Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 495: 2 Letters About the World, Eli's Harvest

As in the past, there are mountains of resources, but this time most of the resources, except for knowledge, have surpassed the third ring.

"My lord, these are the resources we collected this time!" Alida said respectfully, with a respectful face.

"Well, is there anything else?"

Yin Lai nodded, and couldn't wait to take inventory of these resources, but he also understood that Alida would come in person in this form, probably because there were other things.

"Yes, there are two more things!" Alida nodded.

"Then let's talk in the room first!" Yin Lai waved away, all the resources were swept by the shadow, and then walked towards the wizard tower. Alida took a look and followed quickly.

Soon the two came to the room and sat down!

"Speak." Yin Lai pretended to be listening.

Alida is in good health, and began to say: "Master, the current situation is as follows. At present, our legion has occupied two-thirds of the Khamis family's territory, and the other third is occupied by several warlocks. The family is divided, and they have not made the next move yet, of course what I want to talk about is not this, but letters about the various forces in the Central Continent!"

Letters from other forces? ...are they going to do something?

Yin Lai did not interrupt Alida and continued to listen.

"Including the families of sea dragons and sea sharks in the southern region, the family of distracted pterosaurs in the northern region, and various small families in the northern region. These families sent letters almost at the same time, and the contents of the letters were surprisingly consistent!"

"Oh?" Yin Lai narrowed his eyes.

"My lord, they hope that my lord can take the lead to form an alliance, and they are also willing to join my lord, advance and retreat together, and help my lord fight against the Warlock Alliance," Alida said after taking a deep breath.

"Build an alliance?"

Yin Lai frowned, thinking quickly in his mind.

After a few minutes, he raised his head to look at Alida, and said slowly, "This proposal is not good!"

"Did your lord refuse?"


Yin Lai nodded.

It is a good thing to fight against the Warlock Alliance together, but it will be troublesome if he takes the lead. After all, the leader in the general story does not end well, and Yin Lai is not willing to have such a troublesome thing in the fate line.

"Then I will reject them, my lord!" Alida also understood.

"No!" But this time Yin Lai shook his head.


Yin Lai looked up and said, "Of course the alliance will be established!"

"Ah?" Alida opened her mouth wide, why did she change her mind again.

"But it's not me, it's you!" Yin Lai pointed to Alida.

"Me?" Alida was even more puzzled, pointing at herself.

"Yes." Yin Lai nodded, and said, "I'm just the honorary tower owner of the Bloodline Tower, but I don't have this right. This kind of thing naturally has to be done by you, the official tower owner. You say yes, Alida!"

Alida: ...

Would you like to hear what you are saying, my lord?

You have no right so what am I doing here? My lord, your desire to transfer responsibility may not be too obvious, it is not concealed!

"Let's just say that, this matter is entrusted to you, and you are still good at managing power!" Yin Lai looked at her with a smile, as if he had high hopes.

The corner of Alida's mouth twitched, but in the end she just nodded and said with difficulty:


What else could she do?

"Is there anything else?" Yin Lai asked again.

At this time, Alida was still immersed in the confusion that she was about to become the leader of the alliance. She was brought back to reality by Yin Lai's words, coughed and said: "There is one more thing, this thing is still a letter, but It's about the Warlock League."

"How?" Yin Lai asked.

"My lord, I haven't read it yet." Alida shook her head, then took out a letter and handed it to Yin Lai.

After receiving the letter, Yin Lai tore it open and read it.

A few seconds later, he was amazed.

"My lord, what did the Warlock Union say?" Alida asked curiously.

"They invited me to Paradise City, Xi said that they invited us to join the Warlock Alliance to be like them, and they were even willing to give us all the original share of the Khamis family and make compensation!

"Yin Lai concluded.

"Ah, my lord, you must not go to Paradise City, it seems to be their conspiracy!" Alida stood up directly, anxiously dissuading her.

"Sit down, do you think I'm that kind of reckless person in your heart?" Yin Lai said with a smile.

Hearing this, Alida sat down and relaxed a lot.

