Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 513: Solve the warlock alliance, completely crushed


Patriarch Press looked at the person who came out in front of him, nothing but shock in his eyes.

How did he appear here?

When they heard the name, the others quickly associated the face of the person in front of them with the name, their faces changed drastically, and the weapons in their hands tightened a little.

"Eli? Why did you appear here?" Saladin looked at Eli with a serious face, "Of course he came in!" Eli glanced at the crowd, and then looked at the mechanical creations and monsters piled up in the distance. He said with emotion: "I also have to thank you for helping me clear up so many troubles, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome for me to rely on myself!


Hearing Eli's words, everyone's expression changed again.

"You followed us?

Saladin's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth, but he was deeply puzzled in his heart!

They obviously watched the space crack close, how could Eli follow in, could it be that he had already prepared in advance?

Did someone in the family tell him in advance? There is a traitor in the family!

He frowned more and more, looking at the warlocks of the same clan around him.

Obviously not only him, but everyone else also thought of this, and their complexions suddenly became weird.

In the end, Patriarch Price broke the silence, and said to everyone: "We will talk about our internal affairs later, but we must first solve the trouble of Eli, or else everything will be leaked out today, then we are afraid that we really want to talk about it." Destruction" That's right, kill Eli first.


Everyone agreed that even if there was a traitor, it would be a later matter, although all of this was their imagination.

Saragong stood up, and his momentum gradually erupted, layers of fragrant red gold flames burned all around, and pairs of wings appeared behind him.

He chose half-blood because of the suppression here.

"Eli, you are very strong, but we have seventeen Chiba warlocks here, seven or eight of them are at the peak of Qianye, you have to die here today!" He looked at Eli with murderous intent, not just him, The other sixteen warlocks also looked at Eli and inspired their blood.

The blood of Zhong Tian exploded instantly, the blood of Seraphim, Crystal Butterfly of Destroyer Wind, Divine Tree, Titan, Golden Dragon and Lion, all the characteristics of blood appeared on them, and the breath did not hide.

Compared with the last ten-member group, this time the seventeen-member group is basically Chiba, which is not the same as last time. If it was the previous Eli, he would definitely turn around and leave, but this time is different from the past. It's all flowers.

Thinking of this, he raised his head, his black eyes gradually turned into red gold.

A smear of scales wrapped it around the body, and a dragon's tail slowly protruded from the position of the tailbone, shrouded in shadows, exuding the power of devouring the whole body like ink.

Shadow Dragon Bloodline!

He looked at the other side, and the other side was looking at him.

Saladin looked at the warlocks around him, and looked at Yi on the opposite side. He couldn't help but feel confident. He had never faced Elilai before, so he only felt that his breath was not far away from normal, while Patriarch Price's heart was pounding. .

Too many defeats to Eli, he was a little scared when he saw this man!

If he fought one-on-one, he must have no courage, but fortunately, the rest of the alliance's high-end combat power is there today, even if it is Eli, it is absolutely impossible to escape!

Die here!" He looked at Eli with hatred in his eyes, if it wasn't for him, how could they have fallen to where they are today.

"Let's do it together, kill Eli directly, don't give birth to other things!"

At this time, Saladin came again, and the flame in his hand condensed into a big sword, pointing at Eli.


The others nodded, and silently dispersed their positions, and then the rules began to emerge for everyone, either gathering strength, or taking out weapons, or tensing their bodies, and Patriarch Price did the same.

They looked at Eli, and Eli didn't move while waiting for the final order, but the secret method of violent blood had already been activated, the tree of rules in his body was shaking, countless leaves of rules were rippling, and the flower of rules was about to leave.

In this way, the two sides confronted each other for three minutes.

Three minutes later!

All I saw was that Saladin suddenly moved his feet, and then flew towards Eli, the flames from the flaming long sword in his hand burned the space into a little hole!

As if it was a signal, in a split second, the remaining sixteen Chibas also made their move, and each of them roared towards Eli with ferocious killing intent on their faces.

Seventeen attacks!

There are umbrellas attacking Eli, in every direction.

And every attack is their strongest method. Although they didn't use their blood avatars, the power that erupted in them was enough to burn mountains and seas, shocking everyone.

This joint attack is much stronger than the previous siege of Eli. Even if it is only part of it, it is enough to crush the last so-called joint attack of blood into scum!

"Eli, go to hell.

Frenzy flashed in Saladin's eyes, and only Eli was in his eyes.

"Why is Eli still not moving?" But among these people, Press looked at Eli who was still not moving, feeling a little confused and having a bad premonition in his heart.

But confusion is only instantly replaced by firmness. With such a powerful attack, what can Eli do?

The distance is getting closer and closer, and his self-confidence is getting stronger and stronger. Not only him, but everyone around him also has no trace of confusion on their faces. They are all determined, able, able to become Qianye.


Suddenly, a wave of fluctuations spread to everyone's perception.


Everyone looked at the center. At this moment, Eli raised his head with a calm face.


why is he so calm

But in the next second, I saw Eli stretching out his hand slowly!

Two blood-colored flowers slowly appeared.

The flower was white and black, as if light and darkness were intertwined, but the aura it emitted was enough to shock them, because it was the power of rules that was extremely rich.

"Wanhua!" So this word suddenly flashed in people's minds!

Fear flashed in Press's eyes, and he knew that the ominous premonition had come true!

But this time he can't allow him to think too much, UU reading www.uukanshu. com because the next second has reached the distance!

I only saw two flowers of rules flying towards them, and then burst out and collided with them. In just a moment, everyone was submerged in the rules. Drowned among the shadows, and finally perish in the endless time.

When everything dissipated, seventeen people lay neatly on the ground in front of them. A shadow entangled them tightly on the ground, and their consciousness had already sunk!

Seventeen Qianye were defeated so easily.

But they didn't die.

"Keep it in hand!" Eli reached out and dragged them into the darkness.

"Your Excellency is getting stronger and stronger!" In the distance, Dylan ran quickly.

He has been hiding behind.

It's just that when he looked at Eli at this moment, he also felt sincerely shocked.

Even if he was a student of the eight-ring wizard, even if he was born in that glorious world, he has never heard of a character like Eli.

This is a true arrogance facing Dylan's flattery. Eli didn't pay attention to it, but just raised his head and looked at the silver wizard tower not far away "!

Eli took out the key and strode towards the Wizard's Tower.

Dylan took a look and followed quickly.

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