Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 492: Advent, 0 leaves?


Stepping into the Western Regions with countless steps, Isaac first glanced at the large land in the distance with hatred, then turned his head to look behind him with a smile on his face.

"Master Anhuade, this is the range of the Bloodline Tower."

"En." The white-robed warlock nodded calmly, then looked around.

Beside him, three germination warlocks followed him on both sides, and behind him were hundreds of thousands of warlocks under the Khamis family, including hundreds of four rings.

For this war, the Khamis family chose to mobilize most of their forces.

After all, this time is different from the past. If it drags on for a long time, it will be a disaster for them, so it must be resolved quickly, and then recuperate.

"My lord, tens of kilometers ahead, it should be the defense line of the Bloodline Tower. What should we do?" At this moment, a warlock flew in front and asked An Huade, the white-robed warlock.

"Crush directly!"

He spoke calmly, speaking with ease as if they were dealing with an ant.

The many warlocks following behind him nodded in agreement.

As it should be.

When the Khamis family all came out, there were no surprises.

And just as everyone continued to set off, suddenly, An Huade seemed to have seen something, and suddenly raised his hand, a bolt of lightning spanned dozens of miles in an instant, and then an exploding "firework" bloomed in the distance.

"My lord, that should be the airship of the Bloodline Tower!" Ai Zac said beside him.

"It's interesting. When the war is over, we can study it. There must be a reason for this small force to grow so fast. If we can fully absorb their technology, it may not be a bad thing in three hundred years, but it may It is an opportunity for our family." An Huade narrowed his eyes slightly.

It is said that we despise the enemy tactically and attach importance to the enemy strategically.

An Huade is no exception. Although he despises the Tower of Bloodline, he only understands after waking up for a few days.

Their core, system, and all aspects have great learning significance.


The others laughed flatteringly.

But Edward didn't respond, but his eyes gradually became serious, and said:

"Let the people behind hurry up, today we will break through their first line of defense!"


Everyone shouted in unison.

Half a day had passed when Eli received the news.

"The first line of defense of the Bloodline Tower has been broken?" Eli looked at Vivica and Alida in surprise.

"Yes, my lord." Vivica said with lingering fear.

She was originally on the front line, but she returned early due to some incidents some time ago. She never thought that the Khamis family would attack suddenly, but let her escape.

"This time the Khamis family used too much power. There are four of the five rings, especially one of the white-robed warlocks. Just waved his hand. At that time, more than a dozen true spirits in the defense line died before they even had time to react. And their warlocks are outrageous in both quality and quantity!

We checked the information, and the white-robed warlock should be Anwad Khamis, the patriarch of the Khamis family five hundred years ago, a powerhouse at the wizard level of the sacred tree! Alida pursed her lips, feeling the pressure.


Eli muttered the name silently.

"My lord, what should we do?" Vivica asked worriedly.

"what to do?"

Eli stood up slowly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "What can we do? Naturally, we should leave them on this land."


The two looked at Eli, their eyes widening at the same time.

"Let's go, let's see how this old guy's combat effectiveness is."

Eli called to the distance, and with a hiss, Hydera's head appeared by the window, looking at the three of Eli with huge eyes, then lowered his head.

At this time, the window opened slowly, and Eli walked directly towards the window, then jumped onto Hydera's head, then turned to the two and said:

"Would you like to see it?"


The two looked at each other and nodded in time.

Soon, Hydera flew into the sky.

On top of the huge head, Eli stood on the frontmost head.

The strong wind was blowing Eli's wizard robe. Vivica and Alida stood on both sides with different expressions.

"My lord, should we go like this?" Alida asked.

"Otherwise?" Eli glanced at him.


Alida was a little dazed, and a trace of regret flashed in her heart.

That is the Sacred Tree Wizard!

That's it?

Looking back, Vivica on the side had a faint smile on her face, spreading her hands, feeling the oncoming breeze in the surrounding sky, as if she wasn't worried at all.

The corners of Alida's mouth twitched, are you so calm?

But it seems reasonable to think that Vivica seems to have been raised by Eli.

"Okay, let's go, I hope everything goes well."

Alida also let go of the worry on her face and began to show off.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's not her who fights, what's the big deal?

Sadness won't catch up with me as long as I swing enough.

No wonder!

that's all.

After Alida worried all the way, they finally saw the destination of this trip, the location of the second line of defense in the Eastern Region, the Scythian Great Plain.

Here a huge city stands on the plain, and a steel line of defense is built outside the plain. At this time, hundreds of airships are flying in the sky, and there are tense warlocks on the ground!

On the opposite side of them, countless warlocks of the Khamis family were staring at them. Those high-level warlocks were flying in the front, and the white-robed warlock Anhuade was flying in the front.

It looked as if they were preparing to attack.

"The time is just right!" Eli smiled, then patted Hydera and said, "Just fly directly into the center of the battlefield like this, don't worry!"


Hydera neighed and accelerated again.

The fast speed and the sound also attracted the entire battlefield, and countless people looked up.

"It's Lord Hydera, no, it's Lord Eli!"

The warlocks of the Bloodline Tower shouted when they saw the person coming, and a trace of excitement flashed in their eyes. UU reading www.

You must know that the opponents this time are too strong. If they start the war like this, they will have absolutely no chance of winning, but it will be different when the adults come!

In the distance, An Huade also raised his head and looked into the distance.

Looking across the space, he looked at Eli, and a smile appeared on his face.

"You came!"

Anwald narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was talking to Eli.

"Come to kill you!"

Eli said calmly.

After he finished talking nonsense, the tree of laws began to rippling, and a leaf of the law of shadows swayed without wind, then began to fall, and then slowly fell, falling into Eli's hands as if traveling through time and space.

With a wave of Eli's hand, the leaves floated towards Anwald in the distance.

"Come and show me, is it the courage given to you by the Warlock Alliance? Dare to come here to act wild!"

Eli looked at An Huade, but his expression became more and more indifferent.

look at him.

It's like looking at an ant!

At this time, An Huade looked calm not far away.

But after seeing that leaf, a touch of shock rippled in his eyes, and his mouth gradually opened wide.

"Chi, Chiba!"

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