Indeed, in her impression, adults are still very cautious.

It's just that Yin Lai lowered his head and looked at the letter again, narrowing his eyes slightly!

He would not naively believe the content of the letter.

After all, judging from the current situation, their threat to the Warlock Alliance is stronger than the Lich Tower in the eyes of the Warlock Alliance. They must be eliminated, and there is an irresolvable contradiction.

Belonging to class enemies!

He will naturally go to Paradise City, but not now!

Soon, Alida left and started busy with alliance affairs!

A spark has begun to ignite, a flame that spreads across the entire continent is burning.

And Yin Lai also sorted out the harvest after several hours of sorting out.

Wizard Tower.

Yin Lai looked down at the five items in his hand.

A wizard book, two crystals, one white, one cyan, and a bottle with green liquid flowing inside.

The wizard book is a note of a five-ring wizard. Although it is ordinary, it is a timely help for Yin Lai. After all, since he was promoted, he has relied on previous materials, and some details are not clear, but the arrival of this wizard book exactly make up.

Mastering the content inside will allow Yin Lai to have a stronger grasp of his own strength.

And the two crystals, the white one is called Sea Soul Tide, which can only be formed by condensing countless dead souls in the turbulent flow of time and space, and then condensed for thousands of years under the tempering of time and space power, which can greatly improve the degree of spiritual gaze , of course there is another meaning for him, that is to provide the silver eye to absorb.

Yin Lai reckoned that one should be enough for the Silver Eye to reach the peak of the Five Rings.

The cyan one is the rule core of a six-ring creature, which has little effect on Yin Lai, but if Hydera uses it, it should be enough to advance to the fifth ring.

The green liquid is similar, it is condensed with a high concentration of vitality, and the level is at the peak of the fifth ring, while the bottle is a space equipment, which should be as big as a small lake, and it is enough for Hill to advance to the fourth ring.

"Although the harvest seems ordinary, it is what I need most."

Yin Lai pursed his lips.

Needless to say, the Wizard's Book and Sea Soul Tide, the latter two can help the Bloodline Tower gain a five-ring combat power, so you don't have to do everything in the future, and let Hill advance, then Blood Bamboo Flower will naturally be able to advance Yes, this is a change involving the devouring rules.

Especially in the end, Yin Lai had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Thinking of this, Yin Lai walked directly towards the outside of the wizard tower.

First, he threw the core of the wind element to Hydera, and then threw the bottle to Hill, regardless of the ecstatic emotions of the two, and then returned to the wizard tower.

He's going to continue grinding the shadow rules.

Progression takes time.

after one day.

Hydera swallowed the core of the law, and then wrapped it with a large number of elements, turning it into a huge egg, and started his path to advancement.

Another three days later.

Hill absorbed the life force liquid of the bottle force, and began to advance. During this process, her life force was rapidly disappearing, and she turned into a withered tree in almost half an hour, as if she had reached the end of her life.

But Yin Lai knew from the elves that this was all normal.

Next, as long as Xi'er survives the withering, she will successfully advance to the fourth ring, and this time will usually last for more than a year.

Yin Lai was waiting patiently.

a month later.

After nearly 17 years of time fragmentation, the tide of the sea soul has been completely integrated into the eye of mercury, and the eye of mercury has also reached the peak of the five rings, and even has a new ability.

Mercury Blade!

To store mental power in advance, UU Reading condenses the blade of mercury, which can store two in advance, and the power of the blade of mercury is one level higher than the current level, which is amazing.

This is already a very good method, not to mention storing it in advance.

And of course, the shadow rule has also reached the final stage of tempering at this time.

At this time, there are six leaves on Yin Lai's tree of rules, three for each of the two rules, which is a bit more than before, but it is still far away from Chiba's promotion.

Because Qianye's promotion really needs at least a thousand rule leaves!

The road to promotion is still a long way to go.

Of course Yin Lai woke up at this time not because of this matter!

Instead, after a month of busy work, Alida has already initially organized the alliance.

And invite all parties to negotiate in the city of blood three days later.

Conduct alliance meetings.

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