Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 494: The right time, place and people, the belief soars

"So this is ah!"

Looking at the fallen body of Ai Zac in front of him, Yin Lai suddenly realized.

At this time, he had already left the front line and returned to the land of greenery. He also searched for Isaac's soul, and finally understood why this guy misses him so much.

It turned out to be related to Gray Wizard Tower!

Isaac did not guess wrong!

The only pity is that he miscalculated Yin Lai's strength, and ended up making a wrong step. From the very beginning, he picked up a few budding warlocks, and finally got on with the ancestor and the entire family, and destroyed his own family by himself.

It is true that there is great wisdom!

"However, since the remains of the Eastern Territory can be linked to Dylan, it seems that I have to start planning the wizard tower. Since the Khamis family can find clues, it is inevitable that several other families will also find them." According to Ai Yin Lai also thought of more about Zac.

"Forget it, I'm still waiting for a while." But after thinking for a while, Yin Lai decided to give up temporarily.

This time, the elimination of the high-end combat power of the Khamis family will have a huge impact on the Bloodline Tower, the Warlock Alliance, and even the world structure. The next period of time will definitely not be very peaceful.

"It's an eventful autumn!"

He just wants to develop well, why, why there are always all kinds of things coming up!

Yin Lai was extremely sad.

But... there are many sad things, but there are also surprises.

"A treasure of a top family!" Yin Lai rubbed his palms.

I am looking forward to it.

At this time, the Bloodline Tower Legion has crossed the border and entered the Khamis family, especially the many true spirit warlocks who drove straight to the city of Hamis, preparing to take down this ancient city!

"hope everything is fine!"

Yin Lai packed up Ai Zac's body silently, and then walked towards Wuzhen.

Enter, excite.

Once again came within the time shards, and this time Yin Lai walked directly towards the inside, and finally stopped at the position of 200 times, thanks to his previous promotion!


When Yin came to meditate.

The legion of the Bloodline Tower also quickly entered the range of the Khamis family. Countless true spirits acted as the vanguard to plunder the front, while countless warlocks steadily occupied the territory of the central region in the rear, and the troops were divided into two groups.

This is because the scope of the Khamis family is too large, almost as large as the Western Region, and although the surrounding area is not directly bordered by several families of the Warlock Alliance, it is conceivable that when the Khamis family is destroyed, all forces will also be destroyed. Get the message and start devouring the land.

Naturally, Yin Lai has no hope of being able to occupy all of them, most of them are fine, while other places are plundering resources, which is why the true spirits act first.

Alida was in charge of all these, which also made him one head and two big.

But fortunately, all the forces are still immersed in the shock at this time, and they dare not act rashly, which makes their actions much smoother.

at this time.

Eastern Territory!

Hai Long and the head of Hai Shark looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Ahem, it seems that we still underestimate Lord Yin Lai!" Hai Long's parents said awkwardly, and the address was changed from the former little friend to the adult inadvertently.

"Yeah, who would have thought that Mr. Yin Lai was actually a Chiba-level warlock? It seems that the one ten years ago was not him. On the contrary, he might have been promoted to the fifth ring, but he has been pretending to be the fourth ring." , no wonder he always acted like he was indifferent to the world before, this is strength in hand." The head of the Sea Shark nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Qianye!" Patriarch Hai Long was also in a daze.

Who would have thought that Yin Lai was actually a strong Qianye!

Even the three strong members of the Warlock Alliance are at this level, which means that even the Warlock Alliance will never dare to underestimate him, let alone the Khamis family has disappeared!

"However, for an ancient family to disappear like this, and it is one of the six major families of the Warlock Alliance, it really feels like a world away, as if a mountain suddenly disappeared!"


The two let out a long sigh in unison, as if they were much more relaxed.

After a few seconds, Patriarch Hai Long looked at Hai Sha and said, "Patriarch Hai Sha, do you still remember the message we rejected last time?"

"You mean..." The owner of the sea shark narrowed his eyes slightly.

Patriarch Hai Long nodded, as if agreeing.


The owner of the sea shark also seemed to understand something, and the two smiled tacitly.


In the Eastern Region, Patriarch Fengshen Yaolong read these words slowly.

After the Khamis family was destroyed, Yin Lai, as the leader, already possesses both strength and prestige. If he can take the lead in forming an alliance, it will be a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity. This is also the first thing he thought of after being shocked. an idea.

"And what Yin Lai will face next is the entire Warlock Alliance. With our help, the Bloodline Tower will be much easier, and we will also get rid of the mountain of the Warlock Alliance!"

No way, they have been waiting for this day for too long.

"We will escape from the sea of ​​suffering, and Yin Lai will become our new... king!"

He pursed his lips, and his eyes were burning with flames.

At the same time, I don't know how many forces flashed their thoughts at the same time, and they all trembled with excitement. As for the reason, it had something to do with Jinji's failed actions before.

It's a pity that the time was not ripe at that time, but at this time, the time is just right.

The right time, the right place, and the right people.

Unlike these family heads, the world of ordinary warlocks is completely different. At this time, they are still immersed in the shock of this fact, and they can't escape for a long time.

An ancient bloodline family just disappeared and disappeared in Yin Lai's hands.

The people oppressed by the Warlock Alliance feel excited, while the families under the Warlock Alliance feel terrified, because in their eyes, the six major families are the sky and are high above them, but on this day, the sky broke!

It turns out... the six major families will also be destroyed.

In just one day, the news spread almost across the entire continent.

Yin Lai's name also spread following this incident. It turned out that only some people in the Western Regions and Central Regions knew Yin Lai's name, but after one day, 95% of the warlocks already knew the name.

Countless powers of faith gathered here towards Yin Lai.

Fragments of time!

Yin Lai opened his mouth wide, watching the originally empty nine-leaf lotus flower of faith on his wrist filling up almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it took only half an hour to fill up one piece.

"It's too fast."

Yin Lai gasped and felt that this was just the beginning.

Three days later!

Yin Lai lowered his head and looked towards his wrist. At this time, the lotus flower on his wrist had already turned into eighteen petals, and each petal had been filled, exuding a faint golden light.

Not only is it filled with the power of faith because of the rules of stripping the black fog, but there are also eleven new petals. Considering that one petal is more difficult than the other, one can imagine how difficult the power of faith is this time.

"But it's just that there are so many people that it can't reach this level. It seems that the warlocks in the Central Continent are being persecuted by the Warlock Alliance!" Yin Lai sighed, which reminded him of a sentence in his previous life, the world has suffered for a long time.

Warlock families have also suffered from the Warlock Alliance for a long time.

"But none of my business."

But Yin Lai didn't think too much, just because just now, Alida sent him a message, and at this time the harvest of the Hamia family has been sorted out.

Harvest time!

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