immediately got up and thanked: "Thank you for saving my life!"

Mia was sincere. She had given up struggling at first, but she didn't expect such a turning point. After all, she didn't die. Instead, all the people who chased her were dead, including Wuhuan's hand of death!

"It's okay." Eli replied with a smile, kind eyes.

Looking at Mia made him feel like looking at a junior.

Udo was one of his subordinates back then and helped him a little.

Feeling Eli's benevolent eyes, the corners of Mia's mouth twitched, but she seemed to remember something, and she asked cautiously, "Master Eli, can I ask a question?"

"Ask!" Eli nodded.

After experiencing this inexplicable rescue, it would be strange not to ask.

Mia's throat moved slightly, then she looked into Eli's eyes and asked, "My lord, can I ask why you saved my life, and my lord, what do you mean when you said you agreed to something?"

Mia was very puzzled.

"Oh, promise your father, boy, if I meet you in the future, I will help you." Eli replied with a smile.

"Yeah, I still remember how that guy came back in a mess!" Nicholas also laughed, as if thinking of something interesting.

"My father?"

Mia was stunned for a moment. She thought of many possibilities, but she never thought of this one possibility. In an instant, her eyes began to flicker.

"That's right, that guy Udo, I told him not to go to the Central Region." Nicholas said, eating melons.

"My father, Udo." Mia affirmed this time, her eyes looked at Eli, as if recalling the origin of this grown-up, as if he came from the west coast.

So, the person in front of me is actually the grown-up in my father's mouth!

Her father had left the Western Regions, yet he still cared about her in this way.

In an instant, countless tears soaked Mia's eyes, and the longing for her father and the pain in her heart burst out together, like a vast ocean.


Tears wet the quilt, Mia, the leader of the famous killer organization in the mainland, burst into tears and burst into tears.



Mia left a week later.

At this time, she had fully recovered from her injuries, and Eli also told him about the Khamis family.

Before leaving, she lowered her head and thanked her: "Master, I will never forget your kindness, but if I am not here, the organization will be in chaos, and the top management of Death Hand is almost killed by the Lord, I will go back and take over their organization!

When everything is over, I will come back and join the command of the adults to repay the grace of saving my life!

At that time, even if the Lord wants to attack the Khamis family, I, Mia, will definitely stand on the side of the Lord. Even if I can't help the main thing, but in terms of intelligence, our two killer organizations combined are finally at the top.

And I won’t say anything about my lord, I swear by my blood!!”

After that, Mia left, and Eli didn't stop her.

Of course, Eli was also very interested in the last words.

Since his power has become stronger and stronger, he may even come into contact with Zhongyu, but he is not so clear about Zhongyu's news. Although the Charming Mansion is not bad, in fact, they are just ordinary forces in Zhongyu, without five rings. Existence, of course the Jinchan Chamber of Commerce will be stronger, and the president may reach the fifth ring.

It would also be a good thing for him to have intelligence supplements from the two killer organizations.

As for the last words, Eli didn't take them seriously. Mia might have vaguely guessed that he was Herman, but so what, just make up this kind of thing!

"However, the Khamis family will not stop in the future!"

Eli sighed with emotion, knowing that something might happen next.

The only thing that worries him is that he still hasn't figured out why the Khamis family let him do it, but if he invites Wuhuan's killer, they are already doomed to be enemies.

"Enemy, of course it will be crushed!"

Eli returned to the wizard's tower, and he decided to build a space channel here and in the time fragments, so that he could come back later and avoid such a thing from happening this time.


"What, Death Mandala Mia returned alive, and annexed the forces of the Hand of Death at an extremely fast speed."

Isaac jumped up from his chair, shocked.

In front of his eyes, the two warlocks still covered their whole bodies, bowed their heads and said: "Yes, my lord, and the **** of death has not shown up, in fact, since they entered the Western Region half a month ago, we have not heard from them again.

Their whereabouts disappeared completely. As for the four people who appeared in the hand of death, they appeared outside a mountain range, but they never appeared again after entering the mountain range. Mia returned to the death mandala a week later. , belonging to the **** of death, has never appeared again, and we suspect that he is dead. "


The flesh on Khamis' face kept twitching, and his eyes widened.

"How is this possible!" He couldn't believe it.

It is impossible for the five rings of the **** of death to disappear for no reason, and it is even more impossible for Mia to have no reaction to the hand of the **** of death, but whether the death is too outrageous.

"It can't be Eli." At this time, another warlock who had been silent reminded.

"Eli, it's impossible." Isaac denied it directly.

"My lord, don't forget the fluctuation of the five rings that appeared ten years ago, and Eli was also at the top of the five rings before!" The warlock once again raised a possibility.


This time Isaac was silent, because according to the warlock this is completely possible!

But—thinking of Eli's five rings, it still made him feel bad!

Because with more and more clues, they became more and more sure that Eli had important clues about Wizard Gray's Tower in his hands, maybe even the location, or even keys. It was impossible for such things to fall into the hands of others.

"Indeed, we can't underestimate him this time!" There was a flash of caution in his eyes. UU reading www.


However, it is impossible for the Wizard Gray Tower to be given to him. If he really has it, it will be a big trouble for us, and we can still hide it now, but in the future, if it is discovered by other families, our family will definitely take it. No!" Isaac gritted his teeth.

Although there are six families in the Warlock Alliance, they are actually divided into three families and three families, and the strength of the three families is crushed by the three families.

If they can obtain the wizard tower, maybe they can directly cross this level, become the first family, and even master the warlock world as in the legend.

Thinking of this, his expression became serious.

After a few seconds of silence, he looked at the two of them and said: "Send someone out to spread the news that Eli and Roland are colluding and fooling the Warlock Alliance. At that time, I will take the initiative to propose to the alliance that Khamis will destroy the Bloodline Tower, and then the forces of the Western Regions will be destroyed." Divide up, they will definitely agree to it at that time!"


The two nodded and left quickly.

After the two left, Isaac sat back in his chair.

"Since it is assumed that Eli has five rings and has the strength to defeat the **** of death, then at least we have to send out five-ring warlocks. It seems that we need to find the ancestors of the five rings!"

"So what if you break through the fifth ring, there are some things you can't protect!"

Isaac gritted his teeth and showed a cruel smile.

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