Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 493: The power of the Leaf of Law can suppress 00,000 Warlocks

"Chi...Chi, Chiba?

An Huade's eyes widened, and he could no longer remain calm.

That leaf seemed unremarkable, but it made him feel an unparalleled sense of crisis, as if he was about to die. What's worse, he had seen that leaf before and understood what it meant!


Anhuade's throat trembled, and even his body began to tremble.

"How could it be Chiba?

He couldn't believe it, how could Eli be Qianye, it was completely unreasonable!

But he understands that now is not the time to think about these things. He needs to avoid this catastrophe before thinking about other issues. In an instant, a large number of bloodlines and rules are stimulated. Limbs and bones, this is the foundation of the warlock's five rings, the tree of blood!

The blood was oscillating, and An Huade gradually changed, with fine scales appearing on his body, his eyes turned into vertical pupils, his body gradually became bigger, and his blood veins gradually changed.

In the blink of an eye, a 10,000-meter-long thunder python appeared in the sky and roared at Eli, more precisely, it was the tiny Leaf of Law!

On the ground, countless warlocks of the Khamis family were very excited.

"My lord's blood has turned, are you going to kill Eli right here?

"It should be, Eli is dead!

"it's over!

The warlocks raised their heads and looked towards the sky, watching the whole body of the thunder python gradually turn blood-colored, and a blood-colored lightning condensed on the pure white horn.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the warlocks above the true spirit flickered.

"Is that possible? My lord is starting to burn his blood!


It's not the burning blood, but the **** blood entanglement, what?

But is it necessary?

Not far away, Isaac's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, and thinking of the change in the adult's eyes just now, Isaac seemed to understand something, and the corner of his mouth murmured: "No way, no way!

The three sprouts not far away were also stunned, as if they still didn't understand what happened, they had never seen Qianye before.

In the sky.

"Eli, you lied to everyone!" Anwald snapped.

Not far away, Eli was still calm, waving his hand lightly.

At this time, the flying shadow law leaf suddenly changed, gradually became larger, and turned into a huge leaf with a size of 10,000 meters, appearing above the giant python.

"What's this?

Countless people looked up at this sudden change, their eyes fusing.

The eyes of the three germination warlocks flickered, knowing that only now did they feel the power contained in it, this power far surpassed them, even surpassed An Huade and took a few steps back silently! Ai Zac's eyes trembled, "Eli, don't think about it!

In the sky, An Huade's incarnation of the thunder python was entwined with blood, and a thunder light was completely excited, and flew directly towards the huge leaf of law in the sky.


Eli is still calm, the leaves are falling slowly!


The thunder light collided with the leaf of law, and in an instant, the thunder light was swallowed by the shadow, only the shadow rippled, and did not cause any change.

"How is it possible?" An Huade roared with his eyes wide open.

And seeing the Leaf of Law getting closer and closer, he was startled and terrified.

"Don't think about it!

He turned around directly and was about to fly into the distance. The warlocks on the ground looked at this scene and took a breath of cold air. The sacred tree warlock An Huade actually wanted to run?

In the blink of an eye, Anhuade flew 10,000 meters away, but the Leaf of Law was relentless, still hovering over it and directly suppressing it.


The shadow directly covered the giant python like a giant hand and then moved towards the ground. Everyone only heard an extremely tragic wail, and then the ground trembled.

Countless warlocks were beating heartbeats, looking at the 10,000-meter pit in the distance, a leaf of shadow was suppressing it, and the huge thunder python shook its head like a dead snake

, but there is no breath of life.


"The leader of the Khamis family, just died like this?

Is this the end of the war?

Even the many Tower of Blood Warlocks who firmly believed in Eli were stunned at this moment, mainly because the scene in front of them was beyond their knowledge!

Farther away, several warlocks of the Khamis family were even more dead silent.


Several Germination Warlocks trembled and said that now, they finally confirmed what the adults were afraid of, that is, their enemy Eli was not Germination at all, but a powerful Chiba Warlock.

Many true spirits look at me and I look at you, as if saying that things should not develop like this!

But in any case, they also understand that this war may come to an end.

Bi Zhang knew this by looking at the performance of the three budding warlocks in front of him. I'm afraid the three ancestors didn't have the heart to fight Eli at all, and they were already scared out of their wits.

Alida's eyes widened and she looked at Eli's eyes flickering on one side. Obviously, this was not what she thought.

"Just died like this?" She was a little dazed, as if she couldn't believe that the head of a top bloodline family died just like this, so quickly.

On the other hand, Vivica on the side became much calmer, and asked Eli: "Brother Eli, what should we do with the remaining five rings and so many warlocks?

"Don't worry!

Eli smiled, the tree of laws shook again, a leaf of the law of time appeared, the surrounding space flickered, time seemed to have changed a lot, this time it was time attribute. UU Reading

one toss!

The Leaf of Law flew towards the opposite side against the wind. The target was the budding warlocks in the distance. When they saw the Leaf of Law flying towards them, they were suddenly terrified and fled towards the distance.

The leaves chase, they run, they have nowhere to run!

I only saw the invisible power of time covering several people, and the flying people aged at a rapid speed, their skin and flesh began to loosen, their eyes gradually dimmed, and finally turned into bones and fell towards the ground.

Seeing the changes of a few people, the true spirits who were about to take the opportunity to escape in the distance also stopped. On the ground, the leaf of the law of shadows in the distance turned into a wave of shadows hundreds of meters high, flying towards the warlock army. After the sweep, all the warlocks were entangled in shadow snakes and fell to the ground.

In this way, in the blink of an eye, the entire army of the Khamis family was wiped out, and Eli commanded Hydera to fly forward and came directly to the front of many true spirits. However, he ignored the other warlocks, and only looked towards the end of them. .

Many warlocks tactfully moved out of the way, revealing the last person.

Eli looked at this man, with a smile in his eyes, nodded and said: "Lord Aizhak, the head of the Khamis family, it's really been a long time since we met!"

Isaac looked at Eli in front of him, his body limp on the ground.

Looking at Eli, his face was pale, and he said miserably: "Eli, I'm the one who admits it this time!"

"you win

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