Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 501: Xuezhuhua advanced to the 4th ring, and Yilai advanced to the peak of 0 leaves

Three hours later.

Eli heaved a sigh of relief watching Hill reborn from the withered giant tree.

At this time, Hill has completely transformed, but compared with before the promotion, its height has directly increased by nearly 400 meters to 500 meters, just like a tall mountain.

Her branches are tens of meters thick, and the skin is light brown, wisps of life force escape from time to time, and above the canopy, countless papers hang down, dotted with green leaves, like a green sea of ​​stars.

Among them, the countless life forces almost turned into mist and shrouded around, like a fairyland on earth.

"It's only four rings, but even I can't match the vitality. What kind of creature is this!" Beside Eli, Phoenix blinked his eyes, a little shocked.

And when he turned his head to look, there was a five-headed snake staring at him on one side.

This aura has reached the fifth ring, and it actually has five elements, namely shadow, fire, water wind, and the rare thunder and lightning, which also shocked him a little.

The man he took refuge in was surrounded by strange creatures!

They've all advanced, they've all advanced!" Eli glanced at Hill, and then at Hydera.

Hydera's promotion this time is more of a thunder attribute, and the initial assessment of combat effectiveness is not bad. After the promotion, it should not be too weak in the bud.

As for Hill, it is unreasonable to say, "Father, Hill can now make plants below the fourth ring have the potential to advance to the fourth ring!

At this moment, a silver bell-like sound entered Eli's ears.

Whirring whirring!

Eli's breathing became heavier and heavier, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

. . . . . .

ten minutes later!

"Father, are you sure you want me to promote this to the fourth ring?" Hill looked curiously at Eli below.

At this time, in his hand, he was holding a bead-like creature with a blood-colored flower growing on it, exuding a bloodthirsty aura, but Eli held it in his hand and remained motionless.


Eli nodded.

The plant in front of him is the blood bamboo flower, and it is also the result of his travels in the human world more than 2,000 years ago. It once helped him a lot in the second ring stage.

At this time, it has been bred for an unknown number of generations. Eli once wanted to breed it to the fourth ring, but the shackles of instinct made this experiment unsuccessful. Today, Hill has advanced, but his dream is finally coming true.

Of course, what Eli cares about is not his promotion, but simply thinks that if Blood Bamboo Flower advances, the devouring rune will definitely not change unexpectedly, and it may be of great help to him to understand the law!

"Let's start." Eli said directly.

"Okay, then, my lord father, you stand back.

Hill replied.

Eli backed away.

In the next second, Eli only saw Hill slowly hang down a branch, and the end of the branch gradually began to change, and the extremely bright green liquid slowly condensed.

Eli stared blankly at the scene.

Between the green liquid, he sensed the ultimate life force, which is something more powerful than pure life force, as if it has infinite power.

Is this the power of its transformation?


The liquid finally fell and dripped onto the Blood Bamboo Flower.


In an instant, the originally calm Blood Bamboo Flower struggled frantically, only to see its roots deeply inserted into the ground, and its height was rapidly raised.

Three meters!

five meters!

. . . . . .

Ten meters!

In the blink of an eye, the Blood Bamboo Flower grew to a height of ten meters. At the same time, spots gradually appeared on its bamboo-like body. .

Its aura has gradually increased from the limit of the third ring, and it is working hard towards the fourth ring.

Eli waited quietly

, Hydera and Phoenix are waiting by the side!

The change lasted for half a day.

half a day later.

The Blood Bamboo Flower has been promoted to the fourth ring, but to Eli's surprise, its appearance has gradually changed back to before, but the color of the flower has become much darker.

Of course Eli didn't care what it turned out to be.

He plucked off the blood-colored flowers arbitrarily, and the silver eyes in his eyes lit up in circles, helping Eli to see through the phenomenon to the essential runes inside. He just stood on the ground, motionless.

All living things also watched him quietly. This change lasted for a full day, and there was still no change. During this process, Nicholas also came to the land of greenery. He was also extremely surprised, so he waited with the others.

two days later.

Vivica also joined the team.

ten days later.

"Ten days!" Vivica looked at Eli, who looked like a sculpture not far away, and murmured that the Lord must have some insights, so let's not bother!" Nicholas looked at Eli - , Then looked at Hydera next to him with hatred.

This idiot actually advanced to the Fifth Ring before him.

Enlightenment?" Vivica looked into Eli's eyes, but found that besides the silvery white light, there seemed to be something else brewing in Eli's eyes.

It was a thick shadow, and a vortex that seemed to swallow everything.

"That is?

She blinked her eyes, and just about to say something, she found that the light in Eli's eyes gradually enlarged, and Eli's body also moved a little bit.

"I get it, I get it!

I got it!

Mo murmured from Eli's mouth, and his expression gradually recovered. A ball-like object, mostly dark, but with a black mist wrapped around one side, was taken out.

"Shadow rules!

Not far away, Phoenix blinked his eyes, not understanding how Eli has such a level of things, and what is the purpose of bringing this out?

His mouth slowly opened wide, and his eyes gradually widened.


The crisp sound resounded in everyone's ears.

They stared blankly at a gap that appeared in the shadow rule, and Eli just swallowed that part of the shadow into his body, as if entering a black hole.

He's devouring the rules?

Everyone gasped and stared blankly at this scene.

But they didn't dare to stop them, they could only watch as Eli devoured the Shadow Rule in one gulp, and finally stopped after swallowing almost half of it.

At this time, a huge tree of rules seemed to appear in the eyes of everyone.

One side of the tree is blurry, but countless shadows are pervasive on the other side. The leaves of the shadows grow like spring pine trees after rain. In the blink of an eye, they grow from five or six leaves to dozens, and a hundred leaves.. ...and eventually grew to a thousand pieces.

"Chiba consummation?

Nicola stared blankly at this scene.

If you have never eaten pork, you have always seen pigs running, no, UU Reading www. Even if didn't advance to the fifth ring, he still knew from Eli that the standard Chiba level is one thousand rule leaves!

So at this moment, Eli has reached the level of the normal Chiba peak.

And it's in less than an hour!


He couldn't help his throat trembling, and turned his head - look, Phoenix on the side was also extremely shocked like him.

"Who the **** is this?

Phoenix murmured, and at the same time suddenly felt that he might have been a little hasty in signing the contract.

Is this person in front of you really a human?

At this time, Eli is also gradually waking up. Looking at the shadow rule on one side and his own hand, he was a little confused for a while. Am I going to advance to the top of Chiba?

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