Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 496: The fall of world fragments, a line in the history books

In the blink of an eye, the past three days have been completely peaceful.

The Warlock Alliance still did not act, as if ignoring them.

However, Eli did not let down his vigilance, and always let the forces under the influence and the death mandala help to inquire. After all, the Warlock Alliance is not a good thing.

There are also gains, Mia inquired about what the Warlock Alliance is planning, but it seems that it has not made a decision.

This made Eli Jin a little nervous, so he immediately started to condense the Quicksilver Blade. He still values ​​the "magic" that comes with the Quicksilver Eye!

The condensing of the Mercury Blade is also simple. It only needs to consume mental power, but the consumption is not small. It takes three days, which is equivalent to more than a year, to condense part of it.

However, he did not give up. After all, this is also a trump card. Anyway, there is a time secret, at least from the outside world, it does not consume much time.

And a little thing happened during this time!

Elven Queen Elwin came to the land of greenery.

The purpose is naturally Hill, and Eli will come out to relax after daily practice, and occasionally Liliana will come, life is not bad.

that's all.

Three months later, the first quicksilver blade condensed successfully.

"Another hole card!" Eli was a little delighted.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Alida's voice transmission also arrived at this time.

"Alliance matters have been prepared, and members of various forces will come to the Bloodline Tower within half a month.

Are you ready?

Alida is very efficient!

Eli nodded, very satisfied with this. After all, this time the forces come from the entire Central Continent. The various forces are all over the world. March seems to be very long, but it is not long, which shows that Alida really cares about it.

"Then let's do it.

Eli replied, then closed his eyes again.

During this period of time, I have been focusing on the blade of mercury, but I have left the others behind. The Blizzard secret method has not yet broken through the fifth floor!

. . . . . .

Eli retreats.

At this time, the entire continent was very lively. Although the news about the alliance was secret, it was quickly known by all forces, shocking all forces.

The forces of the organization secretly shouted, so they accelerated and set off in the direction of the Bloodline Tower. Other forces also had their own ideas.

middle domain.

On the huge sky cloud whale, Jinji faced his own president.

"Hey, this step of yours, if you take the right step, you will naturally shine brightly, but if you fail, you may fall into the abyss and be swallowed by demons!" The white-haired president looked at Jin Ji and sighed.

"My lord, it's a done deal. This is my choice, and it has nothing to do with the entire Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce!" Jin Ji bowed his head.

This time he played a big role in the alliance, and now he can't hide it.

"Irrelevant?" The white-haired old man just glanced at him and snorted: "I have told you many times that we are just businessmen, don't really get involved in these big power struggles, this time the matter is too big, and I can't keep you .

After today, you have nothing to do with my Golden Toad Chamber of Commerce, so let's go!

Hearing the expected words, Jin Ji closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, he raised his head and bowed respectfully.

Then he turned and left without the slightest hesitation. The old president didn't stop him, just sighed and said leisurely: "Hey, I'm sorry for a good seedling to be ruined. This kind of resistance has happened several times in the past thousands of years, but it has never succeeded." However, Jin Guitar's eyesight is still too shallow!

"That's all!

. . . . . .

Paradise City!

It was a familiar meeting room, but this time there was one less person attending.

The six major families are the Press family, the Yunge family, the Dylo family, the York family, the Serra family, and the Khamis family. The first three are the upper families, and the last three are the lower families.

Of course, the Khamis family has been destroyed, so there are only five people at this time.

The old man, Patriarch Press, looked at the other four people present with a cold face.

In fact, since the Khamis family was destroyed, he has been like this.

Patriarch Press, there is no need to be so serious. After all, it has happened for several months, and we cannot change it. "

The old woman sighed and said, he is the head of the Yunge family!

That's right, no one expected that this would happen. The climate of the Tower of Bloodlines has already been established, but the problem is not too big. "Patriarch Dai Luo's Patriarch is a woman in a sky blue gauze, quite charming.

Patriarch York and Patriarch Serra didn't say anything, but looked at Patriarch Press.

Cough cough!" The Price family coughed twice and everyone focused their attention.

"Everyone, don't take it lightly this time, the Bloodline Tower is completely different from before and everyone, don't forget the Hamis family, they have even destroyed the Bloodline Land now! He stroked his beard and his eyes were sharp.

Moreover, Eli's person is very shady, he is obviously the fifth ring but has been hiding as the fourth ring for so many years, he is really a sinister person, I am afraid he has been planning for many years, this time he actually wants to form an alliance, which is quite troublesome for us. "

Hearing the sinister thoughts, everyone nodded in unison.

They completely agreed on this point. This man is too dark, so how should we deal with Patriarch Price? Patriarch Serra asked in a low voice. He is a strong man.

"Didn't we discuss several plans in the past few months?" He glanced at everyone.

Everyone frowned and thought about it.

The last meeting was when the Khamis family was destroyed. Everyone was shocked and frightened. The meeting was chaotic. It seemed that some plans were discussed, but none of them were implemented!

The first one is the joint efforts of several of us, the second one is to attract the Lich Tower, and the third..." Several people spoke out their plans one after another.

Patriarch Press interrupted directly: "Guys, can we not make a move or not? After all, if the fifth ring is lost, every family will also have a headache. I remember that there was a plan before that was about pulling a group of people outside the world. A world shard of a powerful creature, this would be a perfect fit!

My idea is that we don't block it first, and then wait for the day when the alliance is launched, directly pull that piece of world, and then wipe out one of them, including Eli. Are they?" the buxom woman asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, there are a group of phoenixes contaminated with black mist rules in that world fragment, and the kings headed by them have reached the peak of Chiba, even my family can't handle it.

What's more, the phoenix is ​​good at souls, especially after being contaminated with black mist. The average Chiba warlock can't resist at all, even Eli is no exception.

We have calculated that in order to kill the bird king, one must either have strong spiritual power, a powerful instantaneous burst of mental power attack, or the strength of more than ten thousand flowers, at least with the dragon blood of Eli, it is absolutely impossible to have such With the usual means, this time he will definitely die.

Patriarch Price is full of confidence.

They discovered this fragment of the world by accident and did not dare to enter it, for fear of attracting a group of phoenixes. Now it is really suitable to deal with Eli.


Listening to Patriarch Price's analysis, everyone nodded.

It's a pity that such a strong man!" The plump woman sneered, her chest trembled.

The others also smiled, as if they had seen the tragedy in the alliance.

At that time, each faction has no leader, and they will naturally take over these organizations, and the alliance will be stronger than before.

Eli is but a line in history.

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