Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 500: Conquer the phoenix, 3 happy times


In the distant center of the Central Territory, Patriarch Press looked at the information in front of him, his face gradually turned livid, and he clenched his hands tightly, making a clicking sound.

"Eli summoned the will of the world to descend, suppressed the phoenix king at the peak of Qianye to the stage of the sacred tree, and then easily defeated him. Lord Sabodil was discovered by him, and then killed on the spot in the city of blood!" Patriarch Price At this moment, he only felt that his blood was about to burn. He didn't understand, how did things become like this?

How could that fellow Eli be able to summon the will of the world? You must know that even their families have no means to summon the will of the world, so Eli's means are not in their plan at all.

What is even more worrying is that the Warlock Qianye killed by Eli was an adult of the Price family.

"My lord Pudis!

He gritted his teeth. It was the first time that he felt such a troublesome combat power at the Chiba level. It was already almost the top combat power of several big families. If one died, it meant that their war potential was greatly weakened.

What's more, they are still facing the power of the Lich Tower. With the continuous addition of ancient sleeping warlocks over the years, the power has expanded so much that even they feel more and more troublesome.

"Eli." He said the name through gritted teeth. If it wasn't for this man, how could they be in so much trouble.

But with the establishment of the bloodline alliance, this also means that the two groups no longer have the slightest room for maneuver. They represent the interests of the two major power classes, one is the ancient bloodline family, and the other is the bloodline family that has developed over the years!

The conflict between them is even more intense than the conflict with the Lich Tower.

"But no matter what, if the bloodline alliance is not eliminated, our rear is like nails. If we insert a knife between the battle with the Lich Tower, it will be really troublesome!" He gradually calmed down, thinking with.

"The Bloodline Alliance must be eliminated first. Before they are fully developed and Eli is the only one with high-end combat power, there is still a chance now, otherwise it will be troublesome later!" He touched his lips, but his will gradually became firmer up.

He knows what to do!

He looked at a ring in his hand and pressed it immediately.

It's time for a meeting!

. ·. . . .

"My lord, all the Patriarchs have left, and the details of the future joint cooperation have also been discussed!"

In the wizard's tower, Alida reported to Eli, "That's fine, I'll leave it to you, and you can do your own thing." Eli waved his hand.


Alida nodded and left quickly.

After Alida left, Eli also stood up and walked to the window. Outside the window was the valley. At the corner of the valley, countless chains of shadows wrapped a giant bird on the ground, and the giant bird kept struggling. Make a shrill cry.

The giant bird is the king of the phoenix, and Eli didn't kill it that day.

One is that it is a pity to kill such a high-level monster, but it has a high research value due to the fusion of a large amount of black mist. The other is that Eli also feels that he needs a means of transportation.

But it has not been very cooperative.

It is still not easy to subdue such a high-level monster, I will do it myself. "Eli shook his head, then walked down the wizard tower, and walked slowly towards the Phoenix King in the distance. Seeing Eli approaching, the Phoenix King suddenly struggled even more crazily, and looked at Eli with eyes full of anger. vegetable.


Eli walked over directly and slapped Qi directly!

The huge force directly caused the ground to sink in, and the Phoenix King was also dizzy.

At this time, Eli's voice also came into its consciousness.

You are given two options. Eli stretched out two fingers: "One is to sign a contract with me and be loyal to me, and the other is to kill you here directly."

After finishing speaking, Eli waved his hand, and a huge wind blade leaned against the Phoenix's head, and then waited for its answer.

The phoenix didn't dare to move in an instant!


With the wind blade on his head and the seemingly non-existent killing intent, it has no doubt that as long as he refuses, he will definitely be killed here directly.

A few seconds later, a hoarse voice entered Eli's consciousness: "What contract?

"A simple contract, I am very considerate of you." Eli said with a smile: "Master-servant contract, but as long as my lifespan is exhausted or I die, you can be free. You know very well that according to the rules of the world today, for me It is only a few thousand years small, but for a creature like you, a few thousand years small is nothing, how about it?

"Exhausted lifespan?" Phoenix raised his head and looked at Eli, as if he didn't believe that he still had a chance to regain his freedom, so he agreed directly.

"I promise!

"Okay!" Eli let go of his hand, and a contract slowly appeared.

The phoenix king took a look and confirmed that the conditions were as stated before. The power of the soul floated a little above the contract. Immediately, the contract between the two was established and felt the mysterious power of the contract. Eli also smiled.

The shadow chains locked on the phoenix's body also dissipated one by one, and its aura also rose slowly, returning to Chiba.

This is because it signed a contract with Eli, and a connection connects it to the world. As time goes by, it will even fully integrate into the wizarding world, and its combat effectiveness will not be affected.

In fact, most of the alien races in the green field are like this, but they are the source of blood and have established contact with the world!

"From now on, your name will be Phoenix. I will fix this fragment in the green land in the future, and it will be good for you to live in it!"

Eli also arranged.

"Yes, my lord!" The phoenix didn't dare to refute and got up slowly, its figure gradually reduced to a few meters in size.

He also accepted his fate!

Anyway, it's only two or three thousand years, so he can afford to wait.


Eli was also very happy to subdue a Chiba-level combat power, with a long-lost smile on his face.

Ka Ka Ka!

And at this moment, a sudden click came to Eli's ears.

Eli looked towards the place where the sound came from. The shadow dome in the distance suddenly burst at some point, and the five-headed giant snake slowly came out of it, and the aura it emitted reached the level of the five rings.

"Hydra!" Eli's eyes lit up when he saw the giant snake coming out.

There is no doubt that is the end of Hydra's promotion.

At this time, Hydera chose to move towards Eli quickly, exuding joy, but when he saw the giant bird figure behind Eli, he turned his head and looked at Eli, his eyes seemed to say that I am almost The sky is not here, you actually have birds outside?

Seeing Hydera like this, Eli laughed loudly and was about to explain to the little guy, but before he could speak, a burst of vitality suddenly and slowly emanated from a distance.


Eli stopped and looked not far away.

Hill, who was withered in the distance, didn't know when the scorched black book cover suddenly began to crack, a touch of green gradually came out, and at the same time there was an excited voice: "Father, Hill has successfully advanced!"

The silver bell-like voice came to Eli's ears. Eli pursed his lips, feeling that there were too many surprises today.

Three blessings come to the door.

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